
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Youtube Blocking The View Count & Stats On Video About 9/11 First Responder's Death

Video below

City ghouls grab '9/11' cop corpse

Shock grieving family at wake

Last Updated: 4:49 PM, March 30, 2011
Posted: 1:14 AM, March 30, 2011

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'They totally disrespected our family. Now my brother can’t even rest in peace because of this.' — Howard Wong (above, with parents), brother of deceased NYPD cop George Wong
Dan Brinzac
'They totally disrespected our family. Now my brother can’t even rest in peace because of this.' — Howard Wong (above, with parents), brother of deceased NYPD cop George Wong

Rep. Ellison Breaks Into Tears Explaining Story Of Muslim First Responder Who Died To Save Americans On 9/11 Today, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is holding hearings in the House Homeland Security Committee singling out the Muslim American community for supposedly aiding and abetting terrorism. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Congress’s first elected Muslim, rebuked King’s unjustified focus on the Muslim community during his own remarks at the hearing. He reminded the hearing that a number of Muslims have worked to defend the United States from terrorism, and referenced the story of Muhammad Hamdani, a 23-year-old Muslim first responder who died on September 11th saving people trapped in the World Trade Center, and was later smeared due to his Islamic faith. The congressman broke down into tears by the end of his statement, moved by the story of Hamdami, who “was a fellow American who gave his life for other Americans”:
ELLISON: Let me close with a story, but remember that it’s only one of many American stories that could be told. Mohammed Salman Hamdani was a 23-year-old paramedic, a New York City police cadet and a Muslim American. He was one of those brave first responders who tragically lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks almost a decade ago. As The New York Times eulogized, “He wanted to be seen as an all-American kid.” [...] Mr. Hamdani bravely sacrificed his life to try and help others on 9/11. After the tragedy some people tried to smear his character solely because of his Islamic faith. Some people spread false rumors and speculated that he was in league with the attackers only because he was Muslim. It was only when his remains were identified that these lies were fully exposed. Mohammed Salman Hamdani was a fellow American who gave his life for other Americans. His life should not be defined as a member of an ethnic group or a member of a religion, but as an American who gave everything for his fellow citizens. I yield back.
Watch it:

Hamdami’s mother, Talat Hamdani, is at the hearings today. She works with September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, which opposes the hearings.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

900 First Responders Have Died Since 9/11

Nine years after the attacks at the World Trade Center some 900 first responders have passed on from various causes of death. Many no doubt have died to exposure to the site as a result of working in the pile of debris that were once the Twin Towers.

Various forms of dust, fumes, and other contaminants no doubt wreaked havoc on these men and women's health.  Some have passed on in part I am sure due to psychological factors that working such a tragedy. Not all the casualties of calamity occur on the during the event.

Ira Hayes was one of the Soldiers who raised the Flag in the famous photo from the Battle of Iwo Jima.  Several years after the war he died of heavy drinking, most likely the result of World War II and its effects on him.

After Vietnam many vets have dealt with PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder formerly known as "shell shock." After the Gulf War there has been the Gulf War Syndrome. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have left their respective scars on the men and women who have seen combat.

The same can be safely said about the first responders, those who fought the war of September 11, 2001 and survived the initial conflict, many of their greatest challenges in life may have begun that fateful day.  The casualties of war or tragedy don't have to die at the event or soon thereafter.

Sometimes the effects directly or indirectly take them from us many months or years later in one form or another.  As we remember all those first responders to the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and Shankesville, Pennsylvania, let us not forget those who lived long after the initial events before leaving this world.  And let us not forget those who were first responders who continue on with their battle scars physical, mental, and emotional. The fight still continues for many police, firefighters, military, and ordinary citizens who became heroes that day and now live with its effects.

To live sometimes after tragedy is more challenging than to die. To survive is more difficult than to perish. Prayers to all who died on 9/11, as a result of dealing with 9/11, and those who survive on one day at a time.

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