Right...some people say the CIA...but then others say the Army's ISA operating under the code-name Centra Spike for that particular operation. I think it would be the latter.
Bowdens said in the newspapers series that it was a US Army unit. I also noticed that usually CIA doesn't use two-word codenames but two initials and a single word such as GE-Seniors, AE-Ladle, CK-Sphere, etc (BTW, according to Bowden, a rival CIA unit was codenamed Majestic Eagle). Also said that Centra Spike "techniques for eavesdropping on radio and telephone conversations from the air had been perfected during missions over El Salvador". So I think it's probably the former ISA (the name USAISA was officially "terminated" on 31 March 1989).
recruited Afghan agents, operating under the codeword GE/ SENIORS, who had been paid to track bin Laden around Afghanistan for the last three years. ... |
I found the above while doing a search on GE Seniors, I had already typed the following.
Excerpt from 'Bush at War':
The CIA had been after bin Laden for more than five years, and increasingly so after the devastating 1998 bin Laden-sponsored terrorist bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that had left more than 200 people dead. At that time, President Clinton directed the U.S. military to launch 66 cruise missiles into terrorist training camps in Afghanistan where bin Laden was believed to be in a high-level meeting. But he had apparently left a few hours before the missiles arrived.
In 1999, the CIA commenced a covert operation to train 60 commandos from the Pakistani intelligence agency to enter Afghanistan to capture bin Laden. But the operation was aborted because of a military coup in Pakistan. More ambitious and riskier options had been weighed in seemingly endless meetings with the top Clinton national security officials.
One option that had been considered was a clandestine helicopter-borne night assault on bin Laden with a small, elite U.S. military Special Forces unit of roughly 40 men. It would require aerial refueling, as the helicopters would have to fly some 900 miles. But they were spooked by the 1980 Desert One operation President Carter had ordered to rescue the American hostages held in Iran wen several aircraft had crashed in the desert, and the dowing of two Blackhawk helicopters in Somalia during a 1993 mission, which had led to 18 American deaths. The military said a raid on bin Laden might fail and could involve substantial U.S. casualties. Intelligence reports also showed that bin Laden had his key lieutenants keep their families with the entourage, and Clinto was opposed to any operation that might kill women and children.
A U.S. Special Forces unit and U.S. submarines capable of firing cruise missiles were put on alert, but they required six to ten hours advance warning about bin Laden's future location.
One of the most guarded secrets in the CIA was the existance of 30 recruited Afghan agents, operating under the codeword GE/SENIORS, who had been paid to track bin Laden around Afghanistan for the last three years. The group, which was paid $10,000 a month, could move together or break into smaller tracking teams of five men.
The CIA had daily secure communications with the "Seniors" as they were called, and had bought them vehicles and motorcycles. But tracking bin Laden grew increasingly difficult. He moved at irregular times, often departing suddenly at night.
Incredicly, the Seniors seemed to have him located most of the time, but they were never able to provide "actionable" intelligence-to say with any confidence that he would remain there in the time needed to shoot cruise missiles at the location. And the CIA failed to recruit a reliable human spy in bin Laden'ts circle who could tip them to his plans.
There were those in the Clinto White House and national security apparatus who were skeptical of the Seniors, because of times there was contradictory intelligence about bin Laden's location. And in Afghanistan people, especially intelligence assets, were regulary bought off.
Neither Clinton, nor Bush to this moment, had given the CIA lethal authority to send the Seniors or other paid CIA assets to kill or assassinate bin Laden. The presidential ban on assassinations first signed by President Gerald Ford, had the force of the law.
During one period, the leader of the Afghan Seniors had met several times with the CIA station chief from Islamabad, Pakistan who controlled and paid them. The Senior leader maintained that they had shot at bin Laden's convoy on two occasions in self-defense, which was permissible, but he wanted to go after the convoy in a concerted way, proposing an ambush--shoot everything up, kill everyone and then run.
The CIA station chief kept saying, "No, you can't, you can't do that." It would violate U.S. Law.
Given the money that was available, the covert action resources and the atmosphere, Tenet figured the CIA had done everything they knew how to do. But he had never requested a change in the rules, had never asked Clinton for an intelligence order that would have permitted the Seniors to ambush bin Laden.
Many were rightfully concerned about the relationship of the Bush-Cheney administration to the oil industry and defense contractors but curiously they have remained silent about the GE-Obama relationship.
Stanley Allen McChrystal (born August 14, 1954)[2] is a retired four-star general in the United States Army.[3] His last assignment was as Commander, International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A).[4][5] He previously served as Director, Joint Staff from August 2008 to June 2009 and as Commander, Joint Special Operations Command from 2003 to 2008, where he was credited with the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, but also criticized for his alleged role in the cover-up of the Pat Tillman friendly fire incident.[6] McChrystal was reportedly known for saying and thinking what other military leaders were afraid to, one of the reasons cited for his appointment to lead all forces in Afghanistan, a post he held from June 15, 2009, to June 23, 2010.[7]
Clinton's and Bush's 9/11 War of Words

Today Sen. Hillary Clinton charged headfirst into the national security debate, arguing that before 9/11 President Clinton took al Qaeda more seriously than President Bush did.
"If my husband and his national security team had been shown a classified report titled 'Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States,'" as the Bush administration was, she said, "he would have taken it more seriously than history suggests it was taken by our current president and his national security team."
The Democratic senator's comments -- seemingly planned and written down beforehand -- came after her husband's contentious interview on Fox News Channel Sunday in which the former president defended his record in trying to kill bin Laden and attacked President Bush's record.
"They had eight months to try," the Clinton said. "They did not try. I tried."
General Electric was one of the original 12 companies included in the then newly-formed Dow Jones Industrial Average and has remained in the list until now (the only original company left on the list).
General Electric also went beyond electronics and pursued investments in media broadcasting and aviation. In 1919, GE founded the Radio Corporation of America to expand their ventures in the international radio industry. GE also endeavored in television ventures by reacquiring RCA for NBC in 1986. The company also purchased Vivendi’s movies and television franchises in 2004. GE was also involved in the development of US aviation by creating the first US jet engine in 1942. GE Aviations is now part of GE Infrastructure, a subsidiary of General Electric.
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