
Monday, May 9, 2011

Australia needs are help....... It's called intervention, ey?

Just so yaw'll know my soul mate and myself have very good friends in Austrailia.
Julia Gillard Charged with Treason

National Geographic
Do you realise how fragile is the freedom we enjoy?
And how determined Gillard and the labor party is to take it from us?

This is NOT funny, nor is it Mickey Mouse party tricks. Your children, and grand-children and beyond, will curse you... if you do nothing!

PS - Did you read the last line? Now how do you feel? Safe?

Send this by Registered Post to - (Emails will be ignored) Your Pastor – priest – whatever and to...

Edward Killesteyn Australian Electoral Commissioner PO Box 6172 Kingston A.C.T 2601
Anne Bright Australian Electoral Commission of Queensland GPO Box 2590 Brisbane QLD 3001
Australian Electoral Commission of New South Wales PO Box K778 Haymarket NSW 1240
Australian Electoral Commission of Western Australia GPO Box 9867 Perth WA 6848
Australian Electoral Commission of South Australia GPO Box 344 Adelaide SA 5001
Australian Electoral Commission of Tasmania GPO Box 520 Hobart TAS 7001
Australian Electoral Commission of Northern Territory GPO Box 21 Darwin NT 0801

In 2007-2008 a Grand Jury process was activated against Julia Gillard, and others, relating to an organized, Treasonous attack on the Constitution of the Commonwealth and other State Constitutions, to impose a Globalist United Nations Agenda upon all Australians.

It's this letter below that finally got the date set.

The Chief Electoral Officer, Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
PO Box 6172, Kingston, 2604, Australian Capitol Territory (ACT)

Dear Chief Electoral Officer

Is it not true that a ‘Charge and Summons’ naming Prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard with treason, was issued on the 29th January 2007,(some three and a half years ago?). Further to that, is it not true that this charge of treason has been fraudulently and criminally concealed by the accused, since the date of enactment up to and inclusive of the present date?(Copy of Charge and Summons as was served on Ms. Gillard in 2007 is enclosed)

Should not Julia Gillard have stood down when the criminal charge was filed and served and should she not have disclosed these facts to the public? The indictable concealment remains concealed today despite section 44(1) and 44(II) of the Commonwealth Constitution. Does that not require that any such charged person be disqualified from sitting in either house of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia? Does not an act of Treason or Concealment of Treason result in penalties of imprisonment for life?

Consequently, since I now know about these matters, do I not have a duty and obligation to provide you with these details so that I myself am not guilty of concealment if I was to have remained silent?

Furthermore, now that you are personally and professionally fully aware of these matters, do you not also now have a duty to take immediate action so that you are not seen as willfully concealing this purported fraud to aid and abet Ms. Gillard and her party to have undue political gains by you and your department intentionally concealing these facts from the voting electorates?

Is it not your duty to immediately withdraw and cancel MP Ms Julia Gillard’s nomination in the forthcoming 21st August 2010 election?

Additional to that, should not you have a duty to inform the Governor General of this purported fraud, and insist that the August 21st Election be postponed until this charge of treason matter is resolved before a grand jury of the people?

Should you fail to immediately withdraw the nomination of Ms Gillard, or postpone the election until resolution, then surely duty dictates that your office provide statements in newspapers and television to absolve Australians from any complicity in this matter.

Kindly provide me with details of when and where you place statements in the media. Furthermore, please provide me with details of the senior officer in your department, to whom I could redirect any impositions should I or others choose to not vote if these matters of treason are criminally still unresolved prior to 21st August 2010.

I request that your official answers and confirmation of what specific action against Ms. Julia Gillard MP will be immediately taken by you and which answers are to be in a written format so as to be received by me not later than on the Eleventh (11th) day of August 2010, duly signed off by yourself personally on your official electoral letterhead

Honourably and Sincerely

Brisbane, Australia

This is the charge...

1. The oath / affirmation that Julia Gillard affirmed, is unlawful

2. The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia under Rudd and Gillard for the last number of years has sat unlawfully, because the Crown of the United Kingdom was removed and substituted from Western Australia without the required referendum
consent on 1st January 2004.

3. The criminal offence of Treason was committed when the Crown of the United Kingdom was removed from the State of Western Australia without the required State and Commonwealth Referendums on 1st January 2004.

4. Julia Gillard, John Howard, Kim Beasley, Michael Jeffery, Damian Bugg, R Hulls and others in the period 15th December 2006 and 29th January 2007, were criminally charged by Private Prosecution Right at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in this period. In addition Grand Jury applications were lodged at the Full Court of the
Supreme Court Melbourne Victoria on each defendant.

5. Julia Gillard has not revealed that these criminal charges exist. Julia Gillard was
charged with concealing treason, and as such is disqualified from sitting in either House of Parliament because of Section 44 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.

6. The Australian Election Paper relating to nominations states:-
“The disqualification in Section 44 renders a person incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of either house. The disqualifications therefore operate from the time the process of election starts that process, including Nomination of Candidates”

7. For more specific information relating to these criminal offences and the concealment of the existence of these offences, please refer to -“Brief of Evidence”

It's this letter below that finally got the date set.

The Chief Electoral Officer, Australian Electoral Commission (AEC)
PO Box 6172, Kingston, 2604, Australian Capitol Territory (ACT)

Dear Chief Electoral Officer

Is it not true that a ‘Charge and Summons’ naming Prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard with treason, was issued on the 29th January 2007,(some three and a half years ago?). Further to that, is it not true that this charge of treason has been fraudulently and criminally concealed by the accused, since the date of enactment up to and inclusive of the present date?(Copy of Charge and Summons as was served on Ms. Gillard in 2007 is enclosed)

Should not Julia Gillard have stood down when the criminal charge was filed and served and should she not have disclosed these facts to the public? The indictable concealment remains concealed today despite section 44(1) and 44(II) of the Commonwealth Constitution. Does that not require that any such charged person be disqualified from sitting in either house of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia? Does not an act of Treason or Concealment of Treason result in penalties of imprisonment for life?

Consequently, since I now know about these matters, do I not have a duty and obligation to provide you with these details so that I myself am not guilty of concealment if I was to have remained silent?

Furthermore, now that you are personally and professionally fully aware of these matters, do you not also now have a duty to take immediate action so that you are not seen as willfully concealing this purported fraud to aid and abet Ms. Gillard and her party to have undue political gains by you and your department intentionally concealing these facts from the voting electorates?

Is it not your duty to immediately withdraw and cancel MP Ms Julia Gillard’s nomination in the forthcoming 21st August 2010 election?

Additional to that, should not you have a duty to inform the Governor General of this purported fraud, and insist that the August 21st Election be postponed until this charge of treason matter is resolved before a grand jury of the people?

Should you fail to immediately withdraw the nomination of Ms Gillard, or postpone the election until resolution, then surely duty dictates that your office provide statements in newspapers and television to absolve Australians from any complicity in this matter.

Kindly provide me with details of when and where you place statements in the media. Furthermore, please provide me with details of the senior officer in your department, to whom I could redirect any impositions should I or others choose to not vote if these matters of treason are criminally still unresolved prior to 21st August 2010.

I request that your official answers and confirmation of what specific action against Ms. Julia Gillard MP will be immediately taken by you and which answers are to be in a written format so as to be received by me not later than on the Eleventh (11th) day of August 2010, duly signed off by yourself personally on your official electoral letterhead

Honourably and Sincerely

Brisbane, Australia

This is the charge...

1. The oath / affirmation that Julia Gillard affirmed, is unlawful

2. The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia under Rudd and Gillard for the last number of years has sat unlawfully, because the Crown of the United Kingdom was removed and substituted from Western Australia without the required referendum
consent on 1st January 2004.

3. The criminal offence of Treason was committed when the Crown of the United Kingdom was removed from the State of Western Australia without the required State and Commonwealth Referendums on 1st January 2004.

4. Julia Gillard, John Howard, Kim Beasley, Michael Jeffery, Damian Bugg, R Hulls and others in the period 15th December 2006 and 29th January 2007, were criminally charged by Private Prosecution Right at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in this period. In addition Grand Jury applications were lodged at the Full Court of the
Supreme Court Melbourne Victoria on each defendant.

5. Julia Gillard has not revealed that these criminal charges exist. Julia Gillard was
charged with concealing treason, and as such is disqualified from sitting in either House of Parliament because of Section 44 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.

6. The Australian Election Paper relating to nominations states:-
“The disqualification in Section 44 renders a person incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of either house. The disqualifications therefore operate from the time the process of election starts that process, including Nomination of Candidates”

7. For more specific information relating to these criminal offences and the concealment of the existence of these offences, please refer to -“Brief of Evidence”

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