
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
"On 28 October 1997, Enron Corporation announced the entry of Frank G. Wisner Jr. onto its board of directors. Most of the business press did not find this untoward and it certainly did not emerge as part of the US discussions on corruption at the highest level. Frank Wisner, as we know in India, was the US Ambassador from 1994 until this year and his entry into Enron must be seen in light of the scandal of Dabhol. Enron, like most US corporations, uses its close association with the state (both its elected and bureaucratic arms) for its own ends. US campaigns are financed by corporations whose money not only enables politicians to win elections, but it also buys businesses the state's power both for domestic subsidies and for the use of US power in the international arena.

Frank G. Wisner, Sr.

"Frank Wisner, Jr. was a big catch for Enron Corporation. His lineage is impeccable, since his father, Frank Wisner Sr., was a senior CIA official (from 1947 until his suicide in 1965) who was involved in the overthrow of Arbenz of Guatemala (1954) and Mossadeq of Iran (1953). Wisner Junior was well-known in the CIA and he worked as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs; his current boss, Kenneth L. Lay, Chief Executive Officer of Enron Corporation, also worked for the Pentagon during the US war in Vietnam. With 'economic espionage' as a task for the CIA (see PD, 12 October 1997), there is little doubt that Wisner used this instrument during his long-tenure as Ambassador in Asian nations. A Wisner staffer told InterPress Services this year that 'if anybody asked the CIA to help promote US business in India, it was probably Frank'.
Mr Wisner's astonishing remarks – "President Mubarak's continued leadership is critical: it's his opportunity to write his own legacy" – shocked the democratic opposition in Egypt and called into question Mr Obama's judgement, as well as that of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The US State Department and Mr Wisner himself have now both claimed that his remarks were made in a "personal capacity". But there is nothing "personal" about Mr Wisner's connections with the litigation firm Patton Boggs, which openly boasts that it advises "the Egyptian military, the Egyptian Economic Development Agency, and has handled arbitrations and litigation on the [Mubarak] government's behalf in Europe and the US". Oddly, not a single journalist raised this extraordinary connection with US government officials – nor the blatant conflict of interest it appears to represent.

Seven Society

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The sign of the Seven Society on a plaque outside Old Cabell Hall
The Seven Society (founded 1905)[1] is the most secretive of the University of Virginia's secret societies. Members are only revealed after their death, when a wreath of black magnolias in the shape of a "7" is placed at the gravesite, the bell tower of the University Chapel chimes at seven-second intervals on the seventh dissonant chord when it is seven past the hour, and a notice is published in the University's Alumni News, and often in the Cavalier Daily. The most visible tradition of the society is the painting of the logo of the society, the number 7 surrounded by the signs for alpha (A), omega (Ω), and infinity (∞), and sometimes several stars, upon many buildings around the grounds of the University.[2]
There is no clear history of the founding of the society. There is a legend that, of eight men who planned to meet for a card game, only seven showed up,[3] and they formed the society. Other histories claim that the misbehavior of other secret societies, specifically the Hot Feet (later the IMP Society), led University President Edwin A. Alderman to call both the Hot Feet and the Z Society into his office and suggest that a more "beneficial organization" was needed.[1]
The only known method to successfully contact the Seven Society is to place a letter at the Thomas Jefferson statue inside the University's historic Rotunda (accounts differ on the exact placement of the letter, either on the base or in the crook of the statue's arm).[4]



[edit] Philanthropic gifts

The group contributes financially to the University, announcing donations with letters signed only with seven astronomical symbols in the order: Earth, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, and Venus. Saturn is not included. The Society gives large monetary donations and scholarships to the University each year in quantities that include the number 7, e.g. $777 or $1,777. Significant past gifts to the University include the Seven Society Carillon in the UVA Chapel, donated in memory of deceased members of the society, and given with the request that there should be a toll of seven times seven bells on the passing of a member;[5] a memorial to past Seven Society members who gave their lives in World War I[6]; $17,777.77 for a loan fund in honor of University president John Lloyd Newcomb; the ceremonial mace carried in academic processions;[7] $10,777.77 in support of the re-establishment of Homecoming;[8] a plaque on the Rotunda honoring University students who died in the Korean War;[9] $7,077.77 to endow the Ernest Mead Fund for the Music Library;[10] $47,777.77 for the making of a film on the honor system;[11] and $1 million in support of the University's South Lawn Project.[12] Most recently, the society gave a $777.77 grant to fund the Mead Endowment, founded in honor of Ernest Mead, which awards grants to professors to teach their "dream classes."[13]
In addition to granting spontaneous gifts, the Seven Society sponsors an annual $7,000 graduate fellowship award for superb teaching.[14]

The Seven Society sign in front of Maury Hall

[edit] Notable members

The Seven Society is unusual among University of Virginia secret societies in including members who were not students or alumni of the University. Notable examples include Mary Proffitt, secretary to Dean James M. Page and Dean Ivey F. Lewis;[15][16] and Ivey F. Lewis himself, a non-alumnus professor and longtime dean of students at the University.[17]
Several notable individuals whose Seven Society membership was disclosed at their death include:

[edit] Seven Society at other colleges/universities

There have been several secret societies with "seven" in their name. No connection between the societies has been shown, but there is at least some tradition in the use of the names.
One such secret society is the Seven Society, Order of the Crown and Dagger, known to exist at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. The founding date of the William and Mary society is reported to have been as early as 1826.[22]
A second unassociated secret society operates at Longwood University. The society known as Princeps, was founded on 7 principles of leadership. Members are selected during their undergraduate career and are not revealed until graduation by wearing a crimson sash bearing the 7. The group recognizes and honors citizens of the Longwood community who are exceptional leaders. The mysteries of this organization are only revealed with their droppings around campus and their recognition of those who embody the spirit of Princeps. Students often step on the black 7 pointed crowns painted around campus for good luck.
A third unrelated society was the Mystic Seven Fraternity, constituted in 1885,[23] of which the Virginia Temple of the Hands and Torch was the parent chapter. Prior to the Civil War, there had been a Mystical Seven Society, with several chapters across the South. One surviving group at Mississippi created a chapter at Virginia. That Virginia chapter later organized the Mystic Seven Fraternity, also calling the new organization Phi Theta Alpha. [24] Five years later the Mystic Seven Fraternity merged with Beta Theta Pi, with the Virginia chapter becoming the Omicron chapter of Beta Theta Pi. [25]
A fourth unrelated society, also called Mystical Seven, was founded in 1907 at the University of Missouri. It is often claimed that this society was directly inspired by the Seven Society at Virginia, (although no citations are given), but it took the older Mystical Seven name.
A fifth unrelated society is the Seven Society (The Club) at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. Established in 1927, the name of the organization was originally the "East Carolina Men's Social Club" until it was changed to "Seven Society" in 1962 for reasons unknown. The sign of this society is the same as that of the Seven Society at the University of Virginia, except that the numbers "322" appear beneath the "7."

All righty lads and ladies I had done extensive research and all of a sudden several of my links disappeared........ and then voila the above 'Seven Society' and it's reference to '322'.  OMG is there something going on behind the scenes here or what?  I wouldn't think it's my hacker as I don't think he'd want me to relate the Yale Skull and Bones and the University of Virginia to such a connection.  But then again, I could be wrong????  OMG, I started having a rather painful anxiety attack when the disappearance of the links happened as there was much info on almost all the guys in the first link. ......and there was research on the Bell Curve and at least two connections to the Manhatten Project.....  and also a guy from England that I can't even remember at the moment.  (Maybe it was Richard Leary or maybe it wasn't but he believed in Eugenics and for now I'm leaving it at that.) 

I'm not gonna do the re research at the moment as I want this to you asap. 

...anyways if I'm simply over emphasizing something here, please file 13 this and nevermind.  my2cents

Skull and Bones ‘322′ Logo Meaning Finally Discovered?

19th February 2006 | News Columns
It is very well known that both President Bush and Senator John Kerry both attended Yale University and became members of The Skull and Bones Society. This will not require verification because at present it is common knowledge.
The Skull and Bones ‘logo’ for lack of a better word is shown as follows:  The skull with crossed thighbones with the ‘322′ underneath. The true meaning is disguised by saying that it is Lodge 322.
There has NEVER been a single iota of evidence that another 321 at minimum , similar lodges exist or have ever existed. There is also reference to Eulogia and an ancient greek poet which, with no disrespect to the person who came up with the hypothesis, is trite and simply does not add up when compared to the evil this organization does and pursues.
   What else connected to Skull and Bones or for that matter Yale would have the 322 logo brand of evil? Super Architect Cesar Pelli was the former dean of Yale College of Architecture and has designed many buildings on the illuminati-riddled campus. . . Where is his main office Located?
   322 8th Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001.
The previous link discusses an award given to his firm by the AIA. An association with apparent illuminati links as noted in :

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