9-11 WIDOW'S QUEST FOR WHY: Ellen Mariani Speaks Out *PIC*
Posted By: ChristopherBollyn
Date: Tuesday, 2-Aug-2005 15:14:15
By Christopher Bollyn

The step-daughter is represented by lawyers linked to Greenberg and Traurig, Mariani said, a law firm with close ties to both President George W. Bush and his brother, John "Jeb" Bush, the governor of Florida. Greenberg and Traurig helped George W. Bush win the contested election in Florida in 2000, for which he is greatly indebted.
Mariani's step-daughter has a history of substance abuse and took "mind-altering" medications after 9-11. During the court proceeding that removed Mariani as administrix, the New Hampsire judge never asked either of us, under oath, if we were medicated, she said.
"I used to take care of vets," she said. "They were all medicated. I can tell when someone is medicated."
Many of the grieving relatives of 9-11 victims were medicated by doctors working with the Red Cross, she said. "Why did the Red Cross steer 9-11 grieving families to their own approved psychologists? Why did the Red Cross bring in their own counselors and refuse to pay family doctors? Why did they medicate the relatives?"
"You can't heal while you are medicated," Mariani says. "You can't grow. You stop where you are. You have to bite the bullet and it hurts like hell."
"These are mind control medications," she said. "That's why they had to remove me. They couldn't control me." Removing Mariani from her own case was a decision made between her lawyers and those from "the other side," she said.
Shortly thereafter, Lauren Peters went to Boston with Daniel Bakinowski, an attorney with the Greenberg Traurig law firm.  The Greenberg firm represented President Bush in the 2000 election vote recount ana currently reprepresents the Presidents brother Jeb Bush.  I believe this is a conflict of interest.

Interestingly enough, President Bush through John Ashcroft, hired Kenneth Fineberg as Special Master of the 9-11 Victim Compensation Fund, and Mr. Fineberg in turn happened to hire the Boston office of Greenberg firm to handle 9-11 family applications regarding the Fund.
There are people who have tougher jobs in the world, like sergeants in Afghanistan or maybe the coach of the 76ers. But Kenneth Feinberg doesn't have it easy. The Boston-bred lawyer took over the Gulf oil spill claims process in late August, and since then he's managed to be criticized by nearly everyone in the Gulf Coast region. Feinberg, who ran the relatively successful 9/11 Compensation Fund, is charged with reviewed damage claims from
1) Kenneth Feinberg (born October 23, 1945, Brockton, Massachusetts)[1] is an American attorney, specializing in mediation and alternative dispute resolution. Feinberg was appointed Special Master of the U.S. government's September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and currently serves as the Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation, popularly called the "pay czar." Additionally, Feinberg currently serves as the government-appointed administrator of the BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster Victim Compensation Fund. He is also an adjunct professor at the Columbia University School of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, New York University School of Law, the University of Virginia School of Law and at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.

2) September 11 Victim Compensation Fund
Appointed by Attorney General John Ashcroft to be Special Master of the fund, Feinberg worked for 33 months entirely pro bono. He developed the regulations governing the administration of the fund and administered all aspects of the program, including evaluating applications, determining appropriate compensation and disseminating awards.
Early in the process he was described as aloof and arrogant. Feinberg was subjected to some very public criticism at meetings, in the media and on Web sites.[2] "I underestimated the emotion of this at the beginning", Feinberg has said. "I didn't fully appreciate how soon this program had been established after 9/11, so there was a certain degree of unanticipated anger directed at me that I should have been more attuned to."[3]
It was up to Feinberg to make the decisions on how much each family of a 9/11 victim would receive. Feinberg had to estimate how much each victim would have earned in a full lifetime. If a family accepted the offer, it was not possible to appeal. Families unhappy with the offer were able to appeal in a nonadversarial, informal hearing to present their case however they wanted. Feinberg personally presided over more than 900 of the 1,600 hearings. At the end of the process, $7 billion was awarded to 97 percent of the families.
"It's a brutal, sort of cold, thing to do. Anybody who looks at this program and expects that by cutting a U.S. Treasury check, you are going to make 9/11 families happy, is vastly misunderstanding what's going on with this program," said Feinberg. "There is not one family member I've met who wouldn't gladly give back the check, or, in many cases, their own lives to have that loved one back. 'Happy' never enters into this equation."[3]
Feinberg was able to change the mind of some of his harshest critics. Charles Wolf, whose wife died in the north tower, renamed his highly critical Web site called "Fix the Fund" to "The Fund is Fixed!". At first he called Feinberg "patronizing, manipulative and at times, even cruel." Later he said, "To have one of your sharpest critics follow through on a promise and not only join the program he was criticizing, but promote it to his peers, says a lot about you and the way you have adjusted both the program and your attitude...Today, I have complete faith in you."
In 2005 his book, titled "What is Life Worth?: The Unprecedented Effort to Compensate the Victims of 9/11," was published.
Feinberg wrote that a widow of one firefighter cursed him “I spit on you, and your children.” for being unfair in his compensation awards .[4]
On June 17, 2005, he was honored by his hometown of Brockton by having a road named after him: Attorney Ken Feinberg Way.

[edit] Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund

On July 5, 2007, it was announced that Feinberg would work pro bono as the chief administrator to the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund (HSMF). The HSMF was set up by the Virginia Tech Foundation in the aftermath of the events of April 16, 2007, on the Virginia Tech Campus. Feinberg and the university plan to disseminate a set of proposals for comment about distributions to the families in mid-July. The victims or families will have options on the ultimate uses of the funds. Payments would be completed sometime during the fall.[5]

[edit] Special Master for Executive Compensation

On June 10, 2009, Feinberg was appointed by the U.S. Treasury Department to oversee the compensation of top executives at companies which have received federal bailout assistance.[6] As part of his policies, he has suggested to many bank executives that they emphasize long-term stock compensation rather than cash payments.[7]
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in a statement about Feinberg's rulings on executive pay, said, "We all share an interest in seeing these companies return taxpayer dollars as soon as possible, and Ken today has helped bring that day a little bit closer."[8][9]

[edit] BP Oil Spill Fund

On June 16, 2010, it was reported that Feinberg was to run a $20 billion fund to pay claims for the BP oil spill.
I hadn’t told him that the letter he wrote had already been discovered by Mariani’s legal team. Its existence was already beyond dispute. I wanted to see if Feinberg would lie about the letter. He denied having any knowledge of it at the outset of our conversation. Things went downhill from there. (See transcript below.)
Feinberg had a quick temper, an inclination to fly off the handle right away, to start shouting at a reporter at the drop of a hat. Perhaps in 2003, he was under pressure to minimize lawsuits and questions against the 9/11 Official Story. Or perhaps Feinberg’s acerbic and tempestuous manner was his core competency. His specialty as a lawyer is technically “Alternative Conflict Resolution” but in fact what he does is use strong-arm tactics, and under the table pressure, to browbeat victims into taking a quick deal that reduces the liability of big corporations, and federal government.
Feinberg was the cover-up master in a litany of important historical US Government and US Corporate cover-ups: Agent Orange, the Dalkon Shield, Long Island’s Shoreham Nuclear Plant, the 9/11 Attacks, and the Virginia Tech Shooter.

Kenneth Feinberg to hold additional town hall meetings regarding distribution of Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund

BLACKSBURG, Va., July 25, 2007 – Kenneth Feinberg, appointed by Virginia Tech President Charles Steger to administer the distribution of the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund, will hold two town hall meetings later this week.
Steger issues statement on Chos medical records (VA Tech -Chos medical records at home of shrink for 3 years)  hmmmmmmmmm
"It goes without saying that we were greatly disappointed to learn that, over the last three years, the records were discovered to be in the possession of the former director of the counseling center, Dr. Robert Miller," the statement said. "That Dr. Miller immediately returned the records to the University is to his credit. But that he had them at all is troubling. Dr. Miller's removal of these records was unauthorized and is in opposition to standard university policy and operating procedures."
Steger also attempted to provide a time line for the discovery of the documents.
"The university became aware of the discovery of Cho's records on Thursday, July 16, after Dr. Miller's attorney informed the Virginia Attorney General's office," the statement said. "Dr. Miller returned the records to Cook Counseling Center on Thursday afternoon.  I was out of the office, but I was informed on Thursday about the discovery."

Greenberg Traurig People
Nalco Chemical Company in its acquisition by Suez

Nalco CEO on Gulf Coast to defend dispersant

By Ernest Scheyder

NEW YORK | Fri Jun 4, 2010 2:02am IST
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nalco Holding Co Chief Executive Erik Fyrwald is on a two-day visit to the U.S. Gulf Coast to assuage concerns that his company's dispersant will do more harm than good in the Gulf of Mexico oil leak."We have to remember that the enemy is oil," Fyrwald said on Thursday in a telephone interview from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. "Dispersant has kept untold amounts of oil from the shore. The question is, 'What is the net environmental damage of leaving the oil alone?'"
Daniel Bakinowski
Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
Senior Advisor, Center on Wealth and Philanthropy
Boston College
515 McGuinn
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
(617) 552-4070
Fax (617) 552-3903

Attorney Photo
Barry Richard
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Greenberg Traurig
From SourceWatch
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Greenberg Traurig, LLP is a Miami-based 1,350-lawyer full-service international law firm "with the fourth-largest number of lawyers in the United States and eighth-largest worldwide." The firm was founded in 1967 by Miami lawyer Mel Greenberg. "Much of Greenberg Traurig's growth has been achieved through several mergers, including its 1998 pairing with Atlanta entertainment practice Katz, Smith & Cohen, and its 1999 acquisition of Minkin & Snyder." [1][2][3][4]
Cesar L. Alvarez - President and CEO
1 Lobbying
2 Bush-Greenberg Traurig Connections
3 Jack Abramoff and the Indian Casinos
4 Key People
5 Shareholders, Of Counsel, Associates
6 Contact details
7 SourceWatch Resources
7.1 SourceWatch Resources re Jack Abramoff
8 External links
8.1 Corporate Profiles
8.2 Articles & Commentary
8.2.1 Thomas Kramer
8.2.2 Jack Abramoff and Indian Casinos
8.2.3 Bush Connections
8.2.4 Leonard N. Ross and Philadelphia Mayor John Street

"In 1998, Greenberg Traurig was named one of the top lobbying firms in the nation by Fortune magazine. The Firm was ranked No. 40 among the nation's top lobbying firms having 'the most power and access in the business.'" [5]
Bush-Greenberg Traurig Connections
The following enumerations were published in September 2004 by, among others, the Portland Indymedia. Some sources have been provided in support.
1. "Represented President George W. Bush in the Bush-Gore 2000 Florida election vote recount."
"Court's reputation being tested," Associated Press (, December 11, 2000: "Barry Richard, a partner in the firm, is the lead Bush attorney in Florida. Richard, who is a Democrat, said he was called Nov. 8 about representing Bush." re Barry S. Richard
"Ethics experts say Scalia, Thomas connections not conflicts of interest," CNN, December 12, 2000: See "Justice Scalia's sons": "Another Bush lawyer, Barry S. Richard, is a partner in that firm's Tallahassee office."
"Florida Attorneys for Bush and Gore to Debate 2000 Presidential Election Recount," University of Florida, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, March 25, 2003: "Barry Richard, chief Florida attorney for Bush ... an attorney of Greenberg Traurig law firm in Tallahassee,..."
"Greenberg Traurig Instrumental in Florida Vote Recount Victory,", January 13, 2004.
2. "Personally represents Florida Governor Jeb Bush."
"Governor Bush Appoints Raquel A. Rodriguez to Serve As General Counsel," My Florida, November 25, 2002. re Raquel A. Rodriguez
"Gov. Bush names Greenberg Traurig lawyer general counsel," South Florida BizJournal, November 25, 2002.
"Hayden Dempsey Joins Greenberg Traurig LLP,", December 23, 2003. re Hayden R. Dempsey
Profile: Hayden R. Dempsey, Republican National Lawyers Association.
Profile: Justin Sayfie, Poole McKinley & Blosser website. re Justin J. Sayfie.
Bush Donor Profile: Justin J. Sayfie: here and here, Texans for Public Justice.
3. "Hired son of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
Sebastian Mallaby
Director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies and Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow for International Economics

Contact Info:
Phone: +1.202.509.8446

Washington, DC
February 15, 2011
The U.S. Budget's Tightrope Act
Sebastian Mallaby, Director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies and Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow for International Economics
Adam Segal, Ira A. Lipman Senior Fellow for Counterterrorism and National Security Studies
Laurie Garrett, Senior Fellow for Global Health
Micah Zenko, Fellow for Conflict Prevention
Expert Roundup
The White House's proposed budget for FY2012 tries to balance spending cuts with investment to boost competitiveness. CFR experts examine how well it handles deficit reduction, defense, foreign aid, and spurring innovation.
Columnist Sebastian Mallaby[dead link] of the Washington Post reacted sharply to Perkins' book[6]: "This man is a frothing conspiracy theorist, a vainglorious peddler of nonsense, and yet his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, is a runaway bestseller." Mallaby, who spent 13 years writing for the London Economist and wrote a critically well-received biography of World Bank chief James Wolfensohn,[7] holds that Perkins' conception of international finance is "largely a dream" and that his "basic contentions are flat wrong."[6] For instance he points out that Indonesia reduced its infant mortality and illiteracy rates by two-thirds after economists persuaded its leaders to borrow money in 1970. He also disputes Perkins' claim that 51 of the top 100 world economies belong to companies. A value-added comparison done by the UN, he says, shows the number to be 29.
Marvin S. Rosen
Chairman of the Board
Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.
New York ,  NY
Sector: TECHNOLOGY  /  Wireless Communications
Officer since January 1997
Director ,  Terremark Worldwide, Inc.
Miami ,  FL
Sector: TECHNOLOGY  /  Telecom Services - Foreign
70 Years Old
Mr. Rosen co-founded the Company in 1997. He has served as the Chairman of our Board of Directors since November 2004, Chairman of our Executive Committee since September 1999, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors from December 1998 to November 2004 and has been a member of our Board since March 1998. He served as our Chief Executive Officer from April 2000 until March 2006. In 1983 he joined the international law firm of Greenberg Traurig as a Partner specializing as a Corporate Securities Lawyer active in many Public Offerings and Private Placements. He remained an active practicing lawyer until 2000. At that point he became inactive and remained of Counsel until early 2009. During his active time as a lawyer he was involved in Private Placements and Public Offerings. Mr. Rosen was Finance Chairman for the Democratic National Committee from September 1995 until January 1997. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial and Terremark Worldwide, Inc. and previously was Budget and Finance Chairman for the Summit of the Americas and Chairman of the Florida Housing Finance Agency. Mr. Rosen is also a Principal with Diamond Edge Capital Partners, L.L.C. Mr. Rosen?s son, Matthew, is our current Chief Executive Officer, and serves on our Board of Directors.
Director Compensation (Fusion Telecommunications International, Inc.) for 2009
Bush Florida 2000 recount committee still owes lobbyist's former firm $314k
White House directs queries to RNC
By John Byrne | RAW STORY Editor
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
If so, the photograph taken of President George W. Bush and embattled House Majority Leader Tom DeLay was priceless—the windswept DeLay strutting down the tarmac beside the president, two Republican leaders rankled by political setbacks joined at the hip.
There’s a backstory that lurks behind Bush’s decision to stand by DeLay. It involves Greenberg Traurig, the firm that employed the powerful lobbyist who paid for palatial DeLay junkets, and Abramoff staffers, who were footsoldiers in the Florida recount. Greenberg Traurig has yet to receive more than $314,000 in legal fees charged to a Bush committee during the 2000 Florida recount, RAW STORY can confirm.

9-11 widow fights estate challenge
....linked to Bush

Date: 2004.09.28
Description: An attorney employed by Abramoff-linked GREENBERG TRAURIG law firm, which has multiple ties to President Bush, met with a 9-11 widow's step-daughter prior to her commencement of an estate takeover attempt which could limit Ms. Mariani's future financial and thus legal options as she seeks to hold Mr. Bush and others accountable in her multi billion dollar RICO suit against the Bush regime for organizing and perpetrating 9-11 ... [A]n estate challenge filed more than a year ago by Mariani's step-daughter Lauren Peters, ***who met with attorney Daniel Bakinowski in the Boston office of Greenberg Traurig--a Miami-based firm with several close links to both President George W. Bush and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush.***


[1] represented President Bush in the Bush-Gore 2000 Florida election vote recount,

[2] personally represents Governor Jeb Bush,

[3] hired the son of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on election day 2000--after which Justice Scalia cast one of the deciding votes which placed Bush in the presidency about seven weeks later, and

[4] Miami-headquartered firm partially funded/sponsored delegation to Israel by House-Senate Armed Services Committee members and government contractors to witnes and be briefed on interrogation resistance procedures and torture techniques....One of the lobbyists joining them to Israel included Jack London, CEO of CACI International Inc., American defense contractor firm implicated by U.S. Major General Taguba in torture of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison.

[5] have prominent administrative positions in Massachusetts 9/11 Fund also involving Bush family banking house Brown Brothers Harriman

[6] one of them appointed as General Counsel of the Department of the Navy and its Office of Naval Intelligence--just 90 days before the 9/11 attacks--likely to mis-steer invesgiations and questions after the hit

[7] has in it a Bush '04 "pioneer" fundraiser & DC lobbyist: Abramoff

[8] fined $77,000 in 1998 for soliciting illegal foreign political donation from German citizen Thomas Kramer

[9] GREENBERG TRAURIG TAKES OVER DEMOCRATIC PARTY AS WELL: A FIRM PARTNER IS MARVIN ROSEN, the DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE (DNC) FINANCE CHAIRMAN who supervised activities of convicted fund-raiser and DNC vice-chairman of finance John Huang who had to return half of $3 million+ raised by him because of contributions from illegal foreign sources. [Chinese mafia money into the Democrats; Sicilian/Israeli/Colombian mafia money into the Republicans...]

[10] firm works with 9-11 victims on planning out their U.S. gov't hushmail/bribery estates.

[11] Bush still owes Greenberg firm nearly one million dollars for work done by dozens of lawyers and paralegals--leaving some to question why a Republican candidate would hire a Democratic lawyer from a Democratic firm...

[MORE BELOW, this is a big link IN THE 9-11 NETWORK]...

BUSH PUNISHES MARIANI for RICO suit: 9-11 widow fights estate challenge....linked to Bush

An attorney employed by THE GREENBERG TRAURIG law firm with multiple ties to President Bush met with a 9-11 widow's step-daughter prior to her commencement of an estate takeover attempt which could limit Ms. Mariani's future financial and thus legal options as she seeks to hold Mr. Bush and others accountable in her multi billion dollar RICO suit against the Bush regime for organizing and perpetrating 9-11 ... [A]n estate challenge filed more than a year ago by Mariani's step-daughter Lauren Peters, ***who met with attorney Daniel Bakinowski in the Boston office of Greenberg Traurig--a Miami-based firm with several close links to both President George W. Bush and his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush.***

THE GREENBERG TRAURIG law firm: --- [1] represented President Bush in the Bush-Gore 2000 Florida election vote recount, --- [2] personally represents Governor Jeb Bush, --- [3] hired son of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on election day 2000--after which Justice Scalia cast one of the 5 to 4 deciding votes which placed Bush in presidency, --- [4] Miami-headquartered firm partially funded/sponsored delegation to Israel by House-Senate Armed Services Committee members and government contractors to witnes and be briefed on interrogation resistance procedures and torture techniques....One of lobbyists joining them to Israel included Jack London, CEO, CACI Int'l Inc., firm implicated in outsourced Iraqi torture at Abu Ghraib prison, --- [5] firm has prominent administrative positions in Massachusetts 9/11 Fund which also involves Bush family banking house Brown Brothers Harriman, --- [6] one appointed as General Counsel of the Department of the Navy and its Office of Naval Intelligence just 90 days before the attacks [MORE BELOW, this is a big link IN THE 9-11 NETWORK]...