Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is Belgium a fantasy nation?

Excerpt from my book (mystuffs)
Jill had written two specific requests on the paper she handed to Rob. First, it asked that he find
and supply her information on Belgium. Second, Jill requested that he find some info about a tutor,
they could trust, that could quickly teach her to speak French.

The plan was to settle in Belgium in the province of Luxembourg. The decision on Luxembourg was
arrived at from the fact that Luxembourg was oriented towards tourism, agriculture and wood. It
also had advanced industries in the agri-food stuffs sector. It fit right in with Jill and Steve’s
lifestyle.  (I knew nothing about Belgium before writing this and did a wee bit of research before adding it to my book.)

Put the carving knife away
This does not mean that Belgium can dissect itself without anybody worrying. Spain and Italy would not be the only places to fret about the precedent of rich regions pulling away from poorer ones. Scottish nationalists speak of independence within Europe. Many ex-communist countries have big national minorities: think of Hungarians in Slovakia. Redraw Belgium and break the mystique of European tolerance—and one creates doubts across much of the EU’s eastern swathe.
Changing national borders only rarely resolves nationalist and ethnic disputes. Where communities overlap, tolerance, minority rights, autonomy and cross-border co-operation are better democratic tools. Take Brussels. If Flanders breaks away from Belgium, could Brussels, officially bilingual but overwhelmingly Francophone, leave Flanders? Indeed, this conundrum offers the best hope that, in the end, Flemings and Walloons will live together somehow. Splitting a city is harder than breaking up a university—luckily for Belgium, and perhaps for Europe.
Posted 17 January 2005 - 12:04 PM
Price Harry’s behaviour has raised the embarrassing issue of the history of the royal family and fascism.

It is of course well documented that the royal family originally came from Germany and changed its name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor during the First World War. This is of course irrelevant, if we are going to have a royal family, I see nothing wrong in getting them from Germany. If talent does not matter, why should we bother about nationality.

The problem was not that the royal family was German in the 1930s but that several of its members were sympathetic towards Hitler. We all know about the activities of the Duke of Windsor (the former Edward VIII). One of the main reasons why he was forced to abdicate was his close relationship with Hitler’s government. Even as late at 1970 the Duke of Windsor was saying that he “never thought Hitler was such a bad chap”. After all, he was anti-communist wasn’t he?

Recently released files (2003) show that the Nazis planned to reinstall Edward as king in order that he could become “director of England’s destiny after the war”.

Edward was not the only member of the royal family who was sympathetic to Hitler. George VI’s diaries and letters written in the 1930s make a fascinating read. They show that George was not concerned with the atrocities being committed by Hitler and was doing everything he could to support Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement policy. In fact, his campaign was unconstitutional and was the last example in history of the monarchy trying to influence major political decisions in the UK.

George and Edward were not alone in these pro-German views. It was mainstream thought amongst the aristocracy. Recently released files on the Right Club shows a network of aristocrats and retired military officers willing to campaign for a negotiated peace with Germany in 1939 and 1940. Some of these characters were willing to provide Germany with official secrets.

The Right Club, a secret organization, was infiltrated by Joan Miller, the mistress of Maxwell Knight, the head of B5b, a unit of MI5 that conducted the monitoring of political subversion. Knight, the former Director of Intelligence of the British Fascisti (BF), was reluctant to take action against this group. However, someone tipped off Winston Churchill and when he became prime minister he insisted that members of the group should be arrested. Aristocrats like Lord Redesdale, Duke of Wellington, Duke of Westminster, Marquess of Graham, Lord Sempill, Earl of Galloway, etc. were allowed to go free. However, two members, Anna Wolkoff and Tyler Kent, were arrested and convicted for spying. Their main crime was that they had foreign backgrounds. Archibald Ramsay, the Tory MP, was also arrested and although guilty of spying for Germany, his case was covered up and was eventually released from prison in September 1944.

After the war the royal family did what it could to maintain the Nazi connection. Prince Michael married the daughter of Baron Gunther von Reibnitz, a Nazi Party member and an honorary member of the SS.

Elizabeth married Prince Philip. He came from a pro-fascist family. His brother-in-law, Prince Christoph of Hesse was a member of the SS. In fact, Elizabeth’s marriage to Philip caused problems and the government refused permission for several of his relatives to enter Britain and attend the wedding.
Christoph of Hesse was a high ranking Nazi. He was chief of Hermann Göring's secret intelligence service, an aide to Heinrich Himmler and a member of the Schutzstaffel (SS).[1] He was also a Major of the Luftwaffe during World War II.
Christoph married Princess Sophie of Greece and Denmark on 15 December 1930 in Kronberg im Taunus, Germany. Princess Sophie was the youngest daughter of Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark and Princess Alice of Battenberg, and the sister of the future Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Through her father she was a descendant of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia and King Christian IX of Denmark and through her mother a descendant of both Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
Unknown to Ramsay, MI5 agents had infiltrated the Right Club. This included three women, Joan Miller, Marjorie Amor and Helem de Munck. The British government was therefore kept fully informed about the activities of Ramsay and his right-wing friends. Soon after the outbreak of the Second World War the government passed a Defence Regulation Order. This legislation gave the Home Secretary the right to imprison without trial anybody he believed likely to "endanger the safety of the realm" On 22nd September, 1939, Oliver C. Gilbert and Victor Rowe, became the first members of the Right Club to be arrested.
In the House of Commons Ramsay attacked this legislation and on 14th December, 1939, asked: "Is this not the first time for a very long time in British history, that British born subjects have been denied every facility for justice?"

Belgium: No Way to Run a Country

Belgium Protest 300x212 Belgium: No Way to Run a Country
The Belgians are calling it a world record. Their country has survived for more than 250 days without a Government, longer than war ravaged Iraq took to get its post-Saddam act together.
The Belgian election was held in June last year and since then head of state King Albert has appointed a succession of mediators who have failed to convince the major parties to compromise for the good of the nation.
The latest appointee is due to report to the king on March 1, but he seems to have made little progress and it is feared that an alternative option of holding new elections might only entrench party positions and prolong the stand-off.
The complex Belgian constitution divides the country into three communities: Flemish, French and German-speaking, but also into three regions: Flemish, Walloon, and Brussels. It also acknowledges four language areas: Dutch, French, Bilingual (French and Dutch), and German.
The current stalemate stems from the various communities, regions and languages striving for greater autonomy or enhanced national union and the political, linguistic and cultural conflicts that underpin them.
Meanwhile, although local services continue under the pragmatic control of provincial authorities, no decisions are being taken on big-ticket issues like foreign policy or defense or constitutional reform or the national budget. All are looming large while an appointed and completely powerless caretaker Government has just finished a stint running the presidency of the European Union.
The crisis, if it is a crisis because Belgium remains one of the most prosperous countries in the world, has triggered a series of flash mob demonstrations in Brussels and other cities with students are growing beards in defiance and stripping to their underwear in the streets as a good-humored protest against the intransigence of the politicians.
“At the end of the day we know we are a very happy people and this is a happy country,” Brussels politician Luckas Vander Taelen, told a news agency. “We might have political problems but then again we have nice homes, fantastic social security, medical care and excellent schools.”
Did he forget to mention their chocolates and waffles?!
The Belgium Waffle History:
• Belgian waffles were created for the 1964 World's Fair in NY. There, Fairgoers were treated to a new creation: the "Bel-Gem Waffle" — a combination of waffle, strawberries and whipped cream.
• The inventor of the Belgian waffle was Maurice Vermersch and his wife:

"Vermersch started making waffles from a recipe of his wife's when living in Belgium before the outbreak of World War II. After serving in the war, he started two restaurants in Belgium before making his World's Fair debut at the Brussels fair in 1960. Business went so well in Brussels that Vermersch and four other families decided to head to New York for the 1964 World's Fair. And when they arrived in Queens, the name of their product was changed from the Brussel Waffle to the Belgian Waffle. The name Belgian waffle was created in New York."

His waffles made memories at the Queens World's Fair," Newsday (Queens edition) August 22, 1989 (p. 21)
In 1947, thirteen European countries established a Study Group to examine customs issues identified by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This work led to the adoption in 1950 of the Convention Establishing the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC), which was signed in Brussels. On January 26, 1953 the CCC’s inaugural session took place with the participation of 17 founding members. WCO membership subsequently expanded to cover all regions of the globe. In 1994, the organization adopted its current name, the World Customs Organization. Today, WCO members are responsible for customs controls on more than 98% of all international trade.

[edit] Vision and objectives

The WCO is internationally acknowledged as the global centre of customs expertise and plays a leading role in the discussion, development, promotion and implementation of modern customs systems and procedures. It is responsive to the needs of its members and its strategic environment, and its instruments and best-practice approaches are recognized as the basis for sound customs administration throughout the world.
The WCO’s primary objective is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of member customs administrations, thereby assisting them to contribute successfully to national development goals, particularly revenue collection, national security, trade facilitation, community protection, and collection of trade statistics.
The Thousand Year Conspiracy Secret Germany Behind the Mask

The Thousand Year Conspiracy — Secret Germany Behind the Mask

1943, Scrib­ner, 380 pages
Down­load Pt. 1 | Down­load Pt. 2
Paul Winkler’s The Thousand-Year Con­spir­acy traces the ori­gins of Ger­man chau­vin­ism to the ascent of the Teu­tonic Knights within Ger­manic soci­ety, fol­low­ing the Papal Bull of Rim­ini and the Knights’ mil­i­tary defeat of the Hanseatic League. Win­kler labels the enablers of the dark side of the Ger­man char­ac­ter “Prusso-Teutonics” and notes that, in their pur­suit of Pan-German goals, the “Prusso-Teutonics” do not hes­i­tate to deal in a cyn­i­cal and ruth­less man­ner with their own cit­i­zens. Of par­tic­u­lar note for con­tem­po­rary Amer­i­cans is Winkler’s account of the delib­er­ate, Machi­avel­lian manip­u­la­tion of the Ger­man econ­omy by Hjal­mar “Horace Gree­ley” Schacht, the American-born financier who even­tu­ally became the finance min­is­ter of the Third Reich. Take note of Winkler’s account of how Schacht re-structured the Ger­man econ­omy with an eye to—among other things—driving the cit­i­zenry to such a point of hys­te­ria that they would will­ingly fol­low the likes of Hitler. Com­pare Winkler’s analy­sis with what is tak­ing place today in the United States. Will the Amer­i­can peo­ple respond to the even­tual, inevitable “cor­rec­tion” of the per­ilous U.S. debt sit­u­a­tion as the Ger­man peo­ple did to the run­away infla­tion of the 1920s? Will the Amer­i­can peo­ple lend their sup­port to a “man on a white horse” as did the Ger­mans of the 1920s and 1930s?
Writ­ing in 1943, Win­kler fore­saw that the Prusso-Teutonics would real­ize their goals through the cre­ation of a German-dominated cen­tral Euro­pean eco­nomic union (bear­ing a strik­ing resem­blance to today’s Euro­pean Mon­e­tary Union.) One of the prin­ci­pal influ­ences on List’s think­ing was the “con­ti­nen­tal” con­cept of Napoleon, who attempted to eco­nom­i­cally unite Europe under French influence.

Primary Documents - German Request for Free Passage through Belgium, and the Belgian Response, 2-3 August 1914

On 2 August 1914, the day before Germany declared war on France, the German government wrote to the Belgian government demanding the right of free passage across Belgium for its troops, so that the latter could most efficiently invade France and reach Paris.

The TRUTH About "Belgium"

The New World Order's Belgian Conspiracy

by Lyle Zapato

"Belgium Doesn't Exist!"

or "Land of Sprouts and Chocolate, I Think Not."

(or "België bestaat helemaal niet / La Belgique n'existe pas" for our imaginary friends)

For too long we have been told lies.
Belgian stamp
Postal Propaganda: Belgian "Super-man" squints hard to see his non-existent country. No such luck, Baudy.
The existence of the supposed European country of Belgium has been taken as gospel for years by members of the Liberati. It has long been held up as a shining example of Liberal philosophies in action. However, now is the time the truth be known. Belgium doesn't exist.
Belgium is, and has always been, a leftist ruse; a device applied to propagate the Liberal agenda throughout the world. Hijacking a real country for this use would be difficult at best; the people living there wouldn't stand for it (i.e. the fall of communism.) Thus the idea to invent an imaginary country, insert it into the global consciousness through the perversion of history, and use it as a tool of manipulation was born.
Atomium: how your 'Belgian superiors' live
A typical Belgian building... or so we're told.
Using the assumed voice of a nation, the Elite Left seeks to insinuate itself into world discussions, quietly changing the topic of conversations with a casual remark here, a whisper there. Need proof? The fictitious country was a founding member of the European Community (which is, as you should be aware, step one in the march to the One World Government,) most of who's governing institutions are supposedly based in Brussels. As are the headquarters of the Customs Cooperations Council (an Orwellian name if I ever heard one,) and other international bodies, unimportant and seemingly harmless now, that will have unaccountable jurisdiction to pass regulations and levy tariffs (read "taxation without representation") over any future global citizens.
The Elite Left have been hard at work dissimulating our reality. Through the deft use of relativism and red herrings like political correctness, they have been able to slip Belgium into history and geography without anyone noticing. The cleverness of this is almost laudable. Belgium history was designed with just enough territorial skirmishes, political struggles, and colonialism to make it blend in with the rest of Europe. That, combined with the co-opting of French and German historical figures and events creates an alternate history that meshes with the real one. Where does the contrivances stop and reality begin? What's more, under the auspices of the Liberal controlled Department of Education, our children are being forced to believe in these lies. History has been revised so many times that it's no wonder public schools want more money; they keep having to buy new history books!
Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts: was your mother part of the conspiracy?
Not only would the Left have us believe in the existence of Belgium, they would have us think their illusory nation is a Shangri-La. Typical of the Liberal Media, we have been inundated with pro-Belgium propaganda: Belgians' alleged superiority in the art of chocolate making; the reputed nutritional value of "Brussels sprouts"; how all quality diamonds can only be acquired through dealers in the mythical city of Antwerp; How french fries are actually a Belgian invention; and the "superior" martial artistry of Jean Claude Van Damme, the "Muscles from Brussels". Furthermore, Mystery! on PBS (need I say more?) regularly depicts Belgians -- such as Agatha Christie's "Hercule Poirot" -- as personable sleuths who always outsmart non-Belgians and uncover pro-Belgium versions of "The Truth."
Clinton using saxophone to create pro-Belgian cerebrosonic mind control
The saxophone, a supposedly Belgian instrument played by "cool" Liberals.
When will the Liberals learn that you cannot keep the real truth from us?
I can hear the Left now: "But how could the existence of an entire country, albeit a small one, be a hoax?" Radical art types will, of course, ramble on and on about Rubens, Van Dyck, and other assumed Belgian artists that they learned about in their "Liberal Education" (read Liberal Indoctrination.) Public school teachers would point out that if it weren't for Belgium, there would be a blank spot between France and Netherlands on our maps, forgetting that the data for our maps came from the CIA-controlled spy-satellites. Some aging hippies may even claim to have bought drugs there, but of what value are the delusions of a stoned counter-culturalist. They will all vehemently disagree with you if you DARE doubt the existence of Belgium. They actually believe in it.
The answer to how the sham of Belgium's existence could be pulled off is simple: we weren't vigilant enough. We let them gain the power over us needed to distort reality to fit their fiendish plans. But it's not too late. The truth can still be made known.
This monograph was originally published on a Cascadian BBS in 1995 and marked Lyle Zapato's first public writing. Additional facts and corrections have been added since, including the following sections...

"Belgian" Citizens: Who Are They Really?

The Shocking Truth Finally Exposed On The Internet!

You may now be asking yourself: "If Belgium doesn't exist, then who are all these people claiming to be Belgians?" Or, perhaps the question is more personal: "If Belgium doesn't exist, does that mean that I am not really a Belgian? What am I?" The answer to these questions is disturbing and may be difficult for those who have been indoctrinated into the Belgian lie to hear, yet it needs to be told.
Welcome to the real world, Belgians. The New World Order has you.
Belgian Citizen Pods beneath Euro-Disneyland.
'Belgian' citizen, imagined and real
How "Belgians" are programmed to view themselves (left) while in their citizen pods and how they really look (right, taken during recent extraction mission by French operatives. Liberated subject initially did not take well to hearing the TRUTH, but has since been deprogrammed and is living a normal life as a barista in Seattle.)
"Belgian" citizens are actually innocent (for the most part) people (for the most part) that have been kidnapped by the New World Order's Belgian Conspiracy division and brainwashed using psychotronic mind control, psychotropically enhanced beer, and neurolinguistic programming into believing that they are Belgians. All memories of their past lives have been repressed -- replaced with implanted false memories of superior Belgian lives. Some of these Born Again Belgians are given cosmetic surgery and released back into the world population to spread propaganda about the existence of Belgium. The rest are taken to a large, underground complex beneath Euro-Disneyland where they are hooked up to a full-immersion VR computer network (known lovingly to the NWO as the "Brussels Beast") that interfaces directly with their brains' sensory centers to make them believe they are living their lives in Belgium (or the Belgium Simulation, as it is referred to by NWO memeticians).
(Not everyone that the Belgian Conspiracy kidnaps ends up re-educated or enslaved. Tourists, business travelers, and other visitors are allowed to "come" to the "country" in order to "witness" its "existence." In reality, these people are waylaid at the common borders of Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg and taken to NWO branch facilities where they have false memories of vast sprout fields and chocolate factory tours implanted. All flights claiming to be destined for Belgium in fact land at a secret NWO airfield in Luxembourg after their passengers have been sleep-gassed. Also, windows in planes flying over the area Belgium should be have been replaced with ultradefinition plasma screens to further the illusion.)
"Belgian" citizens are sad, deluded victims of a vast conspiracy -- little pewter schnauzers and top hats doomed to live out play-lives as they loop endlessly 'round the Monopoly board of false places that is the Belgium Simulation. While they are helping evil forces by perpetuating the belief that Belgium is real (and by writing annoying pro-Belgium emails to messengers of the TRUTH such as myself) they are not doing so of their own free will. They need our help. And although their programming causes them to react violently to these uncomfortable truths, they can be helped.
If any "Belgian" citizen manages to read this through the Brussels Beast's firewall, know that we can extract you and offer you amnesty and a real life in the Republic of Cascadia. Contact me and I'll make the arrangements.

Belgium = Be

Over Compensating For A Lack Of Being

Dot Be
The Belgian "Federal Logo".
Belgium has conveniently managed to wind up with the two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code BE, which is used for everything from their top-level Internet domain to tracking FedEx packages shipped into the "country" (NWO operatives in FedEx use the code to route the packages under Euro-Disneyland). Besides being at the end of the address of every website "hosted" in the "country," this code is also featured prominently on the official Belgium website (i.e., as the site's -- if not Belgium's -- logo.
The choice of this code was no coincidence. By associating Belgium with "be", Belgian Conspiracy memeticists are trying to inculcate the "country" into being. Their primary goal is to have one think "be" whenever one sees the word "Belgium", causing a cognitive fusion with the verb "to be" that will result in one believing that Belgium exists. Furthermore, they hope that "be" will become so totally linked with Belgium that one can't disassociate the two, leading to the breakdown of the separate concept of "being" and the acceptance of their new concept of "Belgiuming". At that point, Belgium -- or more specifically, the Belgian Conspiracy -- will define existence, and the very reality of all things non-Belgian will be in doubt.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answering insinuating questions posed by the Conspiracy...

When confronted with the Truth about Belgium, agents of the Belgian Conspiracy, including the brainwashed Belgian citizens themselves, come out of the woodwork to ask many loaded questions designed to instill TAF (Trust, Assuredness, and Faith, the opposite of FUD) in the public about Belgium's existence. Here are the answers to some of the common ones:
If Belgium doesn't exist, then what's in its location on the map?
There is nothing there! France shares a border with the Netherlands. Notice how Belgium is depicted as being wedge shaped? They simply pulled apart the French border from the coast all the way to Luxembourg and slipped Belgium in. Since they control the maps, no one notices the geographic inconsistencies arising from the spatial compressions and deformations needed to make it fit, the effects of which are subtle since they are spread over a large area: the ratio of actual distances to distances stated on maps and road signs increases by a gradual curve as you approach the France-Netherlands/Germany border from Paris to the west and Hannover to the east.
Where do the waffles come from?
"Belgian Waffles," fabled for being superior to normal waffles, were actually created in New York in 1964 during the World's Fair. Then called "Bel-Gem" waffles, they were sold inside the four-acre Belgium Village, a "recreation" of a 19th century Belgium village. Actually, this was the first time in history that a Belgian village had ever been physically constructed.

Belgian Conspiracy Blog

Examples of Belgian Propaganda

Their insidious lies have spread everywhere...

  • In A Throne in Brussels: Britain, the Saxe-Coburgs and the Belgianisation of Europe, Paul Belien argues that the imaginary country of Belgium will be reified in the European Union, thus creating an actual, continent-wide Belgium.
  • "Belgium Rules The World" - All humans are subject to Belgian courts, says this "Belgian".
  • July 21, Belgian National Holiday - A day set aside by the NWO for all its brainwashed "Belgians" to go forth and pester those of us who live in real countries.
  • Pro-Belgian militants routinely harass the good people at the Official French Fries Pages over the non-issue of french fry origins, which they claim are a Belgian invention. [UPDATE: The Official French Fries site is now back online at a new domain after a 6-year hiatus.]
  • Is Belgium a "country for connoisseurs" or "Europe in a nutshell"? Is it really impossible to find chocolate as good as theirs? These propagandists would have you think so.
  • According to that nest of pro-Belgian extremists, The Internet Movie Database, the great actress Audrey Hepburn was actually Belgian and her true name is Edda Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston! NOTE: this has been revised to read "Andrey Kathleen Ruston" obviously in an attempt to make their revisionist renaming sound less ridiculous.
  • Cartoon boy Belgium-supremicist Tin Tin has taught European children to feel inadequate for not being adventurous, globetrotting Belgians for almost three quarters of a century. Tin Tin's first adventure? Why, visiting the Soviet Union of course (Kuifje in de Sovjetunie, 1929).
  • In a similar vein to Tin Tin, the Smurfs - created by a "Belgian" named Peyo - are really a vehicle to indoctrinate extreme leftist propaganda in our children. See for instance:
  • According to CNN, Dr. Richard Wiseman of the British LaughLab has conducted research into which jokes are considered most humourous in different countries. To do this, he used a website that asked visitors to both submit and rate jokes. "Belgians" (accessing the Web from their Citizen Pods) rated the following "joke" as the most funny:
    Why do ducks have webbed feet? To stamp out fires.
    Why do elephants have flat feet? To stamp out burning ducks.
    If you find this memetically potent koan funny, you may be in the process of being turned into a Belgian via NWO psychotronic mind control. Please protect yourself immediately!

Belgium Doesn't Exist! Gift & Subversion Shop

Products to help you spread the TRUTH... or undermine the Conspiracy from within!

Visit the Belgium Doesn't Exist! Cafepress store for these quality products...
'The Belgian... He thinks he is superior to you.' 'Belgium Doesn't Exist!' bumpersticker Oval 'BE' sticker

Heretical Geography Links

"Those that control the maps, control reality." - Walt Disney, NWO memetician

Heretical Chronology Links

"Those that control the calendars, control the future." - Holy Roman Emperor Otto III

  • Phantom Time FAQs - The "Dark Ages" never happened. Everything that supposedly happened in the years 614 to 911 are a fiction. The year 2000 was actually the year 1703.
  • Fantomzeit - German blog exploring the Phantom Time Hypothesis of Heribert Illig.

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