
Monday, February 21, 2011

MSNBCs President of the World   ...OMG!

MSNBC’s ‘President of the World’

By Doug Powers  •  February 3, 2011 09:30 AM
**Written by Doug Powers
And no, it’s not the one that probably popped into your head first. The thrill up Chris Matthews’ leg has developed a wandering eye:
With a script and a dramatic voice over befitting a trailer for the latest superhero movie out of Hollywood, one of the first promos for Chris Matthews’ documentary on Bill Clinton has begun airing on MSNBC. The ad begins with an announcer teasing viewers, “His presidency was over, his mission just beginning” and then goes on to tell the story of a post-presidential Clinton achieving universal adulation complete with shots of adoring crowds and accolades from the likes of Tony Blair and of course Matthews, who shrieks like a fan boy: “You’re like a one man Peace Corps!”
Even the Academy Award winning actor Kevin Spacey shows up, narrating a scene he was once witness to: “And they were yelling ‘Peacemaker! Peacemaker!’”
10/13 United States Government murdered their own -Waco, Texas 9:57

How Dare You Bill Clinton to 9/11 Heckler youtube

Bill Clinton agrees with GHW Bush on New World Order (NWO) youtube

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