Saturday, February 19, 2011

Immortal Technique - Freedom of Speech Lyrics

Please listen to Rolling Stones first. 

Rolling Stones Sweet Neo Con youtube
Halliburton wikipedia
In popular culture
The scandals Halliburton was involved in during the Bush administration has earned it many derogatory references in popular media such as the TV shows Arrested Development, Burn Notice, 30 Rock and "Family Guy"
Halliburton is referenced in the song "Mass Destruction" by the British electronica group Faithless, as well as in the song "Cause of Death" by Peruvian rapper and activist Immortal Technique.
Halliburton is also mentioned in The Rolling Stones song "Sweet Neocon" off their album A Bigger Bang. Additionally, it is mentioned in rapper Nas' song critical of FOX News called "Sly Fox."
The song "Suddenly New Zealand" by Comedy Opera group Fascinating Aida contains the line "Gone for a Halliburton", a play on the company's name and the phrase Gone for a Burton.

Immortal Technique -Cause of Death  lyrics youtube

Faithless - Weapon of mass destruction (single version) youtube
Goldman Sachs The Pirates of Poison in the Gulf
Another name change occurred in 2001 when the company became Ondeo Nalco.  Finally, in 2003, we learn who has taken the reins to lead us into the present.  As their site states:  “The Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L. P. and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners buy Ondeo Nalco.”
(Updated) Goldman Sachs Social Security Privatization Hawk Profit from Gulf Disaster
May. 22 2010 - 7:35 pm

Update: Nalco’s website and every other official record of ownership I came across weren’t entirely updated. In 2007, Blackstone, Goldman, and Apollo sold their remaining direct and indirect interests in the Company. Obviously, the problems of deregulation and privatization didn’t happen overnight, so I think the connections are still an important reality, and should be highlighted here.
Interestingly, the 2010 board nominees for Nalco include former BP, and current Tesco board member, Rodney F. Chase, Monsanto’s Carl M. Casale, and Lockheed Martin and J.P. Morgan’s Mary M. VanDeWeghe. It’s like Nalco finds its board by playing Evil Corporation Roulette.  Carl M. Casale
Excerpt:Monsanto Company (MON) CFO Carl M Casale buys 30,000 Shares
Jul. 13, 2010 | Filed Under: MON
EVP & CFO of Monsanto Company (MON) Carl M Casale buys 30,000 shares of MON on 07/13/2010 at an average price of $52.09 a share. 

Mary Margaret VanDeWeghe Director

Nalco Holding Company

Naperville ,  IL

Sector: BASIC MATERIALS  /  Synthetics

50 Years Old
Ms. VanDeWeghe has been an executive with Lockheed Martin and J.P. Morgan, and since August 2009 she has served on the faculty of the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business as professor of the practice of finance. She was Senior Vice President of Finance for Lockheed Martin from 2006 to 2009. From 1996 to 2006, she was CEO and President of Forte Consulting Inc., consulting on mergers, acquisitions, capital structure, corporate governance and other financial and management strategies to enhance shareholder value. During that time period, she also served as executive in residence and finance professor at the University of Maryland Smith School of Business. She began her career in 1983 at J.P. Morgan, where she held a variety of positions and rose to the rank of Managing Director. Ms. VanDeWeghe has a B.A. in economics from Smith College and an MBA in finance from Dartmouth College?s Tuck School of Business. She is a member of the board of directors of Brown Advisory, an investment management company. 
Rodney F. Chase
Another name change occurred in 2001 when the company became Ondeo Nalco.  Finally, in 2003, we learn who has taken the reins to lead us into the present.  As their site states:  “The Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L. P. and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners buy Ondeo Nalco.”

I could only find the Suddenly New Zealand lyrics but did find this song.........  which I think makes perfect connections..........

The Prime Minister's Fav Song: Poi-E 

This 1982 track seriously is the PM Helen Clark's favourite song and it's like taking a trip back in time - a great example of Kiwi kitch.  

Suddenly New Zealand lyrics
When you’re lying awake
With a dismal headache,
And repose is tabooed by anxiety,
It is hardly surprising
If you’re agonising
Considering modern society;
There are terrible dangers
From horrible strangers
Whose every intention is criminal;
There are counterfeit healers
And Ecstasy dealers
Who thrive ’cause policing is minimal;
We’ve got under-age nooky,
And lads playing hooky
Who lurk around corners to mug us;
And there’s Proddies and Papists
And robbers and rapists
With tabs of Rohypnol to drug us;
On the street you take fright
At the menacing sight
Of graffiti in French and Cyrillic;
And behind curtains drawn,
People downloading porn
Are indulging in tastes paedophilic;
Though the threats are tremendous,
The law won’t defend us,
And don’t even think of resistance;
So before it’s too late,
Let us all emigrate
To a very much better existence…
Suddenly New Zealand doesn’t seem so boring,
Suddenly New Zealand seems attractively remote;
Lots of sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs
And sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs
And sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs
And sheep and lambs and sheep and lambs
And sheep and lambs and the occasional goat.
So you’re lying in bed,
And the thoughts in your head
Return to your present condition;
A beastly fanatic
Plans something dramatic
To send us all of to perdition;
From some part of the globe
Comes a chap in a robe
And a headdress he looks very nice in;
But beneath his djellaba
The fellow may harbour
A lethal container of ricin;
He’s so fundamental
He hasn’t seen Yentl
And preaches demonic polemic;
He wants each infidel
To descend into Hell
With a case of bubonic systemic;
In his safe sleeper cell,
He blends in very well
With his suitably quiet demeanour;
While he’s learning to fly,
He is living close by
In a bed-sit above your dry-cleaner;
We know what we must do,
‘Cause the world that we knew
Is vanishing like the poor dodo;
There’s a good life to be had
Away from the Jihad
As neighbours of Bilbo and Frodo…
Suddenly New Zealand doesn’t seem so dreary,
Suddenly New Zealand seems to suit us rather well;
Lots of hills and dales and hills and dales
And hills and dales and hills and dales
And hills and dales and hills and dales
And hills and dales and hills and dales
And hills and dales and the occasional dell.
Well you still cannot sleep,
And you suffer la grippe
As these terrible visions all trouble you;
It’s no wonder you’re glum,
There is worse yet to come -
As you’ve guessed, I refer to George W;
For he is on course
To use maximum force,
For a better world order’s his aim here;
When he’s done with Iraq,
He’ll put up a blue plaque
Saying “This was once Mesopotamia!”;
If he sticks to the text,
North Korea is next,
And we’ll watch it on footage that’s grainy;
Then Iran, Pakistan,
Oh, and Azerbaijan
Will be totalled by Rumsfeld and Cheney;
No you won’t see him falter
As Jersey and Malta
Are governed from South Carolina;
And on Saturday week,
In a fit of sheer pique,
He will launch an invasion of China;
With Blair in his kennel,
This prince among men’ll
Ensure that just one thing is certain -
The UN and EU
And, of course, NATO too,
Will be gone for a haliburton…
Suddenly New Zealand doesn’t seem so tedious,
Suddenly New Zealand doesn’t seem like such a dud;
Lots of springs and geysers, springs and geysers,
Springs and geysers, springs and geysers,
Springs and geysers, springs and geysers,
Springs and geysers, springs and geysers,
Springs and geysers, and a lot of hot mud.
Suddenly New Zealand doesn’t seem so numbing,
Suddenly New Zealand is awash with many charms;
Lots of plots and homesteads, plots and homesteads,
Plots and homesteads, plots and homesteads,
Plots and homesteads, plots and homesteads,
Plots and homesteads, plots and homesteads,
Plots and homesteads, and a lot of nice farms.

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