
Thursday, March 17, 2011
January 13, 2005

I'm sorry for wearing Nazi swastika, says Prince Harry

PRINCE HARRY apologised last night to the Prince of Wales after attending a fancy dress party wearing a red Nazi swastika. Prince William was with his brother at the party, which was held by Richard Meade, the triple Olympic gold medallist, who is a close friend of the Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles.
The theme of the party at Mr Meade’s equestrian centre in Wiltshire on Saturday night was Colonials and Natives. It was attended by more than 400 people. Mr Meade is a former boyfriend of the Princess Royal and they remain close friends.
Clarence House moved swiftly last night to try to defuse the row after photographs emerged of Prince Harry, 20, sporting the apparently home-made red swastika on the left arm of a military-style shirt.
The Prince of Wales was appalled by his son’s lack of judgment, which will plunge the Royal Family into another embarrassing row. Harry apologised immediately. Clarence House is braced for protests from leaders of the Jewish community. A spokesman for the Board of Deputies of British Jews said: “We are pleased that Prince Harry has apologised. Such an incident is in bad taste, particularly in the run-up to Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27), for which the Queen will be leading the commemorations in the United Kingdom.”
Terry Burton, a spokesman for veterans of the Second World War, said the prince’s costume was an insult to soldiers who had faced German troops in battle and were still dealing with painful memories. “Maybe people think it’s funny to use inappropriate fancy dress like this, but I just find it disgusting,” he said.
A Clarence House source said that Harry had apologised to his father for his inappropriate choice of costume at the fancy dress party. “He knows it was a mistake and he has said sorry,” said the source.
The incident is the latest in a damaging series generated by Harry, which often involve excessive drinking. But the decision to be seen openly wearing a swastika is regarded by courtiers as the most serious offence to date. “It was bloody stupid,” one senior source said last night.
Prince Harry, who has been given a place at Sandhurst Military College, has had his entrance delayed until the summer because of a leg injury he sustained in a riding accident. Last night there were calls for the prince to be prevented from becoming a British Army Officer. Doug Henderson, Labour MP for Newcastle upon Tyne North and a former armed forces minister, said: “After the revelations this evening I don’t think this young man is suitable for Sandhurst.
“If it was anyone else, the application wouldn’t be considered. It should be withdrawn immediately,” he said.
The Colonials and Natives theme of the party caused further embarrassment to Clarence House last night. It contained uncomfortable echoes of the row involving Princess Michael of Kent, after she caused uproar in an upmarket New York restaurant last April. Having taken exception to the noise levels generated by a group of black diners she was accused of telling them, after an altercation to “go back to the colonies”. She denied the allegation and said that she had been misrepresented.
The Duke of Edinburgh, one of the most gaffe-prone members of the Royal Family, caused offence in 1997 when he addressed Helmut Kohl, then the German Chancellor, by Hitler’s Nazi title, Reichskanzler.
The Royal Family has been highly sensitive about any links to Nazi Germany after the Duke of Windsor, who was regarded by some as a sympathiser, visited Germany with Mrs Simpson as the personal guest of Hitler in 1937.
The swastika incident is the latest in a series of embarrassments involving Prince Harry. In October Prince Harry was accused of cheating during his History of Art exam at Eton by a former teacher, Sarah Forsyth, who is claiming unfair dismissal. The examination board, Edexcel, cleared Prince Harry.
In November he became involved in a scuffle with a paparazzi photographer outside a London nightclub.

  • In 1986, the Princess of Wales and Sarah Ferguson had to apologise to the owners of an exclusive London club after they dressed up as policewoman and tried to gatecrash Prince Andrew’s stag night.

Prince Harry: a prank too far? Join the debate

Prince William in New Zealand: Prince evokes visions of his parents

It was a day that conjured up memories of both his parents’ ground-breaking work. Prince William evoked visions of his mother’s popular foreign walkabouts and his father’s campaigning work for the environment on the second day of his New Zealand tour.

Prince William in New Zealand: Prince evokes visions of his parents
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Prince William (second from right) arrives at the National War Memorial in Wellington Photo: AP
After opening the new £38 million Supreme Court in Wellington, the Prince spent half an hour shaking hands and chatting with hundreds of supporters who had waited outside to greet him. Many gave him flowers, drawings and one young girl even presented him with a letter for Kate Middleton, his girlfriend.
Diana, Princess of Wales was known as the “people’s princess” after her death in 1997 because of her empathy with the public. She was greeted by crowds thousands of people strong during her visit to New Zealand nearly three decades ago.
Merryn Best, 41, told the Prince that she had the “privilege” to meet his late mother as a child in Christchurch in 1983. “What was she doing?” the Prince asked curiously. “She was looking beautiful,” came the affectionate reply.
Prince William, who is on his first foreign tour representing the Queen, responded: “She did that elegantly.” After shaking yet another outstretched hand from the crowd, he turned to Mrs Best a second time and said gratefully: “You are a very special lady. I will shake your hand again.”
The Prince was at ease with the noisy crowd some of whom chanted: “We love Prince William." However, he declined an offer by Karen Ward to kiss her nine-month old daughter, Heather, who she held up to him dressed in a pink babygrow. “I am not allowed to [kiss her] – it’s protocol,” said the Prince, perhaps noticing the food smeared around the baby’s mouth.

AFLAC Fires Godfrey For Tasteless Japanese Jokes

Millions of people around the world have seen AFLAC commercials on television where a white duck goes around all the time shouting “AFLAC”. The voice of that “AFLAC” duck belongs to comedian Gilbert Godfrey who recently found himself in hot water with his employer after making some insensitive jokes about the Japanese people. In the aftermath of recent earthquakes and a major tsunami in Japan, Godfrey wrote on his Twitter account the following jokes. “I just split up with my girlfriend, but like the Japanese say, They'll be another one floating by any minute” and “Japan is really advanced. They don't go to the beach. The beach comes to them”.

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