
Monday, March 7, 2011

Al Gore’s strange link to swine flu

Is swine flu some sort of genetically modified bioweapon? Before you totally dismiss the idea as some sort of crazy wacko conspiracy theory, consider the following:

1. Three vials of highly dangerous pathogens can’t be accounted for at the nation’s top biodefense lab, and some virus samples recently  found there had not been inventoried.

Fort Detrick disease samples may be missing  --Frederick News Post, April 26, 2009

Fort Detrick is the site of the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, which couldn’t keep tabs on the anthrax that killed five people in 2001. FNP reports that criminal investigators from Fort Meade are “investigating the possibility of missing virus samples.... In February, USAMRIID halted all its research into these and other diseases, known as 'select agents’ following the discovery of virus samples that weren't listed in its inventory,”

2. “The Swine Influenza A/H1N1 viruses characterized in this outbreak have not been previously detected in pigs or humans.The viruses so far characterized have been sensitive to oseltamivir, but resistant to both amantadine and rimantadine."

--World Health Organization’s Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response Report, April 24, 2009                                                              

3. Outbreaks of the “same [never been seen in nature before] virus” occurred almost simultaneously in places thousands of miles apart.

"...It [is] likely too late to try to contain the outbreak by vaccinating, treating or isolating people...the U.S. cases [in California,Texas, Kansas, New York, according to WHO] and Mexican cases are likely the same virus... so far the genetic elements that we have looked at are the same... "

-Dr. Richard Besser, acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in a telephone briefing with reporters on April 24, 2009.

Here’s where it gets really interesting:

4. A US/Chinese venture capital firm stands to benefit financially from a swine flu pandemic.

According to Reuters, private US/Chinese venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers (KPCB), based in Menlo Park, CA, launched a $200 million Pandemic Bio Defense Fund in 2006. The firm’s portfolio includes eight pandemic and bio defense firms. Two of them, Novavax and Bio Defense, are publicly traded.

On Friday, their stock jumped at news of the swine flu outbreak in Mexico. Novavax (up 75 percent) had already contacted the Centers for Disease Control offering to help with the crisis. But the same story also said that shares of Gilead Sciences, Inc. - which gets royalties from the sale of Tamiflu from Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche - declined 10 cents the same day. Strange.

5. Guess who’s a partner at KPCB? Al Gore, who also chairs the Alliance for Climate Protection. Gore bragged that he donates all his salary to the climate change organization.

KPCB also has a “green” investment collaboration with Generation Investment Management, which Gore also co-founded with David Blook (Al is a very busy guy). A November 14, 2007 article in the UK Telegraph quoted Blook: “There’s a significant gapbetween the capital needed and the capital currently deployed to create enduring solutions to the climate crisis.”

Selling a boatload of swine flu vaccine to panicked government officials in Mexico, the United States and Canada would raise a lot of capital. Just sayin...

Of course, tthis highly unlikely link between Al Gore, his joint private equity venture with the Chinese, and the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico and the U.S. could just be one of those strange coincidences. But if I were one of the Army’s CID people, I’d look into it.
Curt Weldon wikipedia
Russia and China
In June 1998, Weldon served on the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China, perhaps better known as the "Cox Committee." The committee, five Republicans and four Democrats, investigated whether the Clinton Administration's waivers allowing U.S. military contractors to transfer military technology to China damaged national security.According to officials who have been briefed about its contents, the report concludes that Beijing's acquisition of secret American weapons designs was part of an intelligence collection effort that spanned 20 years, including both Republican and Democratic Administrations. It also enumerates an array of thefts from the Government's weapons labs, including classified information about seven advanced nuclear warheads, among them the W-88, the most sophisticated nuclear weapon in the American arsenal; that theft is believed to have occurred during the Reagan or Bush Administrations. The report also says that China stole design information about the neutron bomb.[citation needed]
Weldon made improving relations with Russia one of his key efforts in the House. He has worked with Russian leaders on a variety of issues, including efforts to improve Russia's energy supply, correct environmental damage and protect both nations from ballistic missile attack. Weldon is the co-founder of the Duma-Congress Study Group, the official parliamentary exchange between the two legislative bodies. This bilateral relationship coordinates legislative efforts in the Russian Duma and the Congress to foster a better working relationship between the two nations. Recently, Weldon created a comprehensive framework designed to improve the state of relations between the two countries. Titled "A New Time, A New Beginning", his proposal makes recommendations for cooperative efforts in eleven different areas ranging from defense and national security to space exploration and scientific research.[citation needed]

[edit] Visits to North Korea

In June 2003, Weldon lead a bipartisan Congressional delegation to North Korea. The delegation didn't go as official representatives of the White House, which had repeatedly refused North Korea's demands that the two countries meet one-on-one. The White House did know the trip was planned and did supply a military helicopter.[citation needed]
Weldon said that the meetings went extremely well. Weldon said he drew up an outline of how relations could be improved between the two countries, which would involve the complete nuclear disarmament of North Korea. North Korean leaders, including the vice-foreign minister who is the chief negotiator for the North, were receptive to the concept, said Weldon.[13]
In October 2003, Weldon had planned to head a 10-member Congressional delegation to North Korea for his second visit. But two days prior to the October 25 departure date, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card informed Weldon that the administration was "pulling all support." Weldon then wrote a 4½-page letter to President George W. Bush that said that Bush's national security team was "arrogant and disrespectful" in the way it cancelled the trip. Weldon said he would continue his efforts to dialogue with North Korean officials whether the White House supports him or not. "They can’t stop me from going there", he said. "What they can do is make things supremely difficult."[14]
In January 2005, Weldon led a six-member Congressional delegation in a three-day visit to North Korea, as well as brief stops in South Korea, China, Russia and Japan. Weldon said Pyongyang was serious about abandoning its nuclear program, but he said it wanted certain assurances from the United States — the main one being that an end to what he called "inflammatory rhetoric" from Washington.[15]
In August 2005, Weldon went to North Korea as part of a 10-member delegation that included Ted Turner and former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Donald Gregg.[16]

[edit] Visits to Libya

In 2004, Weldon led two bipartisan delegations to Libya. The first visit, in January, was to establish contact with government officials. The second visit, in September, was to address their Congress (Libyan General People’s Congress Great Jamahiriya).[17]
A large picture of Weldon putting what his office said was an American flag pin on Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi, the head of Libya, was displayed when Weldon spoke at the Sun Myung Moon coronation ceremony.[18]
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) is a world leading venture capital firm located on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park in Silicon Valley. The Wall Street Journal has called it one of the "largest and most established" venture capital firms in the world.[1] The New York Times has called it "one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital providers," and said that it is "one of Silicon Valley's most prominent venture capital firms."[2][3] Reuters news service has called KPCB "one of the most successful venture capital firms in the world."[4]
KPCB specializes in investments in incubation and early stage companies.[5] Since 1972, KPCB has supported hundreds of entrepreneurs in building over 475 companies, including such major names as, Sun Microsystems, Electronic Arts, Genentech, Intuit, AOL, Genomic Health, Verisign, and Google.[6] More than 150 of the firm's portfolio companies have gone public.[7] Its team includes the world leading venture capitalist John Doerr; Sun Microsystem's co-founder Bill Joy; NASA rocket scientist K. R. Sridhar; former US Vice President Al Gore; and former US Secretary of State Colin Powell.[8]
The firm is based in Menlo Park, California. It has offices in Shanghai, China and in Beijing, China.[9]

Swine Flu Vaccine US 666 Satanic Glaxosmithkline Novavax End-times 2012 Dead New World Order video

Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley to Visit Novavax in Celebration of HHS-BARDA Contract Award

-- BARDA contract valued at up to $179 Million to Develop Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza Vaccines for U.S. Government Using Recombinant VLP Technology
-- Includes $97 Million 3-year Base Period and $82 Million 2-year Option Period
Press Conference at 9:15 a.m. ET, Monday, March 7
ROCKVILLE, Md., March 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) announced today that Maryland State Governor Martin O'Malley will visit the company's headquarters in Rockville, Maryland, on Monday, March 7, to celebrate the recently announced contract valued at up to $179 million. The Office of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded the contract to Novavax for the advanced clinical and manufacturing development of recombinant vaccines for the prevention of seasonal and pandemic influenza.
"The Governor's recognition of our award is a tremendous honor to the employees of Novavax and an acknowledgement of the importance of both this contract award and the company's contribution to the State of Maryland," said Novavax's President and CEO Dr. Rahul Singhvi. "We are thrilled to formally celebrate our partnership with BARDA, which will accelerate the development of a recombinant influenza vaccine solution and help the U.S. government prepare for potential influenza pandemics."
During the contract's 3-year base period, valued at $97 million, Novavax will continue its development of its novel, clinical-stage, recombinant virus-like-particle (VLP) influenza vaccines to address BARDA's commitment to advancing recombinant-based technology and pandemic preparedness. The contract has a 24-month option period with $82 million in additional funding to build on the work Novavax accomplishes during the base period and to support manufacturing scale-up and licensure by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  
"On behalf of all Marylanders, I am so proud to congratulate Novavax on their federal award," said Governor O'Malley. "Their leadership in innovation and discovery is exactly what we need to compete and win in the new economy and their contributions are proof of what biotechnology and life sciences can mean to the future of our State and our nation. I'd like to thank Dr. Singhvi and all of the Novavax employees for their commitment and dedication to this important healing and lifesaving work."
Novavax is currently developing vaccines to prevent pandemic (H5N1) and seasonal influenza using its novel VLP technology, which enables more rapid vaccine production than traditional egg-based methods.  The BARDA contract award follows the August 2010Report to the President on Reengineering the Influenza Vaccine Production Enterprise to Meet the Challenges of Pandemic Influenza by the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, which analyzed current influenza vaccine production processes and identified ways the U.S. federal government could support improvements in relevant technologies to reduce the time required to supply vaccine to the U.S. population when the next influenza pandemic occurs.
About VLPs and Novavax's Vaccine Program
Virus-like particles (VLPs) mimic the external structure of viruses but lack the live genetic material that causes viral replication and infection. VLPs can be designed quickly to match individual viral strains and be produced efficiently using portable cell-culture technology. Novavax's VLP-based vaccine candidates are produced more rapidly than egg-based vaccines by using proprietary, portable, recombinant cell-culture technology.
About Novavax
Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, employs its cutting-edge technology to create next-generation vaccines to prevent serious infectious diseases, such as pandemic and seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The company's proprietary virus-like particles (VLPs) technology and single-use bioprocessing production system enables rapid vaccine development and production where and when it's needed, worldwide. The company has formed a joint venture with Cadila Pharmaceuticals, named CPL Biologicals, to develop and manufacture vaccines, biological therapeutics and diagnostics in India. Additional information about Novavax is available on the company's website:
Forward Looking Statements
Statements herein relating to the award by HHS BARDA of a contract for the advanced development of recombinant influenza vaccine, the development of our vaccine products, vaccine safety and efficacy, and the ability to quickly produce a vaccine product during an influenza pandemic and other future financial or business performance or matters are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Novavax cautions that these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which change over time. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements include: HHS BARDA may or may not award any option period funding to Novavax; the Company has not yet manufactured, or relied on third parties to manufacture, any vaccines at a commercial scale; historical and current results may not be predictive of future trial results for the seasonal vaccine or any other vaccine that we are developing or may develop; further testing is required before regulatory approval can be applied for and the FDA may not approve a vaccine even if the results are similar or better than the results reported to date; uncertainties related to the initiation, enrollment, progress and completion of clinical trials; and whether Novavax could repeat the 12-week production of a vaccine in a future pandemic could depend on many factors outside the company's control including the virus itself. Further information on the factors and risks that could affect Novavax's business, financial conditions and results of operations, is contained in Novavax's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available at These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release, and Novavax assumes no duty to update forward-looking statements.
SOURCE Novavax, Inc.

Venture capital firm (Kleiner Perkins = AL Gore) set to reap rewards on swine flu…

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The swine flu outbreak is likely to benefit one of the most prolific and successful venture capital firms in the United States: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Thomson Reuters Private Equity Week reported on Friday.
Shares of the two public companies in the firm’s portfolio of eight Pandemic and Bio Defense companies — BioCryst Pharmaceuticals and Novavax — jumped Friday on news that the swine flu killed a reported 60 people in Mexico and has infected people in the United States.
Dr. Rahul Singhvi has been appointed president and CEO of Novavax. Prior to joining Novavax in 2004, Dr. Singhvi had 11 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including serving as a director within the manufacturing division of Merck.

Rahul Singhvi

President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

Novavax, Inc.

Rockville ,  MD

Sector: HEALTHCARE  /  Biotechnology

Officer since April 2004

Director ,  ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Limited

Woodland Hills ,  CA

Sector: HEALTHCARE  /  Medical Instruments & Supplies

45 Years Old
Rahul Singhvi, Sc.D. President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Novavax since August 2005. Dr. Singhvi was the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Novavax from April 2005 to August 2005 and Vice President ? Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing Operations from April 2004 to April 2005. For ten years prior to joining the Company, he served in several positions with Merck & Co., Inc., culminating as Director with the Merck Manufacturing Division from 1999 to 2004. As President and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Singhvi provides keen insights into the risks and challenges facing the Company. He has a significant amount of experience in the vaccine industry, particularly related to manufacturing.
Daily Finance Tuesday was a bad day for equities, but Novavax (NVAX) shares are jumping some 15% today after the company won a flu-vaccine contract with the U.S. government. It's worth $97 million over the first three years, and it can be extended for an additional two years, for a total contract value of $179.1 million, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Novavax, based in Rockville, Md.,...
Daily Finance Tuesday was a bad day for equities, but Novavax (NVAX) shares are jumping some 15% today after the company won a flu-vaccine contract with the U.S. government. It's worth $97 million over the first three years, and it can be extended for an additional two years, for a total contract value of $179.1 million, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Novavax, based in Rockville, Md.,...
Stockhouse -- 15 million dose South Korean market -- LG to build manufacturing facility with 30 million dose influenza vaccine capacity ROCKVILLE, Md., Feb. 28, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX News Network/ -- Novavax, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVAX) announced today an agreement to license its proprietary, recombinant virus-like-particle (VLP) vaccine technology to LG Life Sciences, Ltd. (LGLS). Under the agreement, LGLS...
Stockhouse DALLAS, Mar 2, 2011 (GlobeNewswire via COMTEX News Network) -- announces an investment report featuring Novavax Inc. (Nasdaq:NVAX). The report includes financial, comparative and investment analyses, and industry information you need to know to make an
Kleiner Perkins put $20 million in Novavax in February 2006 alongside Palo Alto, Calif.-based Prospect Venture Partners. The two firms picked up the shares at $4.35.
Novavax can produce a vaccine from an emergent strain of flu virus in 12 weeks, according to CEO Rahul Singhvi. The company has contacted the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to offer help and is trying to contact the Ministry of Health in Mexico, Singhvi said

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