
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Brad Will sings the Solidarity Song
Brad sings “The Solidarity Song” also known as the Teargas song - was the defiant anthem of the resistance to the World Trade Organization that took place in Seattle in 1999. Originally written by Desert Rat, a comrade, Brad added a verse or two of his own, about forests and preserving ecological integrity of this planet; something Brad was dedicated to while he was alive. Brad sang this song in a squat in Amsterdam in 2000. We were in Amsterdam because of the United Nations talks on Climate Change. We were involved with the protests intended to pressure nations and politicians to take real meaningful measures to address the threat of global warming, mass extinction, pollution, etc., (Still waiting for that…!) Brad's songs and his way of singing touched us deep and inspired thousands. He sang from his heart and gave it everything he had. That's also how he lived his life until he was killed at the tender age of 36. Brad’s singing fills my soul with joy though the loss of him still cuts most deeply…

Alan Jackson Where Were You

David Rovics LIVE @ Brad Will's Memorial NYC

John Vanderslice- Exodus Damage

Neil Young - Walking To New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina Concert)

USA for Africa - We Are The World (w/M.Jackson) + Lyrics HQ

They Don't Really Care About Us MJ

OKC 'Third Suspect' Gary Land -
Fed Provocateurs Identified?

By Walter Burien
Exclusive to

Jeff -
The picture is of the "Third OKC suspect" Gary Land. He was picked up at the same time as McVeigh but released the next day and all mention of him quickly disappeared from the press.
Brian Quig an independent reporter from Tempe, Arizona had this picture up on his web site shortly after the bombing. Brian was diligently working on gathering information on Land to show a cover-up by the Feds. Brian Quig was pushing very hard on the Gary Land issue when he was run down by a car in Phoenix and killed. His web site  subsequently went down. A Google search for "Brian Quig" will still pull up much of Mr. Quig's work centered on exposing government corruption.
I saved this picture from his site before it was lost. I also sent it to my email list a year ago with a note to save it per the OKC bombing. The picture shows Land being hustled out the back door of the Sheriff's office, in hand cuffs (covered with jacket) by several FBI agents.
The scoop Brian Quig was working on was that: Gary Land was a known FBI informant from Phoenix. I, and several militia contacts from Phoenix who were Arizona Sheriffs confirmed back in 1995 that Gary Land after being busted by the police with drugs was made an offer to work under-cover to infiltrate several militia groups in Phoenix around the time of the OKC bombing. Gary Land was asked to leave the militia meetings in Phoenix being that he was a know FBI provocateur. Later he was seen several times hanging out and traveling with McVeigh in Kingman, AZ and elsewhere. 
Quig made several trips to Kingman researching Gary Land. Brian Quig investigating Land to establish the solid links that showed the FBI knew and participated in every step of the OKC bombing could have been the primary reason Quig was killed. The police report said Quig was killed (run down) in Phoenix by a car at 1 AM in the morning and listed the event as an accident. I strongly believe that Brian Quig was pushed in front of a car.
This picture and my comments above are given to as an EXCLUSIVE with the original picture of Gary Land being courtesy of Brian Quig, a relentless searcher for the truth.
Truly yours,
Walter J. Burien, Jr.  
The third suspect Gary Land is wearing the black T-Shirt

Exodus Damage lyrics
I'll see you next fall
At another gun show
I'll call the day before, like usual

But I wanted so much more
I got exodus damage bleed
Could not commit
Some things I'll never be

So now we're talking about this
I'm starting to lose my confidence
No one ever says a word about
So much that happens in the world

Dance Dance Revolution
All we're gonna get
Unless it falls apart
So I say: go, go, go, go down
Let it fall down
I'm ready for the end

So the second plane hit at 9:02
I saw it live on a hotel T.V.
Talking on my cell with you
You said this would happen
And just like that, it did
Wrong about the feeling
Wrong about the sound
But right to say we would stand down

An hour went by without a fighter in the sky
You said there's a reason why
So tell me now, I must confess
I'm not sick enough to guess

Dance Dance Revolution
All we're gonna get
Unless it falls apart
So I say: go, go, go, go down
Let it fall down
I'm ready for the end

So you hope that one person
Could solve everything
And for me, that's you
Sometimes that dream
Is a sad delusion
But sometimes it's true

So now we're talking about this
I'm starting to lose my confidence
No one ever says a word about
So much that happens in the world

Dance Dance Revolution
All we�re gonna get
Unless it falls apart
So I say: go, go, go, go down
Let it fall down

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