Night Talk: An Interview With Edgar M. Bronfman (Part 5) youtube
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Here is some more details on the Bronfman Crime family FYI. Pass onto everyone let them know the facts.
1. One of their prime locations is 740 Park Ave NYC. Know as the place of the Masters of the Universe along with the Rockfeller
2. They are setting up the “No Place for Hate” Program In Philadelphia to push thru destruction of the first Amendment
Edgar Bronfman Leader of the World Jewish Congress
3. Bronfman Hillel Foundation – CEO Edgar Bronfman – Corrupting College Environments in Israel
4. Leader of the Samuel Bronfman Foundation
5. The Bronfman Youth Fellowship Program
6. Edgar Bronfman close ally of Clinton’s when President
Also Major Presidential contributor to both parties since 1960. Ranked between 4-7 in both parties.7. Jack Ruby was a Lt. in the Bronfman Crime Family. Also Ruby was an informer on the Mob for Nixon Sam Bronfman .. Bootlegger for Capone, Lansky and Purple Gang Moe Dalitz
9. Bronfman Family ownership of Israel Discount Bank
The bank was a major outlet used by Bernie Madoff to hide the $65 Billion in the scamsEdgar Bronfman Jr. youtube
Boardwalk Empire episodes 01/12 A Return to Normalcy
Boardwalk Empire Promo youtube
The Rest of the Story
The Bronfman Crime Families
By Allan May
The Purple Gang originated in Detroit. Dalitz, who once lived in Detroit and had family there, had connections to the Purple Gang but his main influence was in Cleveland. Born in Boston, Dalitz moved to Cleveland and used the name Maurice Davis so he wouldn't embarrass his family, who remained in Detroit and ran a legitimate laundry business.
Dalitz's important status in the underworld was apparent when he was invited to the Atlantic City crime conference in 1929. The meeting, which coincided with Meyer Lansky's honeymoon, was the first movement toward a national crime syndicate. The theme of the conference was nationwide cooperation. Some discussions took place on the beach with mobsters walking around barefoot with their pantlegs rolled up. The main topics of conversation were post-Prohibition plans for the liquor business and dividing up the country into exclusive gambling franchises. Depending on which book you read, the meeting was initiated by Lucky Luciano, Lansky, (left) Frank Costello (right) or Johnny Torrio of Chicago. What is not in dispute is that the participants came from a wide variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds including Italian, Irish, Polish and Jewish.
The Bronfman (Edgar left) family started out in the hotel business in Canada but during Prohibition they reportedly made tremendous profits by shipping liquor into the United States, reportedly shipping booze through Cleveland, Detroit and New York.
Dalitz's connection to the Bronfman family stemmed from the fact that the Bronfmans shipped most of their liquor through Cleveland because of the city's proximity to the Canadian border. However, the Bronfmans also dealt with the Purple Gang in Detroit, and with various New York bootleggers including Luciano (right), Lansky and Arnold Rothstein. The Bronfmans were always entertained lavishly and treated to the best seats at boxing matches by their underworld hosts. After Prohibition, the Bronfmans' distilleries were among the most profitable in the liquor industry.
I have written before of the three crucial elements that I believe are the key to unlocking the gates and the portals to multi-dimensional freedom.
We let go of the fear of what other people think of us and start living and expressing our own uniqueness of lifestyle, view, and reality. When we do this we step out of the herd and if enough of us do it, there is no herd.
We allow everyone else the freedom and respect to express their uniqueness without the fear of ridicule and condemnation for the crime of being different. When we do that we cease to be a sheepdog keeping the herd in line.
No one seeks to impose their beliefs or reality on anyone else, so always respecting the freedom of others to make different choices. This is the balance point that stops one person's free will imposing itself on another.
These three steps would trigger a transformation of such magnitude that they would turn this prison into a paradise. And all three, as they relate to us, we have the power to introduce right now. This book may have said much about bloodlines and the history and techniques of human servitude. It may have highlighted at some length the reptilian genetic connection to all this. That's important because people need to know what is going on at that level of reality.
But what this book has really been about is humanity freeing itself from the Great Illusion. If I had to choose one thought that people would remember from these pages, one thought that would transform this world more than any other, it would be this:
It's just a game. It's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. The truth is not out there. It is within you. And that truth is love.
In Yiddish Bronfman means "liquorman," and the hotel business put the Bronfmans in a good position to take advantage of the 1915 advent of Canadian prohibition. Bronfman hotels became "boozeriums". Prohibition enacted on orders from the Privy Council as the prelude to the 1920s Prohibition in the United States and the birth of organized crime catapulted the Bronfmans into the multi-millionaire bracket and a status as the untouchable kingpins of crime in North America.
During Canada's four dry years from 1915 to 1919, the Bronfmans established their contacts with U.S. criminal figures for illegally importing liquor into Canada. In 1916, the Bronfmans established their first link with the opium trade proper. Samuel and Abe Bronfman, two of Ekiel s four sons, collaborated with the Hudson's Bay Company in which the Keswick family of Jardine Matheson had controlling interest to buy the Canadian Pure Drug Company. In this way the Bronfmans rushed into the loophole in the War Measures Act that permitted the distribution by pharmacists of alcohol for "medicinal" purposes. When Prohibition in Canada ended in 1919 and Prohibition in the United States began, the Bronfmans simply turned from whiskey importing to whiskey exporting. After it was all over in May 1936, the Bronfmans agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle their account with the U.S. Treasury; the sum amounted to an admission that half the liquor that came into the United States during Prohibition was from the "liquormans." (4)
The Bronfman Canadian
Green Party & Jewish Congress
Private HolyCost
The Bronfman family of Canada has been a major outspoken critic of FREE SPEECH and PRESS and proponents of censorship. The Bronfmans built an empire on running booze illegally into the United States from Canada, during the prohibition years. Their connections to Al Capone were well known and the Bronfmans were considered were part of the 'MOB.' Kemper Mafia in Arizona who were supporters of John McCain were also connected to the Bronfman mob. All these affiliations were involved with illegal booze running, the source of the Bronfman fortunes. These were all interconnected mobs, and none could act or perform without the knowledge and consent of the others. If you do not know of these connections here are some links providing the background for this article.
The Seagram Company and the Canadian Jewish Congress were founded by the same Bronfman family, which has been linked to the Arizona Kemper mafia group and Al Capone's Mob. The Seagrams Company Bronfmans are also supporters and affiliated with the World Jewish Congress, the Canadian Green Party, the Anti-Defamation League, Playboy Magazine and Resorts, Southern Poverty Law Center and B'nai Brith. Edgar Bronfman, President and CEO of the Seagram Company has been quite outspoken through these various sponsored affiliations. He wants and demands censorship of anyone writing about the German Holocaust, outside his private interpretations. His organizations along with similar minded power bases, like the Weisenthal Center, Nizcor Group, etc., feel they have the sole private right to publish and post on the internet any and all information regarding history, especially history involving WW2, Hitler, the German Holocaust. They deny rights to any other person or organization which attempts to investigate the Bronfman 'private' claims and 'private' histories. For some strange reason, Bronfman and subordinates feel they OWN and CONTROL this part of history, and anything written out of their "approved" views has to be censored, at all costs.
Although one might wish for a bit less of Gritz's Green Beret machismo and a few more names of covert cowboys and assorted spooks, this book is, after all, an autobiography. Gritz does add new evidence of U.S. duplicity in the war on drugs by visiting opium warlord Khun Sa in Burma. Khun Sa's perspective on the opium trade implicates U.S. officials such as Richard Armitage. More than once Khun Sa offered to sell his entire crop to the U.S. government in order to keep it off the streets, and has also asked for crop- substitution assistance. But the U.S. showed no interest in Gritz's efforts to mediate the issue, and continued to demonize Khun Sa. As a final insult, the feds then brought silly charges against Gritz himself.
ISBN 0-916095-38-4
by Brian Downing Quig
Last issue, readers were provided several reasons to suspect that Charles
Keating and his AMERICAN CONTINENTAL CORPORATION are protected assets of CIA;
the Feds covered up many obvious irregularities; the connection of Keating`s
chief pilot to the BAC 111 with the tail number N120TA, which has been
alleged to be the OCTOBER SURPRISE plane that transported William Casey to a
meeting with Iranians in Paris; and Walter J. Bush, the president`s nephew,
doing business next door to Keating using the name AMERICAN CONTINENTAL LAND
INVESTMENT CORPORATION; the total black out of the above by major media.
First Lance Trimmer showed up in our offices with copies of video tapes Col. Gritz had taken during two interviews conducted in November of 1986 and April of 1987 with General Khun Sa --- the undisputed heroin overlord of the GOLDEN TRIANGLE!! Johnny had long been running hard hitting exposees of U.S. government involvement in narcotics trafficking. Gritz came along to toss a match into a power cache. It was General Khun Sa's assertion, which Gritz implicitly believed, that the largest purchasers of heroin in the world were well known top officials of CIA and DOD!! Specifically named, were Richard Armatage, at the time number 2 man at the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and Theodore Shackley, formerly number 2 man in the CIA under CIA Director George Bush!
As we were to learn in a series of startling steps, the U.S. government is responsible for transporting more than half of the illegal narcotics that reach our shores. For the most part this poison is flown in on military transports --- tons at a time --- no customs. Then it is flown in cargo containers aboard commercial airliners to be turned over to organized crime families for distribution in individual American cities. All the while the government's phony war on drugs amounts to nothing more than an effective artificial means of price support for dangerous narcotics and an elaborate extortion shake down of U.S. citizens. Nothing has eroded the constitution more quickly than this phony drug war (which by the way is one of the most effective propaganda campaigns in all of human history).
Below are the files of a computer bulletin board that I put together for Col. James Bo Gritz back in 1987 after he returned from his second trip to Burma.
- (f01) 2-4-88 The total fraud of the Iran Contra Committee
- (f02) 2-4-88 The Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Will Not Respond!
Here is where the CIA cocaine involvement gets started. There is no doubt it is intentional.
- (f1) 2-4-88 Bo Gritz letter to George Bush
- (f2) 8-12-86 General Khun Sa, Transcript of message to George Bush, opium eradication proposal
- (f3) 11-11-87 Tom Fitzpatric, NEW TIMES, From Burma to Bush, a Heroin Trail.
- (f4) 8-13-87 William Stevenson, TORONTO SUN, The Bank of Intrigue
And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this
force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each
other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can
learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the
sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end.
These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC
REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a
speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front
line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is
Brian Quig.
You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by
(602) 945-3858
or writing
Intelligence Connection
6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000
Scottsdale AZ 85257
American Continental Corporation was a Phoenix, Arizona-based[1] real estate company of the 1970s and 1980s.
It was created in 1978[2] as a spin-off of American Financial Group,[citation needed] meant to do residential home construction.[2] Its chairman was Charles Keating,[3] who moved to Phoenix to run it.[2]
By 1981, Keating had two thousand employees on his payroll and was one of the largest land developers in Arizona, benefiting from a home building boom in the state.[2]
In February 1984, American Continental Corporation acquired the underperforming Lincoln Savings and Loan Association for $51 million.[2][3] Much of American Continental's assets were in the form of Arizona real estate, junk bonds, and mortgage-backed securities.[4] Lincoln Savings expanded into aggressive, risky land development deals and financial arrangements, including loans due to American Continental.[2] For most of 1987, American Continental was profitable, but by 1988, losses mounted, due to financial troubles and other bad happenings at Lincoln Savings.[4] By 1989, Lincoln made up 90 percent of American Continental's assets.[4]
On April 13, 1989, American Continental Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.[4] The loss of investors' life savings in Lincoln became one of the key events of the 1980s Savings and loan crisis and the core of the Keating Five political scandal.
An 1,800+ linear feet collection of archival records from the American Continental Corporation is available at the Arizona State University Libraries, Department of Archives and Special Collections and consists of correspondence files, architectural and land use plans, promotional and advertisting materials, environmental impact reports, regulatory reports, trial records, attorneys records and financial records relating to the corporation and a number of its' subsidiaries. The records extend from approximately 1971 to 1993. Access to certain parts of this collection are limited by court order.
The Appearance of Ned Warren, Sr.
On Monday, October 18, 1976, John Harvey Adamson went on trial for the murder
of Don Bolles.
Two hours into the jury selection, Judge Frederic Heineman's long description
of the case was interrupted by a messenger who presented him a written note.
He glanced at it and then put down the pile of notes he was using to instruct
the prospective jurors.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, seemingly with a sigh, "we've had a
misunderstanding. The trial will not proceed now."
The note concerned security. The courtroom was too difficult to guard,
according to the sheriffs deputies. There had been several threats against
Adamson. While they were too vague to act on, they couldn't be ignored. For
maximum security, the case should be moved to a smaller courtroom. The county
could not stand the embarrassment of a Jack Ruby-type killing.
The next day, interim County Attorney Donald Harris blew it.
According to the code of legal ethics, the prosecuting attorney must keep
silent as to the direction an investigation is taking, particularly at the
beginning of a trial, when prospective jurors can easily be exposed to
publicity about the case they may soon be asked to hear. So it came as a
surprise to reporters and a shock to the judge that Maricopa County Attorney
Donald Harris was shooting off his mouth about the theories on the case on
the second day of jury selection. His remarks made page one news in the Los An
geles Times.
What is most important is to keep control of certain key Green groups: Canada and Al Gore for their large bonuses, and Lama Ramadingdong for his defense power. With these under control, and a few other cards, you can gain complete mastery of all Green groups as well as a very defensible power structure.
3x Lama Ramadingdong - Group Card *You are bidding on three (3) Lama Ramadingdong uncommon Group cards from the Assassins expansion set for the Illuminati: New World Order trading card game from Steve Jackson Games in 1995.
Group cards make up your Power Structure and are key to your plans of global control.
* Taken directly from booster pack to cover sleeve. Never played! If you are unsatisfied with the condition of the card upon receipt, please review the return policy for a refund. Released Dec. 1995
Condition: New
The campaign was orchestrated on the ground by people like Harry Abrams (B'nai B'rith), Will Offley (see related article) and the Ontario "Green Party's", Richard Warman - yes that man again. Who is this guy?
He claims to be working for the Green Party in Ontario, but spends most of his time now, it seems, trying to stop all my speaking events and media opportunities all over the world. It was Warman who was at the heart of the efforts to stop me in Ottawa, Toronto, and Windsor, in October 1999. It was Warman who wrote to a major book chain in England to try to have my event in Birmingham in December cancelled. It was Warman who sought to persuade the Australian Green Party to campaign against me there.
Political activism
Warman ran as a Green Party of Canada candidate in the 1997 federal election in the Windsor West riding, and in the 2000 federal election in Ottawa—OrlĂ©ans, placing fifth on both occasions.[47] He ran as the Green Party of Ontario candidate in the 1995 Ontario provincial election in Simcoe Centre, placing fifth, and in 1999 in Ottawa West—Nepean, placing fourth.[48][49]
In 2006, Warman contributed to the Renewal Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada's Report on Human Rights.[50] He is also one of the backers of the reward fund established by the Assembly of First Nations in relation to the Gatineau murder of Kelly Morrisseau.[51]
Revenue Canada manoeuvre may nix a trial
Gritz, James (Bo). Called to Serve. Lazarus Publishing Company (Box 472 HCR-31, Sandy Valley NV 89019), 1991. 647 pages.
James (Bo) Gritz is a much-decorated Vietnam special forces veteran who continued working in covert operations after the war. He is convinced that live POWs remain in Southeast Asia, and went into Laos in 1983 to try and rescue some. Pentagon officials made it clear to Gritz that the highest levels of the U.S. government preferred to ignore the evidence. This in turn caused him to reconsider the flag-and-motherhood politics that brought him to Vietnam in the first place. By 1990 he was opposed to the Gulf War and interested in the JFK assassination, and by 1992 he was the Populist Party candidate for President.Although one might wish for a bit less of Gritz's Green Beret machismo and a few more names of covert cowboys and assorted spooks, this book is, after all, an autobiography. Gritz does add new evidence of U.S. duplicity in the war on drugs by visiting opium warlord Khun Sa in Burma. Khun Sa's perspective on the opium trade implicates U.S. officials such as Richard Armitage. More than once Khun Sa offered to sell his entire crop to the U.S. government in order to keep it off the streets, and has also asked for crop- substitution assistance. But the U.S. showed no interest in Gritz's efforts to mediate the issue, and continued to demonize Khun Sa. As a final insult, the feds then brought silly charges against Gritz himself.
ISBN 0-916095-38-4
by Brian Downing Quig
Last issue, readers were provided several reasons to suspect that Charles
Keating and his AMERICAN CONTINENTAL CORPORATION are protected assets of CIA;
the Feds covered up many obvious irregularities; the connection of Keating`s
chief pilot to the BAC 111 with the tail number N120TA, which has been
alleged to be the OCTOBER SURPRISE plane that transported William Casey to a
meeting with Iranians in Paris; and Walter J. Bush, the president`s nephew,
doing business next door to Keating using the name AMERICAN CONTINENTAL LAND
INVESTMENT CORPORATION; the total black out of the above by major media.
First Lance Trimmer showed up in our offices with copies of video tapes Col. Gritz had taken during two interviews conducted in November of 1986 and April of 1987 with General Khun Sa --- the undisputed heroin overlord of the GOLDEN TRIANGLE!! Johnny had long been running hard hitting exposees of U.S. government involvement in narcotics trafficking. Gritz came along to toss a match into a power cache. It was General Khun Sa's assertion, which Gritz implicitly believed, that the largest purchasers of heroin in the world were well known top officials of CIA and DOD!! Specifically named, were Richard Armatage, at the time number 2 man at the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and Theodore Shackley, formerly number 2 man in the CIA under CIA Director George Bush!
As we were to learn in a series of startling steps, the U.S. government is responsible for transporting more than half of the illegal narcotics that reach our shores. For the most part this poison is flown in on military transports --- tons at a time --- no customs. Then it is flown in cargo containers aboard commercial airliners to be turned over to organized crime families for distribution in individual American cities. All the while the government's phony war on drugs amounts to nothing more than an effective artificial means of price support for dangerous narcotics and an elaborate extortion shake down of U.S. citizens. Nothing has eroded the constitution more quickly than this phony drug war (which by the way is one of the most effective propaganda campaigns in all of human history).
Below are the files of a computer bulletin board that I put together for Col. James Bo Gritz back in 1987 after he returned from his second trip to Burma.
- (f01) 2-4-88 The total fraud of the Iran Contra Committee
- (f02) 2-4-88 The Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee Will Not Respond!
Here is where the CIA cocaine involvement gets started. There is no doubt it is intentional.
- (f1) 2-4-88 Bo Gritz letter to George Bush
- (f2) 8-12-86 General Khun Sa, Transcript of message to George Bush, opium eradication proposal
- (f3) 11-11-87 Tom Fitzpatric, NEW TIMES, From Burma to Bush, a Heroin Trail.
- (f4) 8-13-87 William Stevenson, TORONTO SUN, The Bank of Intrigue
And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this
force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each
other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can
learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the
sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end.
These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC
REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a
speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front
line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is
Brian Quig.
You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by
(602) 945-3858
or writing
Intelligence Connection
6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000
Scottsdale AZ 85257
American Continental Corporation was a Phoenix, Arizona-based[1] real estate company of the 1970s and 1980s.
It was created in 1978[2] as a spin-off of American Financial Group,[citation needed] meant to do residential home construction.[2] Its chairman was Charles Keating,[3] who moved to Phoenix to run it.[2]
By 1981, Keating had two thousand employees on his payroll and was one of the largest land developers in Arizona, benefiting from a home building boom in the state.[2]
In February 1984, American Continental Corporation acquired the underperforming Lincoln Savings and Loan Association for $51 million.[2][3] Much of American Continental's assets were in the form of Arizona real estate, junk bonds, and mortgage-backed securities.[4] Lincoln Savings expanded into aggressive, risky land development deals and financial arrangements, including loans due to American Continental.[2] For most of 1987, American Continental was profitable, but by 1988, losses mounted, due to financial troubles and other bad happenings at Lincoln Savings.[4] By 1989, Lincoln made up 90 percent of American Continental's assets.[4]
On April 13, 1989, American Continental Corporation filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.[4] The loss of investors' life savings in Lincoln became one of the key events of the 1980s Savings and loan crisis and the core of the Keating Five political scandal.
An 1,800+ linear feet collection of archival records from the American Continental Corporation is available at the Arizona State University Libraries, Department of Archives and Special Collections and consists of correspondence files, architectural and land use plans, promotional and advertisting materials, environmental impact reports, regulatory reports, trial records, attorneys records and financial records relating to the corporation and a number of its' subsidiaries. The records extend from approximately 1971 to 1993. Access to certain parts of this collection are limited by court order.
The Appearance of Ned Warren, Sr.
On Monday, October 18, 1976, John Harvey Adamson went on trial for the murder
of Don Bolles.
Two hours into the jury selection, Judge Frederic Heineman's long description
of the case was interrupted by a messenger who presented him a written note.
He glanced at it and then put down the pile of notes he was using to instruct
the prospective jurors.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said, seemingly with a sigh, "we've had a
misunderstanding. The trial will not proceed now."
The note concerned security. The courtroom was too difficult to guard,
according to the sheriffs deputies. There had been several threats against
Adamson. While they were too vague to act on, they couldn't be ignored. For
maximum security, the case should be moved to a smaller courtroom. The county
could not stand the embarrassment of a Jack Ruby-type killing.
The next day, interim County Attorney Donald Harris blew it.
According to the code of legal ethics, the prosecuting attorney must keep
silent as to the direction an investigation is taking, particularly at the
beginning of a trial, when prospective jurors can easily be exposed to
publicity about the case they may soon be asked to hear. So it came as a
surprise to reporters and a shock to the judge that Maricopa County Attorney
Donald Harris was shooting off his mouth about the theories on the case on
the second day of jury selection. His remarks made page one news in the Los An
geles Times.
One of the biggest changes to INWO that ASSASSINS has brought is the new strength of the Green attribute. New groups (Lama Ramadingdong and Recycling Centers) and new plots (Oil Spill and NWO Global Warming) provide a lot of power. This is also a disadvantage, in that you will be more likely to see NWO World Hunger, and other Green decks. The first will always be a problem for Green decks, but the second can be dealt with.What is most important is to keep control of certain key Green groups: Canada and Al Gore for their large bonuses, and Lama Ramadingdong for his defense power. With these under control, and a few other cards, you can gain complete mastery of all Green groups as well as a very defensible power structure.
3x Lama Ramadingdong - Group Card *You are bidding on three (3) Lama Ramadingdong uncommon Group cards from the Assassins expansion set for the Illuminati: New World Order trading card game from Steve Jackson Games in 1995.
Group cards make up your Power Structure and are key to your plans of global control.
* Taken directly from booster pack to cover sleeve. Never played! If you are unsatisfied with the condition of the card upon receipt, please review the return policy for a refund. Released Dec. 1995
Condition: New
The campaign was orchestrated on the ground by people like Harry Abrams (B'nai B'rith), Will Offley (see related article) and the Ontario "Green Party's", Richard Warman - yes that man again. Who is this guy?
He claims to be working for the Green Party in Ontario, but spends most of his time now, it seems, trying to stop all my speaking events and media opportunities all over the world. It was Warman who was at the heart of the efforts to stop me in Ottawa, Toronto, and Windsor, in October 1999. It was Warman who wrote to a major book chain in England to try to have my event in Birmingham in December cancelled. It was Warman who sought to persuade the Australian Green Party to campaign against me there.
Political activism
Warman ran as a Green Party of Canada candidate in the 1997 federal election in the Windsor West riding, and in the 2000 federal election in Ottawa—OrlĂ©ans, placing fifth on both occasions.[47] He ran as the Green Party of Ontario candidate in the 1995 Ontario provincial election in Simcoe Centre, placing fifth, and in 1999 in Ottawa West—Nepean, placing fourth.[48][49]
In 2006, Warman contributed to the Renewal Commission of the Liberal Party of Canada's Report on Human Rights.[50] He is also one of the backers of the reward fund established by the Assembly of First Nations in relation to the Gatineau murder of Kelly Morrisseau.[51]
Ottawa, August 5, 2000
Ottawa tries to cover up who's behind the $800M tax waiver

Ottawa's latest legal action involving a citizen's attempt to force Revenue Canada to collect taxes from a wealthy family smacks of a cover-up.
Just a few days ago, Ottawa used its legal muscle to postpone a trial into the merits, and players, involved in the controversial tax-free transfer in 1991 of a mysterious $2.2-billion trust to the United States on behalf of a wealthy and unknown family [the Bronfman family]. A tax waiver was granted, saving the family up to $800-million in taxes.
For those of you that have been on Taglit-Birthright Israel know of one of the founding philanthropist's, Mr. Charles Bronfman, he is the son of Mr.Sam Bronfman (Founder of Bronfman's Distillers Corporation) which later acquired Seagram Co. Ltd. The Bronfman name fittingly means 'liquor man' in Yiddish.
Boardwalk Empire is an American television series from cable network HBO, set in Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition era. Starring Steve Buscemi, the show was adapted from a chapter about historical criminal kingpin Enoch "Nucky" Johnson in Nelson Johnson's book, Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City,[2] by Emmy Award-winning screenwriter and producer Terence Winter of The Sopranos.[3]
The first episode was directed by Martin Scorsese and was the most expensive pilot episode produced in television history. He won the Directors Guild Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Dramatic Series. On September 1, 2010, HBO picked up the series for an additional 11 episodes.[4] The series debuted on September 19, 2010.[5]
Boardwalk Empire has received widespread critical acclaim and high ratings for HBO. It has been nominated for two Writers Guild of America Awards, for Best Writing in a Dramatic Series and Best Writing in a New Series, and won a Golden Globe for best Dramatic Series. In addition at The 2010 Golden Globes, Steve Buscemi won for Best Actor in a Dramatic Series and Kelly MacDonald was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television.
Below is yet another person, standing up for Freedom, being persecuted by the Bronfman Puppets.
Dear Citizen,
STEVEN J. FROGUE needs your/our help very badly.
It is VERY urgent that you come to the aid of STEVEN J. FROGUE [], PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRUSTEE's of South Orange County Community College District. He is being attacked over an ACADEMIC FREEDOM ISSUE regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. WE CANNOT allow our learning institutions to become INTIMIDATED by ANYONE and we certainly cannot allow an environment to exist where FREE and OPEN DISCUSSION on ANY issue, comfortable or not, is STIFLED or squelched or silenced or STIMIED. WE SHOULD ALL be OUTRAGED at the ORWELLIAN NOTION that certain subjects or history cannot be discussed openly and with candor. The DARK FORCES of CENSORSHIP are dangerous indeed, just as John F. Kennedy said: "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."
For those of you that have been on Taglit-Birthright Israel know of one of the founding philanthropist's, Mr. Charles Bronfman, he is the son of Mr.Sam Bronfman (Founder of Bronfman's Distillers Corporation) which later acquired Seagram Co. Ltd. The Bronfman name fittingly means 'liquor man' in Yiddish.
Mr. Samuel Bronfman z"l |
Boardwalk Empire is an American television series from cable network HBO, set in Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the Prohibition era. Starring Steve Buscemi, the show was adapted from a chapter about historical criminal kingpin Enoch "Nucky" Johnson in Nelson Johnson's book, Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City,[2] by Emmy Award-winning screenwriter and producer Terence Winter of The Sopranos.[3]
The first episode was directed by Martin Scorsese and was the most expensive pilot episode produced in television history. He won the Directors Guild Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Dramatic Series. On September 1, 2010, HBO picked up the series for an additional 11 episodes.[4] The series debuted on September 19, 2010.[5]
Boardwalk Empire has received widespread critical acclaim and high ratings for HBO. It has been nominated for two Writers Guild of America Awards, for Best Writing in a Dramatic Series and Best Writing in a New Series, and won a Golden Globe for best Dramatic Series. In addition at The 2010 Golden Globes, Steve Buscemi won for Best Actor in a Dramatic Series and Kelly MacDonald was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television.
Below is yet another person, standing up for Freedom, being persecuted by the Bronfman Puppets.
Dear Citizen,
STEVEN J. FROGUE needs your/our help very badly.
It is VERY urgent that you come to the aid of STEVEN J. FROGUE [], PRESIDENT of the BOARD of TRUSTEE's of South Orange County Community College District. He is being attacked over an ACADEMIC FREEDOM ISSUE regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. WE CANNOT allow our learning institutions to become INTIMIDATED by ANYONE and we certainly cannot allow an environment to exist where FREE and OPEN DISCUSSION on ANY issue, comfortable or not, is STIFLED or squelched or silenced or STIMIED. WE SHOULD ALL be OUTRAGED at the ORWELLIAN NOTION that certain subjects or history cannot be discussed openly and with candor. The DARK FORCES of CENSORSHIP are dangerous indeed, just as John F. Kennedy said: "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."
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