
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I received this in email today; Feb. 16, 2011.
The Jarbidge Declaration of Sovereignty
We the Sovereign Citizens of Elko County, Nevada, endowed by our Creator with the unalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and Property, have peacefully assembled this day in Jarbidge, Nevada, in league with our fellow Sovereign Citizens of the State of Nevada, a sovereign Republic in her own right, and her sister Western States, indeed of all the 50 united States of America, here in person or here via spirit symbolized by thousands upon thousands of shovels gathered by friends and compatriots throughout our nation and thus represented by those actually present do hereby exercise legal control and assert our Rights as Freemen and Freewomen to be self-governing under God, under the Declaration of Independence, the national Constitution, and the Constitutions of the individual sovereign Republic States: To be possessed of Individual and State Rights of ownership of land and property to be controlled, used, governed and possessed by “We the People”. Indeed: Without the benefits of property derived from labor and enterprise of man as stewards of the earth there can be no Life, Liberty or Pursuit of Happiness; That man is commanded by our Creator to Labor in bringing forth and harvesting the fruits of the earth via mining, agricultural pursuits, lumbering, hunting, organizing, manufacturing, distributing and marketing to provide food, clothing and shelter for mankind to sustain life, to please the heart and gladden the eye and allow man to achieve economic independence for himself, his family, and his posterity; that mankind cannot obey the Creator’s commands without the rights of Life, Liberty, and control of Property; that To Secure these Rights and Liberties, governments are instituted of God with the consent of the governed; that He holds men accountable for their acts in making laws and administering them; that no government can exist in peace except such laws are framed and held inviolate as will secure to each individual the free exercise of Conscience, the right and control of Property, and the protection of Life.
As so eloquently expressed in the Declaration of Independence: “... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it... Prudence indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their duty to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
History records several indisputable facts: That most men and generations of men have been slaves to the institutions of government under Pharaohs, Kings, Czars, Dictators and Tyrants; that Tyranny by definition is the combining together of unrestrained Executive, Judicial and Legislative powers; that the extent of tyranny is determined not only by the form of government but by the size and scope of government. The Federal Government is now a virtual Empire, being the largest and most extensive government in the history of the world.
Reflecting upon the lessons of history, George Washington, Father of our Republic, observed: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”
In order to contain the fire the founders established a contractual government of Law under the CONSTITUTION: Separating the Executive, Judicial and Legislative powers, specifying and limiting the duties so designated.
Fearful of the nature of government to usurp power from the People and their Posterity, The Founders refused to ratify the Creation of The Constitutional Convention unless the “BILL OF RIGHTS” was added thereto.
The Preamble of the Bill of Rights declares: The convention of a number of States having at the time of their adopting The Constitution, expressed a desire, IN ORDER TO PREVENT MISCONSTRUCTION OR ABUSE OF ITS POWERS, THAT FURTHER DECLARATORY AND RESTRICTIVE CLAUSES SHOULD BE ADDED:…(Emphasis added).
It is self-evident that the Federal Government has escaped the confines of the Constitution. A decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare some of the compelling causes which provoke this DECLARATION of SOVEREIGNTY:
The recent history of the Federal Government is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States.
The Feds have erected a multitude of New Offices and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. Appropriately, the alphabet is heavily taxed to list some of these federal bureaucracies—BLM, BATF, OSHA, IRS, FSA, EPA, SSA, DEA, LEA, LSC, NEA, WSA, NRCS, CNCS, FBI, FHA, HUD, BIA, EEO, AAHPI, LEO, MMD, NRLPD, SSD, GSB, IRM, WHABNP, BOF, USF&WS, CIA, BA&T, VETS, FHA, CFSA, A&PHIS, ADC, RDA, NRCS, ITA, NANG, FPD, FDA, GSA, PBS, FSSB, OOEH&E, TDD-H, FAO, MMD, NRLP, BOAT, SSS, FAA, SS, VA, VBIAA.
These alphabet bureaucracies are not authorized by the Constitution, and violate the 1st, 2nd 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Amendments. They combine powers in unelected bureaucracies and boards which in turn deprive sovereign citizens of life, liberty and property ( Ruby Ridge , Idaho , and Waco , Texas are examples) without due process of law. These same bureaucrats deprive the peaceful and law-abiding citizens of their Rights: to Keep and Bear Arms; their Free Exercise of Religion; their Right to Be Secure in their persons, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures; and their Right to trial by a jury of their peers according to rules of common law.
These same unlawful alphabet boards and bureaucracies impose arbitrary and capricious rules, regulations and excessive fines upon the people, placing “We the People” in the deplorable condition of involuntary servitude.
Having surreptitiously deprived us, the sovereign citizens, of our property via excessive taxation and regulations and yoking us and our posterity with trillion dollar debt, the Federal Government unabashedly and relentlessly continues its assault upon private property. Propagandizing the unwary and uninformed with a continual barrage of unfounded and preposterous suppositions and theories under color of science and in the name of spotted owls, wild horses, bull trout, global cooling or warming, ozone, asbestos, ecology, ad infinitum: All of which suppositions and theories assume and assert that individual property owners such as ranchers, farmers, fishermen, campers, travelers, hunters, loggers, miners and businessmen are exploiters of the earth and enemies of the people and that the government is the beneficent protector of these “endangered species and habitats.” Consequently, hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost as the BLM, FS, EPA, etc. close down farms, mines, ranches, saw mills, water resources, and business enterprises, further impoverishing our people and making us dependent upon foreign imports for our sustenance. In reality, the productive Free American Citizen has become the real “Endangered Species.”
According to Article I section 8 of the Constitution, The Federal Government is to exercise control over Washington D.C. (not to exceed ten Miles square) and “…to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be for (as specified) The Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful Buildings.”
Under color of law the Federal Government currently has de facto control of over one third of the land mass of our nation situated within the borders of the 50 sovereign States. More than Eighty-seven percent of Nevada ’s land mass (98.4% of Lincoln County !) for example is under de facto control of the Federal Government.
Ostensibly philanthropic and private organizations such as the Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy are actually Federally subsidized entities and constitute, in conspiracy with each other, the greatest threat to private property extant in America today. The Feds harass, intimidate, sue at law, and generally make unprofitable private enterprise and private property ownership. The Ecological Do-Gooders then move in to buy out ranchers, etc. and establish “reserves” and “wilderness areas” accessible only to politically correct elitists. Removing private property from County tax roles in Nevada further weakens and impoverishes local government entities and private enterprise.
Driving livestock off the range in Elko County , the Feds have established more tax consuming jobs for the bureaucrats to fight fires as the uneaten regenerating plants and grasses burn in vast and raging infernos that coincidentally destroy habitat for all wildlife.
The Feds, using myriad schemes, including Presidential Executive Orders, designate vast acreages as wetlands, wilderness areas, National Monuments, etc., grab vast areas of land illegally and/or unlawfully assert Federal control. For example:
  • As recently as of Jan. 9, 2000, Clinton designated well over a million acres in Arizona and California as “National Monuments”.
  • In 1996, 1.7 million acres of land in Utah was decreed “The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument”.
  • The Black Rock Desert in Washoe, Pershing and Humboldt Counties is now under Federal assault.
  • Churchill County families have had their lives shattered by Federal barrages of lawsuits and regulations that encumber their precious Water Rights.
  • Even Native American Indians are being harassed by “environmental” controls on their reservations.
The Feds have also combined with others to subject us to jurisdictions (United Nations, UNESCO, IMF, WTO, GATT, NAFTA, etc.) foreign to our constitutions, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: National Parks and much of the land mass under de facto control of the Feds and even overt territorial possessions such as the Panama Canal are being transferred to the control of these foreign tyrannies and to foreign nations such as Communist China.
In recognition of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress. We have and will continue to importune before Commissioners, Judges, Legislatures, Governors, The United States House of Representatives and Senate, and before Presidents.
Official statements and petitions have been drafted by our County Governments, by our Legislatures and by our States… strong and clear laws and resolutions such as the Nevada Public Lands Ownership Act and The Tenth Amendment Resolution adopted by Nevada and many of her sister States which positively assert our Constitutional Rights.
We have also asserted our rights at Jefferson Canyon , Nye County ; Kelly Springs , Elko County ; and Yucca Mountain , Clark County , Nevada .
These and similar protests and petitions from many organizations of the people and from Sister States have been essentially ignored by the establishment media and by our Federal servants as the long train of abuses advances on track to a New World Order.
Consequently, We here, peacefully assembled in Jarbidge, Nevada on July 4, 2000 in actuality and as representatives of Sovereign heirs of the American Heritage, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good people of this community, County, State and Nation, figuratively and literally dig our shovels into our free soil to re-open this road, this land, these resources to the people to be utilized, directed controlled and governed by established local and State Governments created and sustained by Sovereign Citizens imbued with God given authority to be self-governing and free of illegal Federal control and ownership, foreign jurisdictions or any other manifestations of tyranny: That, government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth, but have a new birth of freedom; and, for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
Declaration prepared by Committee of 56, Committee of Correspondence:
Thomas Jefferson, Chairman
P.O. Box 5242
Elko , Nevada

Please click the below link and NOTICE: July 12-14, 2001.  Could this be part of the reason for 9/11?  hmmmmmmm

Notice the date (July 12-14, 2001)  Could this have been a major part of 9/11?   I know I know I'm reiterating this but it needs to be noted.
Freedom 21 National Conference
St. Louis Airport Marriott Hotel
July 12 - 14, 2001
Hotel info Overflow hotels Register now
Order audio tapes from 2000 conference
Sponsoring Organizations
American Policy Center Eagle Forum 
Sovereignty International Environmental Conservation Organization 
Liberty Matters The Heartland Institute

Conference Speakers
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson John Fund Rep. Ron Paul Ray Cunio
Dave von Kleist Fred Grant Phyllis Schlafly J. Zane Walley
Dr. Michael Coffman David Rothbard Daniel New Kent Snyder
David Winckler Tom DeWeese Henry Lamb Diane Alden
Marlo Lewis Jene Robinson Howard Hutchinson Carl Teichrib
Mark Vande Pol Samuel E. Rohrer E. Ray Moore Karen Budd-Falen


Representative Jo Ann Emerson is a friend to all people who value private property rights and the principles of freedom. As a member of the Appropriations Committee, she is in a critical position to help draw in the reins on federal spending.
Jo Ann was also among the Congressional Delegation that attended the U.N. Climate Change meeting in Buenos Aires. She has seen the U.N. at work and knows how the international community influences domestic policy.

Congressman Ron Paul is  a strong champion of freedom in the House of Representatives. His courageous efforts to address problems with the United Nations through HR1146, and his sponsorship of a Resolution to withdraw from the World Trade Organization, demonstrate his commitment to the Constitution and the principles of freedom it guarantees.
Congressman Paul is from the 14th District of Texas, but he represents every American who values the U.S. Constitution.


Phyllis Schlafly is the founder of Eagle Forum, and has been a powerful voice in public policy debates for more than two decades. Her leadership in family and education issues, and her involvement in the global governance debate, has inspired Americans and is helping to shape the debate.
Her conference presentation on issues of privacy will inform and enlighten participants about another growing government menace.

 Dr. Michael Coffman is the founding President of Environmental Perspectives, Inc., and is the CEO of Sovereignty International.
His book, Saviors of the Earth, is an outstanding analysis of the global influence on domestic policy and the lives of Americans. He created the maps that were extremely helpful in defeating the Convention on Biological Diversity.
He is a frequent speaker at conferences around the country, and widely known among talk radio audiences. He also publishes Discerning the Times Digest.


Daniel New is The father of Army Specialist Michael G. New, the now famous soldier who refused to wear the insignia of the United Nations.
Daniel writes and lectures extensively on a wide variety of topics. He and his wife, Suzanne, have homeschooled their seven children (a medium-sized family) while living in Texas, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and The Philippines. He is an ornamental horticulturist by training, an amateur linguist, an avid gardener and poultryman by avocation, a patent-holding inventor, and an avid student of the "Literature of Freedom."
His work may be found at, and


Better known on the ezine circuit as the "prairie pontificator" Diane is a graduate of the University of Minnesota before it became PC--U offering degrees in hairy legged feminism and the cultural high lights of Rostafer - ianism. She has a degree in political science and economics and grad work in international economics and Eastern European studies. She also received a single credit for a course in writing articles under 10,000 words -- she hopes to accomplish that feat within her lifetime.
Diane's articles have appeared in print and electronic media and in several international news papers including the Times of India and Belgrade News, and on her web site.
Recently, she has been raised to the highest level of pontificating; Newsmax has made her the only woman pundit on their popular news website. It is a reward for answering 3000 hate mails which were a result of her last 3 articles. An outstanding achievement for such a nice older woman who loves everybody and wouldn't harm a fly -- very often.
Her main goal is to offend absolutely every single politician and media person on the planet at least 3 or 4 times before she dies. She also finds extreme pleasure in twisting the tail of the occasional environmental wacko who gets in her way.

 Carl Teichrib is the Director of Research at Hope For The World, the organization of author Gary Kah. For the past number of years, Carl has had the opportunity to attend numerous NGO and related UN meetings concerning global governance. His material has been published in eco-logic and Discerning the Times Digest, among other publications. As a Canadian, he offers a unique research perspective on issues of globalization, especially as it relates to international common security initiatives.


Mark Edward Vande Pol is a second-generation environmentalist and fourth-generation Californian. He has multinational experience with engineering project management, including regulatory compliance for design control systems, environmental and construction permits, and supply-chain development. He has been awarded international patents. He has created manufacturing processes, hybrid microelectronic packaging, medical devices, and built the processes machinery to make them. 
Mark has developed habitat restoration techniques as a hobby for 11 years around the home he built in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. He was a participating author of the local Santa Cruz County Local Agenda 21 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Plan. That did it. He quit his job to write this book.
The last thing we need is to make a welfare case out of the planet. One cannot expect a political and legal system that acquires power out of environmental failures to manage something as complex and dynamic as a competitive ecosystem. The power of government is too corrupting to allow it to control the factors of production. The only alternative is the free market itself. Without civic respect for private property rights, there could be no free market by which to objectively value and trade uses of ecosystem assets. In fact, government has confiscated the market value of those products.


David Rothbard is President of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (C-FACT). He has attended many United Nations meetings and his organization has helped to inform the public about the influence exerted on domestic policy by the international Community. He is a driving force behind the Cornwall Declaration.
David is Co-chair of the Working Group on Environment and Property Rights. He will lead a workshop on Saturday afternoon.


John Fund is a member of the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal. Mr. Fund joined the Journal in April 1984 as deputy editorial features editor. He became an editorial page writer specializing in politics and government in October 1986 and was named a member of the Journal's editorial board in December 1995.
Mr. Fund worked as a research analyst for the California State Legislature in Sacramento before beginning his journalism career in 1982 as a reporter for the syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak. In 1993, he received the Warren Brookes Award for journalistic excellence from the American Legislative Exchange Council.
He and former Pennsylvania Rep. James K. Coyne are co-authors of the book "Cleaning House: America's Campaign for Term Limits" (Regnery Gateway, 1992). Mr. Fund attended California State University where he studied journalism and economics.

Rep. Samuel E. Rhorer, Pennsylvania House of Representatives: A long-time advocate of parental rights and a leader in education refore, Representative Sam Rohrer learned at an early age about the importance of family. The experience he brings to the public policy arena is deeply rooted in his family life and years in private business.
A product of modest upbringing, Sam spent his formative years working on the family farm in rural Ohio. His father, a union member, labored in a nearby steel mill. After graduating from high school, Sam studied management at Bob Jones University. He spent his summers working construction jobs to pay for his education. it was during these years that he learned to fully appreciate the blessings of family and the rewards of hard work and persistence.
Now in his fifth term in office, Sam persists with his work on the Education and Appropriations Committees where he has earned his reputation as a tireless advocate for parents and children. Rohrer believes that education is one of the most important investments a parent makes in their child's life.
In addition to his effort to effect positive change in education, Sam continues pushing for government reform in general. Calling attention to dangerous changes in economic policies like School-to-Work. Sam leads the fight for free enterprise and individual initiatives. He believes that our Constitution is the bedrock for making all the critical legislative decisions and other issues of public policy and is active in helping to educate the public and fellow Legislators about the necessity of knowing and understanding our State and Federal Constitutions.

E. Ray Moore, Jr., Th.M., is an Army Reserve Chaplain (Lt. Col., Ret..) and veteran of the Gulf War where he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. He is a graduate of Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana and is President of Frontline Ministries, a Columbia, South Carolina based ministry that focuses on prayer and revival. Ray is Director of the Exodus Mandate.


Kent Snyder is the executive director of The Liberty Committee. Prior to joining the committee, Kent managed the San Francisco office of Unifi Communications - a telecommunications company based in Boston, Massachusetts. Kent graduated with a B.A. in political science from Golden Gate University in San Francisco. In 1988, Kent worked for Congressman Ron Paul, the founder and honorary chairman of The Liberty Committee, when Dr. Paul ran for president. Kent was born and raised in Kansas City.
The Liberty Committee is a nationwide, grassroots organization of people who are dedicated to defending and advancing liberty by restoring our national government to its constitutional limitations. The committee focuses its efforts on the legislative process. "Political action from principle" is the committee's motto. The Liberty Committee has over 55,000 activists representing every congressional district in the country.


Howard Hutchinson has lived in Glenwood, New Mexico for 26 years. For the past 11 years, he has been the Executive Director, technical writer and media liaison for the Coalition of Arizona/New Mexico Counties (17 counties in the two states).
He has served as Commissioner, New Mexico Water Quality Control Commission; Chair, San Francisco Soil and Water Conservation District; Chair, San Francisco River Basin Water Advisory Board; Chair, Catron County Water Advisory Board; Vice-Chairman, Catron County Land Planning Committee; Speaker for the National Federal Lands Conference; Participant, Upper Gila Mexican spotted owl recovery working group; Chair, San Francisco River Local Working Group and Member, Board of Directors Upper Gila Watershed Restoration Project (Multi-Multi/Gila Monster); Participant, Catron County Citizens Group; Participant, New Mexico Water Dialogue for the development the State Water Plan Template; Member, Southwest New Mexico Regional Water Planning Task Force; Member, Public Participation Group for the Upper Gila River Water Supply Study; Participant, Implementation Subgroup for input into the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Recovery Plan.
In his spare time, his interests include: people, U.S. Constitutional Law, history, political science, ecology, economics, philosophy, psychology, physics, natural science, linguistics, anthropology, science fiction, white water boating, camping, hiking, climbing, gardening, auto mechanics, welding and metal fabrication, electromagnetic applications, western river dynamics, home construction and anything else involved in expanding my personal knowledge and consciousness. I would be best described as a free market environmentalist who believes that the human species is a symbiotic member of the ecosystem.


Dave Winckler is the project director for county empowerment for the Washington State Farm Bureau. He has been involved with the county empowerment program, since it was developed in December of 1999. Prior to and during 2000, he served on the Washington State Farm Bureau board of directors and the executive board. In February of 2001, Dave was hired by the Washington Farm Bureau to work with county governments to empower them to work with federal agencies on natural resource issues.
He has served in various capacities with the state and county Farm Bureaus, other farm groups, his church, and is currently chair of the water resources sub-committee for Franklin county.
Dave and his wife Marji also run a small apple and pear orchard with Marji's father in the Columbia Basin north of Pasco, WA. He is a third generation farmer/cattleman from the Yakima Valley in south central Washington. He and Marji have three children, Matt, Barb and Emma.
Special Workbook: Bringing People Together
The Bringing People Together workbook is a compilation of legal citations, sample petitions, sample letters to federal agencies, sample ordinances that can be enacted in the county and samples of how other counties have used the county empowerment process to affect change in the decision making process.
The workbook contains a flow chart and decision making process to help county government officials and local citizens work their way through the empowerment process. Examples of how to write a petition for redress of grievances or how to send a letter to a federal agency asking to be involved in decisions the agency will be making in the future.
It also contains samples of successful land use plans that are currently in use. The workbook is a tremendous reference guide for your local officials to have, not only to understand why this process is totally legal (Walla Walla and Columbia counties in Washington have had their ordinances challenged in the legal system and won all challenges through the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals), but to have a sequence of where to begin and where to go next.
Bringing People Together is a three-ring binder with 196 pages of information useful to anyone with a desire to preserve the custom, culture and economy of their county.

 Karen Budd-Falen is an attorney, and with her husband Frank Falen is the owner of the Budd-Falen Law Offices, P.C. located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Before moving back to Wyoming, Karen served for three years in the Reagan Administration, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington D.C., as a Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management and as a staff attorney to the Assistant Solicitor for Water and Power. While at Interior, she assisted with the oversight of the Bureau of Land Management, the minerals Management Service and the Office of Surface Mining. Karen has also worked as an attorney at Mountain States Lgal Foundation, a conservative public interest legal foundation located in Denver, Co.
In addition to representing local governments and private citizens, Karen currently serves as legal counsel to the Arizona/New Mexico Coalition of Counties for Stable Economic Growth. Karen, along with County Attorney Jim Catron, also represents Catron County, New Mexico, the first local government to recognize it's right to full participation as a decision maker in federal agency decision making processes.
Karen's most recent publications include, How to Survive the Bureaucratic Maze-A Guide to the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Appeals Process. 1989; Ecosystem Management: Will National Forests be "Managed" Into National Parks? 1991; The Right to Graze Livestock on the Federal Lands: The Historical Development of Western Grazing Rights, Idaho Law Review, Spring, 1994 and Protecting Community Stability and Local Economies: Opportunities for County Government Influence in Federal Decision and Policy Making Processes, Whitman College, 1996.
Karen has been featured in Newsweek Magazine's "Who's Who: 20 for the Future" for her work on property rights issues (September 30, 1991). Karen has also presented testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Forest Health, Washington D.C., April 8, 1997, and Committee on Resources, October 26, 1998.
Karen grew up as a fifth generation rancher on a family-owned ranch in Big Piney, Wyoming, which is 150 miles south of Yellowstone National Park. Her ranch includes both BLM and Forest Service managed lands. She received her undergraduate degrees and her law degree in 1987 from the University of Wyoming. Karen and Frank have two children, Isaac and Sarah.


Jay Zane Walley has become one of the most widely read writers in the country on property rights and resource use issues. He does much more than write great articles. He is a robust speaker with a distinct western flare, and he speaks with the authority of personal experience.
He was involved in the Jarbidge road demonstrations. He helped to organize the Darby Refuge Rally in Ohio. He is either behind, or deeply involved in efforts across the country to protect and advance the principles of freedom.


Dave von Kleist is an accomplished musician, vocalist, songwriter and performer of over twenty five years. His album "Will Someone Listen" contains significant songs dedicated to the issues of the day.
Some of his albums include: "Where are the Voices that Care?", the national Gulf War Veterans song, "The Ballad of Michael New" which was dedicated to the Michael New Action Fund, and his latest release, "The Ballad of Shirley Allen", written to call attention to the plight of Shirley Allen and to raise funds for her legal defense.
Mr. von Kleist has spent his career in the broadcast industry as a professional TV/radio announcer and as a professional vocalist for commercials and independent recording projects. He was staff announcer at WTNH-ch8, New Haven, CT (ABC affiliate) 1990-1995, and at WFSB-ch3, Hartford, CT (CBS affiliate) 1995-1996. Most recently he hosted the "Dave Riddell" show, a three hour afternoon drive time talk show at WATR, Waterbury, Connecticut.
Other accomplishments include writing, directing and editing the comedy television show "Spotlight Tonight". Voted "Best Show" and "Best Directed" show, Laurel Cable Awards, 1984. Syndicated to 110 stations nationwide.
He and his wife, Joyce Riley, presently devote much of their time to obtaining assistance for sick Gulf War veterans through the American Gulf War Veterans Association in Versailles, Mo.


Ray Cunio and his wife, Carol, reside on their 680-acre cattle ranch in Franklin County Missouri. Ray is the president and chairman of Citizens for Private Property Rights (CPPR). He got his start in the property rights movement as an original co-founder of CPPR, in 1989, when the group organized to oppose the "Natural Streams Act," a statewide land grab referendum on the Missouri ballot in 1990.
Ray serves on the Franklin County Missouri Planning and Zoning Commission, Franklin County Soil and Water Board and the Franklin County Farm Bureau Board. His occupation is a Sales an Marketing Manager in the aluminum industry with national and international responsibilities.


Jene L. Robinson is an independent contractor providing environmental consulting services since February 2000. Prior to that, he was the Manager of the Environmental Resources Department of Illinois Power Company from 1978 to 2000.
He has a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. He has also taken advanced courses in various business, electrical engineering, and nuclear engineering University of Illinois graduate programs. He is a registered professional engineer in Illinois.
He is now a member of the State of Illinois' Task Force on Global Climate Change, the Illinois Board of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Illinois Low Level Radioactive Waste Siting Task Group. He is the past President of the Board of Trustees of the Macon County Conservation District and he has served on the Advisory Panel to Illinois Conservation Congress.
He has a long involvement with the national and international aspects of the climate change issue. He has represented members of the Global Climate Coalition and the Climate Council since their inceptions. He has been a member of and now chairs the Edison Electric Institute's Climate Change Subcommittee. In these capacities he has helped shape industry positions regarding voluntary greenhouse gas emission reductions, trading, joint implementation and the clean development mechanisms. In carrying out these responsibilities he has also developed relationships with many of the US government actors working on the issue (White House, DOE, USEPA, Congressional staff).
He attended the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change as a non-government observer (NGO). During these international meetings and while conducting his domestic responsibilities he developed a familiarity with many of the players involved with the negotiations. At COP2 he worked with the US delegates from the State Department, DOE, and USPEPA and business and environmental NGOs to encourage Joint Implementation in the protocol. At subsidiary body (SB) meetings between COP's 2 and 3 he worked with international industry NGOs to not limit the means of compliance and to agree to emissions trading as a compliance mechanism. At COP3 he was a spokesperson calling for emissions trading being allowed as a compliance alternative under the protocol.
At COP4 he continued to press for the unfettered use of emissions trading as a compliance mechanism and for mechanisms that adequately protect the buyers of emission credits. At COP5 he worked primarily behind the scenes to further the concepts of unfettered and workable emissions trading mechanisms - or no mechanisms at all. At the first phase of SB 13 he worked hard to protect companies getting full credit for sequestration accomplished through planting of trees (particularly those planted domestically) and the need to begin establishing the means to determine baselines and to quantify the emission credit values of qualifying international projects. Much of the sequestration "lobbying" was with environmental NGOs that he has known over the years. He will attend COP6 to encourage unlimited trading, development of meaningful (or no) mechanisms and awarding full credit for domestic sinks.
He is now chairing the Edison Electric Institute's Climate Change Subcommittee. He has chaired the following:
Executive Committee of the Illinois Environmental Consensus Forum
Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group (now Chairman Emeritus)
Utility Acid Precipitation Study Program
Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Environment and Energy Committee
EEI Air Quality Subcommittee
EEI Superfund Subcommittee
Central Illinois Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Environmental Dialogue Group of the Executive Advisory Committee Superfund Subcommittee of the Environment and Energy Committee of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI)

Marlo Lewis, Jr. is Director of External Relations for the Reason Foundation, a national public policy research organization that explores and promotes the twin values of rationality and freedom as basic underpinnings of a good society.
Prior to joining the Reason Foundation in January of this year, Marlo was Staff Director of the House Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs, where he conducted oversight on the climate change policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Energy, and Office of Management and Budget, among other duties.
Before that, Marlo was Vice President for Policy & Coalitions at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free market think tank, where, among other responsibilities, he chaired the Cooler Heads Coalition, an alliance of non-profit organizations committed to advancing pro-consumer, pro-market energy policies.
Marlo stood-in for Alan Keyes in the debate with Rt. Hon. John Gummer, MP, at the National Press Club in February. Having worked with Ambassador Keyes as Research Director at Citizens Against Government Waste, as issues advisor to the 1988 Keyes for Senate Campaign, and as a special assistant to Ambassador Keyes when Alan was Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Affairs, Marlo effectively represented Keyes and the NO-KYOTO position. [Marlo also sits on the boards of two organizations Alan Keyes founded and chairs -- the Declaration Foundation, and Black America's Political Action Committee.]
Marlo holds a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.


Fred Grant is a native of Nampa, Idaho. He attained his B.A. from the College of Idaho in 1958, majoring in History; with specialization in Constitutional History and Law. He then attended the University of Chicago School of Law. He served as Law Clerk to Chief Judge Brune, in the Maryland Court of Appeals.
He first worked as an associate at Lord, Bissell, and Brook; a Chicago law firm representing Lloyd's of London. He continued to practice law in the District of Maryland, where he was an Assistant United States Attorney.
He later became Assistant State Attorney of Baltimore, and then Chief of the Organized Crime Unit, State's Attorney of Baltimore. He spent his remaining time in Baltimore involved in criminal defense.
Grant has since returned to Idaho where he is an expert on land use issues. He is the owner of Fred Kelly Grant Ltd., providing consulting services in personnel and land use, and legal research. He is also consultant to Owyhee County Natural Resource Committee and to the Board of County Commissioners regarding Land Use Planning for the federally managed lands in the county.
Grant has been a consultant to Stewards of the Range since 1997 and currently serves on Stewards Board of Directors. He is also Chairman of Stewards Litigation Committee.


Tom DeWeese is President of the American Policy Center. He is a nationally recognized spokesman on a range of policy issues relating to freedom and national sovereignty. His DeWeese Report is must reading for thousands of Americans.
Tom is co-chair of the Working Group on Education and Family and will lead the session on Saturday afternoon.


Henry Lamb is the founding Executive Vice President of the Environmental Conservation Organization (ECO), Chairman of Sovereignty International, and publisher of eco-logic. His research and articles have informed and guided the debate about the excessive influence of the United Nations over domestic policy.
As a participant in United Nations meetings around the world, he has broadcast live to thousands of radio stations from Bonn, Kyoto, Geneva, and Buenos Aires.

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