
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Communism vs Nazism
Communism and Nazism are two different political ideologies. They oppose each other and one can come across numerous differences between the two. Some people now a days do not see much difference between the two. But this not true and the two are distinct in all aspects. The communists have a different thinking of politics and economy than the Nazis.
Communism is a socio economic ideology that aims at a classless, egalitarian, and a stateless society. The ideology is based on a common ownership and it is the community that controls the resources or the means of production. Nazism or National Socialism is a totalitarian ideology that was practised by the Nazi Party or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
Nazism became so popular under Adolf Hitler. Communist ideology can be attributed to Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels.
Communism stands for a free society where all are equal and every one can participate in the decision making process. It stands for a class less society and has no barriers of any religion, caste or state. A fascist political system, Nazism stands for socialist policies but also ensures that a wealthy class stays at the helm of power.

While Nazism believes in extreme nationalism, ethnic divisions and a firm government, communism does not have such prepositions and it focuses on equality. While communism is focussed on a classless society, Nazism is focussed on a racist society. In German Nazis considered Aryan race to be superior to all others.
While Communism is on the far left, Nazism is considered to be far right. Communism can be said to be having foundations in some strong political ideology. On the other hand, Nazism is not based on any strong political ideology but only based on racial divide.
1.Communism is a socio economic ideology that aims at a classless, egalitarian, and a stateless society. Nazism or National Socialism is a totalitarian ideology that was practised by the Nazi Party or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
2.Nazism became so popular under Adolf Hitler. Communist ideology can be attributed to Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels.
3.Communism stands for a free society where all are equal and every one can participate in the decision making process. Nazism stands for socialist policies but also ensures that a wealthy class stays at the helm of power.
4. While Communism is on the far left, Nazism is considered to be far right.

Read more: Difference Between Communism and Nazism | Difference Between | Communism vs Nazism
Communism vs Fascism
Though some people may term communism and fascism as the two sides of the same coin, they are different in their ideology and other aspects. Communism is a socio economic system that stands for a class less, state less and an egalitarian society. Fascism is an ideology that tries to bring together radical and authoritarian nationalism.
Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945 and the term has become an epithet for all bad things. Fascism originally referred to the Fascists under Benito Mussolini. Communism became popular after the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1917. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is considered to be the bible of communism. The authoritative document of Fascism is “The Doctrine of Fascism.
Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism (includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning), militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).
The Communists think globally where as the Fascists think only in a national level.

In communism, the state is the custodian of everything and it is the state that owns everything. On the other hand, in Fascism, the state has control over everything. In simple words, Communism means state ownership and fascism means state control.
Fascism is derived from Italian fascio meaning bundle. Communism comes from French communisme, meaning common.
1.Communism is a socio economic system that stands for a class less, state less and an egalitarian society. Fascism is an ideology that tries to bring together radical and authoritarian nationalism.
2.Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945. Communism became popular after the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1917.
3.The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is considered to be the bible of communism. The authoritative document of Fascism is “The Doctrine of Fascism.
4. Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. Fascism pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything

Read more: Difference Between Communism and fascism | Difference Between | Communism vs fascism
Fascism vs Nazism
Nazism is considered to be one form of fascism. Though both Nazism and fascism reject the ideologies of liberalism, Marxism and democracy, these two are different in many aspects. It is hard to make a perfect differentiation between the two.
Nazism and Fascism have their origin in the 20th century. While fascism was in vogue between 1919 and 1945, Nazism became popular from 1933 to 1945.
Fascism is a term that was originally referred to the fascists of Italy under Mussolini. Nazism on the other hand, referred as National Socialism, is in an ideological concept of the Nazi Party or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party of Adolf Hitler.
Fascism believes in the “corporatism” of all elements in society to form an “Organic State”. They were not racial and had no strong opinion of any race. For Fascists, the state was the most important element. The Doctrine of Fascism, which is the authoritative document of the fascism, emphasis on nationalism, corporatism, totalitarianism and militarism. According to this Doctrine the State is all embracing and no human or spiritual value exists beyond it.
But Nazism emphasised on racism. While fascism considered state as important, Nazism considered “Aryanism” as more important. The Nazism doctrine believed in the superiority of the Aryan race.

While fascism was based on certain political ideology, Nazism was blindly based on racial hatred.
Nazism considered class based society as enemy and stood for unifying the racial element. But fascism wanted to preserve the class system. The fascists almost accepted the concept of social mobility, while Nazism was against it.
Nazism considered state as a means for the advancement of the master race. But fascism considered state to be a form of nationalism. Fascists considered nationalism as something related to national culture as opposed to other cultures.
Coming to the etymology, fascist comes from fascio, an Italiam word, meaning a union of bundle. Nazi comes from the first two syllables of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which is the German language name of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
1.Fascism is a term that was originally referred to the fascists of Italy under Mussolini. Nazism on the other hand, referred as National Socialism, is in an ideological concept of the Nazi Party.
2.For Fascists, the state was the most important element. But Nazism emphasised on racism.
3.While fascism considered state as important, Nazism considered “Aryanism” as more important.

Read more: Difference Between Fascism and Nazism | Difference Between | Fascism vs Nazism

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