Jail House Rock Elvis Presley 1957
The Purple Gang wikipedia
The Purple Gang is mentioned in the song Jailhouse Rock, recorded by Elvis Presley, released in 1957.
The warden threw a party in the county jail.
The prison band was there and they began to wail.
The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing.
You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing.
Let's rock Everybody, let's rock.
Everybody in the whole cell block
was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.
Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone,
Little Joe was blowin' on the slide trombone.
The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang,
the whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang.Let's rock Everybody, let's rock.
One night last week, when I'd only just started reading The Coasters, I was flipping around the vast wasteland of pay-tv and saw part of a documentary about an ocean collision off Massachusetts in 1956. On a foggy night a Swedish ship, the Stockholm, ran into the Andrea Doria, an Italian passenger liner heading for New York. I flipped away again when they were picking up the survivors (1660 out of about 1700 on board the Andrea Doria survived).
That turned out to be quite a co-incidence. Next day, I read Bill Millar's account of Leiber and Stoller's deal with Atlantic Records in New York, when they wound up their Los Angeles label Spark and started recording for Atlantic.
1973 – Nixon removed Pres Ford who power brokers are Bronfmans and Purple Gangster Max Fisher. Fisher sets up the Republican Jewish Coalition
1980 – Reagan selected via Bronfman’s see article Dark Victory Modela shows Mob into MCA-Universal-MGM-MSNBC Media (means Microsoft works with Mafia).
1982 – Reagan Tax reform law allows Junk Bonds to use pension funds to pay off mergers (Trigger for 911)
1986 – Reagan Tax reform sets up blanket purchase orders destroys high tech business in Gov Contracts (Section 1706)
1992-2000 Clintons best friend in office Edgar Bronfman leader of the ADL. Supports NAFATA destroys US Industrial base
Max Fisher: Distributor and Retailer "Max immediately became my protege" said Julius Klein of Detroit's Republican Party powerbroker and philanthropist Max Fisher. "From that point on I have always kept Max well informed
on all intelligence matters." The time is 1936, the year that marks Fisher's promotion from "bagman" for Morris Dalitz's Purple Gang to the inside of Julius Klein's British intelligence section. From there, Fisher was trained for the franchise for the retail trade of Dope, Inc. Fisher's story will take us to two enterprises: the one, wellknown,
is United Brands, which supplies the United States with most of its bananas-and shipped an estimated 20% of its cocaine and marijuana during the 1970s, according to U.S. law i enforcement sources. The other is Airborne Freight which spir[
its dirty money and dope across the country.
, In Detroit, the Fisher Building is owned by the Bronfman
478 DOPE, INC.
family. The connection is to be expected. What the Bronfmans are to Canada and the East Coast, Max Fisher is to the Midwest and the West Coast, and his story begins the same way. Max Fisher was born in Pittsburgh in 1908, the son of Russian Jews who had emigrated to the United States two years earlier. In 1930, immediately upon his graduation from Ohio State University, Fisher went into the oil business. He became a young partner in the Michigan-based Aurora Gasoline Company,
which had been founded a year earlier by a mysterious character named Henry A. Wenger. Describing himself as an "international banker," Wenger had been forced to flee to Canada
during the 1920s, when indictments for stock fraud were handed down against him. -By 1920-after a stop in Oklahoma-
Wenger wound up in the Michigan oil-drilling business.
1 The strange Mr. Wenger aside, the Midwest oil business was one of the first legitimate businesses to be taken over by organized
crime in the reorganization handed down by Johnny Torrio in 1928. In the Midwest, this meant control by the Purple Gang, the Detroit and Cleveland-based branch of the mob that ran all the bootlegging of whiskey during the 1920s and later narcotics.2
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 6:39 PM
Subject: Bronfman Crime Family Ownership and Political Interests
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Here is some more details on the Bronfman Crime family FYI. Pass onto everyone let them know the facts.
1. One of their prime locations is 740 Park Ave NYC. Know as the place of the Masters of the Universe along with the Rockfeller
2. They are setting up the “No Place for Hate” Program In Philadelphia to push thru destruction of the first Amendment
Edgar Bronfman Leader of the World Jewish Congress
3. Bronfman Hillel Foundation – CEO Edgar Bronfman – Corrupting College Environments
http://www.hillel.org/about/news/2005/nov/20051114_chairman.htmHillel in Israel
4. Leader of the Samuel Bronfman Foundation http://www.thesbf.org/
5. The Bronfman Youth Fellowship Program http://www.bronfman.org/
6. http://www.medaloffreedom.com/EdgarBronfman.htm Edgar Bronfman close ally of Clinton’s when President
Also Major Presidential contributor to both parties since 1960. Ranked between 4-7 in both parties.7. Jack Ruby was a Lt. in the Bronfman Crime Family. Also Ruby was an informer on the Mob for Nixon
http://groups.google.com.sb/group/alt.crime/browse_thread/thread/7fc1126c49d4af658. Sam Bronfman .. Bootlegger for Capone, Lansky and Purple Gang Moe Dalitz http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Bronfman
9. Bronfman Family ownership of Israel Discount Bank http://www.reuters.com/article/BANKSL/idUSL1315867220080413
The bank was a major outlet used by Bernie Madoff to hide the $65 Billion in the scams10. Who is Bernie Madoff? http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/history/zionism/news.php?q=1230169460
The IDB is the Israeli bank at the center of the 9-11 funding matrix connected to the Bronfman family and Israeli military intelligence. IDB is the Israeli financial institution at the center of the Zionist crimocracy. (See: "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11," especially the section on Joseph Ciechanover, the former chairman of IDB's New York branch.)
On January 31, 2006, a controlling interest in the Bank was acquired by an investor group led by Matthew Bronfman and Rubin Schron. The deal gave Bronfman ownership of IDB's wholly owned subsidiary, the Israel Discount Bank of New York. Bronfman is a younger brother of Edgar Bronfman Jr., chairman and CEO of Warner Music Group Corp.
The Bronfman-Schron group paid $300 million for a 26% stake, with an option on a further 25%, in IDB. Regulators approved the transfer after the bank agreed to pay $25 million to settle a money-laundering probe of its New York unit by the Manhattan District Attorney and the New York State Banking Department. On Dec. 17, 2005, the New York Times reported that some $2.2 billion of illegal funds had been transmitted from Brazil through the IDB in New York (IDBNY) -- but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
The Jerusalem Post reported on November 2, 2006, that the scale of money-laundering going on at the Israeli bank was much, much larger than the Brazil case reported in the New York Times. The Post reported that U.S. regulators fined the Israel Discount Bank of New York $12 million for violating federal and state laws designed to thwart money laundering. The Israeli bank now controlled by the Bronfmans had failed to set up an adequate program to identify and report money laundering, according to federal and state regulators. A "substantial" part of $35.4 billion in third-party wire transfers during the year ended March 2005 showed traits common to laundering operations, the complaint said.
So, how did Madoff lose $50 thousand million? How does $50 billion vanish? Did it disappear to Israel through the Israel Discount Bank?
11. Bronfman owner MGM/Universal Studios
Note: MGM/Universal is teamed up with GE and Microsoft via MSNBC Hence both Microsoft and GE are tied into the issue
12. Bronfman’s ownership of MCA Records and Power Broker of Reagan
13. Bronfman own DuPont obtained a Billion per day from the company ownership as stated by Edgar Bronfman Jr. Charles Rose Interview
Bronfman sold DuPont Ownership [in part only] for MCA
14. Bronfman got into DuPont via the merger of Marathon Oil being purchased by DuPont.
http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2001/2844mega_bios.html Owner Ship Interests of Marathon Oil
also include the Speedway Gas Station Chain in the Southern States. Other Major owner was Moe Dalitz
Leader in the Purple gang and founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition.
Top 10 Mafia Business Fronts – Huffington Post is Next
Art Larson
Mon Feb 7, 2011
Subject: Bronfman Mafia Family Gobbles Up Huffington Post
Mon Feb 7, 2011
Subject: Bronfman Mafia Family Gobbles Up Huffington Post
When one does the analysis on AOL you will learn that this is a front MAFIA business owned by
The Bronfman Crime Family. Just like they own MGM/Universal Studios, TD Bank, Royal Caribbean Cruises,
DuPont, Vivendi, Marathon Oil and Gas etc.
Edgar Bronfman owns Time-Warner hence they own AOL which is part of this media.
AOL, Last year the took over the Weather Channel and Now they took over this Media.
Details on Firms owned by the Bronfman Crime Family
[when they merged Commerce Bank into TD Bank the had 25% of Madoff’s cash about $8 Billion (Via Matt Bronfman
Control of Israel Discount Bank and his relationship to his aunt Phyliss Lambert owner of TD Bank), equal
To the amount of funds used to merge the bank]
When one does the analysis on AOL you will learn that this is a front MAFIA business owned by
The Bronfman Crime Family. Just like they own MGM/Universal Studios, TD Bank, Royal Caribbean Cruises,
DuPont, Vivendi, Marathon Oil and Gas etc.
Edgar Bronfman owns Time-Warner hence they own AOL which is part of this media.
AOL, Last year the took over the Weather Channel and Now they took over this Media.
Details on Firms owned by the Bronfman Crime Family
[when they merged Commerce Bank into TD Bank the had 25% of Madoff’s cash about $8 Billion (Via Matt Bronfman
Control of Israel Discount Bank and his relationship to his aunt Phyliss Lambert owner of TD Bank), equal
To the amount of funds used to merge the bank]
The car was to be a featured attraction of Chrysler's auto show exhibit for 1957 and was shipped by Ghia to New York City in July 1956. The car was booked on the ill-fated ocean liner SS Andrea Doria, which was involved in a collision off the coast of Massachusetts and sank, with the loss of forty-six lives and all its cargo.
The Norseman, as a result, was never shown to the public and was never seen by most of the stylists who worked on it. It is well known to automotive historians, however, via photographs and specifications. Chrysler never used the cantilevered roof design in any subsequent vehicle.
Sunroof wikipedia
Sunroofs, by historical definition are opaque and slide open to allow sunshine and fresh air into the passenger compartment. Today, most factory sliding sunroof options feature a glass panel and are sometimes marketed as moonroofs, a term introduced in 1973 by John Atkinson, a marketing manager at Ford for the Lincoln Continental Mark IV. For the first year, Ford sent out its Mark IVs to American Sunroof Company for offline installation.
Address: One Sunroof Center
Southgate, Michigan 48195
Telephone: (734) 285-4911
Fax: (734) 246-0501
Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Questor Management Co. LLC
Incorporated: 1965 as American Sunroof Company Employees: 1,000
Sales: $406 million (2001 est.)
NAIC: 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing; 336360 Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing
The car was to be a featured attraction of Chrysler's auto show exhibit for 1957 and was shipped by Ghia to New York City in July 1956. The car was booked on the ill-fated ocean liner SS Andrea Doria, which was involved in a collision off the coast of Massachusetts and sank, with the loss of forty-six lives and all its cargo.
The Norseman, as a result, was never shown to the public and was never seen by most of the stylists who worked on it. It is well known to automotive historians, however, via photographs and specifications. Chrysler never used the cantilevered roof design in any subsequent vehicle.
Sunroof wikipedia
Sunroofs, by historical definition are opaque and slide open to allow sunshine and fresh air into the passenger compartment. Today, most factory sliding sunroof options feature a glass panel and are sometimes marketed as moonroofs, a term introduced in 1973 by John Atkinson, a marketing manager at Ford for the Lincoln Continental Mark IV. For the first year, Ford sent out its Mark IVs to American Sunroof Company for offline installation.
Address: One Sunroof Center
Southgate, Michigan 48195
Telephone: (734) 285-4911
Fax: (734) 246-0501
Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Questor Management Co. LLC
Incorporated: 1965 as American Sunroof Company Employees: 1,000
Sales: $406 million (2001 est.)
NAIC: 336399 All Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing; 336360 Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing