World Freedom Day is March 6, 2011
2011 February 18

I invite the population of the world to gather, rally, march, meet, meditate, tweet, blog, video or participate in whatever way is appropriate. By whatever means, express your wish that the world be free of exploitation, oppression, persecution, despotism, war, crime, and any other darkly-designed circumstances, now and forever.
Whether we are aware of it or not, the people of the world are awakening and refusing to allow conditions of harm and servitude to continue on this planet.
The Arab world is leading and inviting all of us to stand forth and declare our insistence that the world be returned to the rule of the people and that all cabals, elites, despots, militaries and others who have attempted to assume control of the world step down and leave their positions of power and influence, returning them to the people.
We are aware of the strategies by which the controllers of this planet have maintained their control. We know these include financial warfare, financial manipulation, weather warfare, pandemics, toxic vaccines, chemtrails that poison, warmongering, divide-and-conquer tactics, false philosophies of austerity that really transfer wealth from the many to the few, election-rigging, the use of mind-controlled Manchurian candidates to carry out assassinations, false-flag terror, and other acts that send the population into the arms of the real state terrorists behind events like 9/11, the London, Madrid, and Oklahoma City bombings, etc.

We are aware of the erosion of constitutional rights, plans in reserve for martial law, dark control of the media, the existence of camps to incarcerate dissidents, the multiplication of surveillance systems, attempts to control the Internet, etc. We are aware of the spread of illegal wars, such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq, and plans to start others, such as the desire to nuclear-bomb Iran.
We are aware that the truth that we are being visited by advanced civilizations from outer space, so visible in videos mounted to the Internet, is being kept from the population because those civilizations would return power to the people and end the controllers’ use of nuclear weapons, depleted-uranium pollution, pandemics, weather warfare and other means to corral and control the Earth. We are aware of the peaceful intent of these galactic visitors, who share our belief in the same One God and serve the Divine.

We are aware of undersea bases, below-ground railways, HAARP installations, space-based weapons systems, scalar and ultra-low frequency weapons. We are even aware of terrestrial spacecraft run by the secret space fleet, Solar Warden (such as the TR3-B Auroras), and the existence since the 1970s of space stations on Mars. We know that NASA is a false front to divert the public’s attention to what is really occurring.
The people of the world will not consent to remain in the dark longer. The cabals of the world – known as the Illuminati, the 13 families, the bloodlines, the New World Order, the Rockefeller faction, the Rothschild faction, the Bilderbergers, the military-industrial complex, the secret state – cannot stand up to an aroused global population. And we are aroused!
And to those non-state actors who have made the lives of women and children on the planet insufferable through acts of violence like forced marriages, honor killings, dowry deaths, acid attacks, forced abortions, compulsory sterilizations, child labor, sexual-slavery rings, and so on, your days are over too. We will take back the night, take back the streets, and take back our world.
World Freedom Day on March 6, 2011 is the day for the people of Earth as a whole, in any way that seems best for them, to stand up and say with one voice to these erstwhile masters of the Earth and masters of the universe that their day is ended. It is the day for the people of the world to take back control and not lose it again.
I ask anyone into whose hands this message falls to repost it, retweet it, rebroadcast it, and by any other means see that it receives the greatest possible planetary coverage. Mount this on your webpage. Post it in your city. Email it to your friends.
The children of the world have told Pharaoh: Let my people go. We will throw off our chains and live free, breathe free, and restore peace, unity, and harmony to this planet.
Steve Beckow
Sovereign Citizen of Planet Earth
Vancouver, Canada
Posts tagged ‘World Freedom Day’

World Freedom Day in Germany
2011 March 2

2011/03/02 at 6:07 am
Thanks a lot for your ambition to call for world peace! WE are with you here in Germany!
WELT-FRIEDENS-TAG 6. März 2011 – weltweiter Aufruf zum globalen Frieden
Weltfriedens-Tag am 6. März!! wir haben fünf tage um das zu verbreiten! GO!
nach(t)gedanken: weltfrieden am 6. märz 2011!!!
welt-friedens-tag 6. märz 2011 – ICH BIN DABEI
@little grandmother / keisha crowther : THIS SUNDAY (6th of MARCH) WE MAKE PEACE!!!
So let us unite!
Excerpt from somewhere:
Robert permalink
February 24, 2011
World Freedom Day…IS THIS MOMENT!!! Every Moment! Put Your Heart’s Energy Into It This Very Moment and I guarantee You that You Will Feel A Response in Your Heart. Be Still and Listen and Feel…..
I went out and raised My Consciousness to the Heavens and gave Gratitude to the Imagination of the Creator that allows for Each of Us to Choose and Create our vision of what We want. Each and everyone of Us!!
The song “Imagine” by John Lennon is echoing in MY Heart and filling my Body with Light. The Allman Brothers song “Love Is In The Air” intermingles also. “People Can You Feel It, Love Is In the Air, Love Is Everywhere.”
Government’s are responding with Thought and Sanctions that might be put in Place, rather than Emotion and military force. This cycle is Dissolving before our very Eyes, Hearts and Minds. “Military Madness” by Graham Nash comes to mind. If the physical body needs to be sacrificed so be it. Freedom IS the Lack of Fear
This Moment is What All People have Come Together to Create!!! CONGRATULATIONS AND SO IT IS!!!
Blessings, Robert
I went out and raised My Consciousness to the Heavens and gave Gratitude to the Imagination of the Creator that allows for Each of Us to Choose and Create our vision of what We want. Each and everyone of Us!!
The song “Imagine” by John Lennon is echoing in MY Heart and filling my Body with Light. The Allman Brothers song “Love Is In The Air” intermingles also. “People Can You Feel It, Love Is In the Air, Love Is Everywhere.”
Government’s are responding with Thought and Sanctions that might be put in Place, rather than Emotion and military force. This cycle is Dissolving before our very Eyes, Hearts and Minds. “Military Madness” by Graham Nash comes to mind. If the physical body needs to be sacrificed so be it. Freedom IS the Lack of Fear
This Moment is What All People have Come Together to Create!!! CONGRATULATIONS AND SO IT IS!!!
Blessings, Robert
The Simplest Arrangement for World Freedom Day Will be The Best
2011 February 23

Think of it for a moment. We’re planning one event that will be held in cities around the world. People will speak different languages, Every arrangement that is planned will have to be thought through and explained in different languages. The more complicated the arrangement, the more work will be needed to explain and the higher the potential for confusion.
If we arrive at an arrangement that requires leadership and organization, then immediately we create a vast need for coordination. Committees will need to be formed, reporting lines established, emails go out, and the whole thing coordinated from day to day.
If we say speeches will be made, then we are into finding money, booking equipment, arranging for transport, on and on and on.
If we say placards are needed, then we have to agree on issues, tone, goals, etc.

But in the end, the only thing that really matters is that people around the world turn out, that they gather, that they be seen to have responded from all nations, to have coalesced and come together. It will be the sight of crowds in every city of the world that will be transformative. Nothing more in reality is necessarily needed.
We will have shown that the world can be called out, that the world agrees that wars and dictatorships, crime and oppression must end on the planet.
Moreover, if the arrangements are simple then we have the best chance at keeping the assemblies peaceful and harmonious. There are fewer issues for disagreements to arise over, fewer obstacles to negotiate, fewer services to arrange and to arrange in the midst of tremendously-crowded conditions.
If the world turns out, so to speak, and knows that its mere assembling is its vote to end wars and dictatorships, crime and oppression on Earth, the task of the world taking a vote, as it were, will have been accomplished.
So, for that reason, I have dropped references to a Worldwide March of Millions. Not that millions cannot march, but that the success of the event cannot be measured on whether millions actually march, march from where to where, carry placards, etc., but on simply the fact that millions turned up.
Furthermore, making the high point of a worldwide gathering like this a minute of silence is designed to assign to the world the very easiest of common actions to achieve. People simply need to fall silent and this silence betokens their consent to the proposition that wars and dictatorship, crime and oppression end on Earth.
And so I suggest to everyone who has taken on the task of organizing the day in their countries to keep it as simple as possible. You may have speeches if you wish. That fits into the schedule of arrival at 12:00 and minute of silence at 12:30. You don’t have to have speeches if you don’t want to. You may wish for a public address system or even a bullhorn at a minimum to call for the minute of silence at 12:30. But that’s as complicated as it needs to get.
The simpler the better.
If you wish to have a handout, well, I’ll create one before the day. But I’d suggest handing out “The Declaration of Human Freedom” along with whatever else you distribute. I think that document, which the Teacher dictated wrote really, provides a good foundation for all that follows.
So again, let’s keep it as simple as possible and merely get people out. Let the elites and the dictators, the criminals and the corrupt see what the world demands. Our mere gathering will be as forceful a message that we intend for the world to achieve peace, harmony, and freedom. There will be no stopping us once we have made such a clear and forceful statement by our gathering in eevry town square on March

On March 6, 2011, We Will Liberate the Planet
2011 February 22

On Sunday, March 6, 2011, the freedom-loving people of this planet agree to peacefully assemble in all town squares around the world at 12:00 noon to liberate the planet. This gathering will be known as World Freedom Day.
We demand the following for our world and will not rest until these goals are met:
(1) All wars on Earth will end.
(2) All dictatorships, despots and undemocratic regimes will resign.
(3) All crime will be eradicated.
(4) All oppression, exploitation, and enslavement of people will end.
The people of Earth demand free and democratic elections in all nations. We demand an end to corruption and elitism on the planet. We demand an end to the use of force against people.
At 12:30 p.m. on this day, the assembled people of the world will join in one minute of silence as our expression of solidarity and our commitment to have the Earth freed from warfare and dictatorship, crime and oppression.
There is no need to organize for this assembly. There is no need to carry placards unless people wish to. The mere gathering of the citizenry will be its form and message.
Everyone is invited to attend. No one is unwelcome. No one will be harmed or turned away.
Please circulate this invitation as widely as possible. While further communications may be issued, no further arrangements are needed. While individual co0mmunities may choose to organize themselves and select leaders, there is no requirement for it. This communication supersedes all previous notices.
For the wider context of this event, please read “The Declaration of Human Freedom,” at http://stevebeckow.com/worldwide-march-millions/declaration-human-freedom/.
Steve Beckow
Vancouver, Canada
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