Libya says NATO "terrorising" its civilians
27 Mar 2011 23:18
TRIPOLI, March 27 (Reuters) - Libya accused NATO on Sunday of "terrorising" and killing its people as part of a global plot to humiliate and weaken the North African country.
The government says Western-led air attacks have killed more than 100 civilians, a charge denied by the coalition which says it is protecting civilians from Gadaffi's forces and targeting only military sites to enforce a no-fly zone.
"The terror people live in, the fear, the tension is everywhere. And these are civilians who are being terrorised every day," said Mussa Ibrahim, a Libyan government spokesman.
"We believe the unnecessary continuation of the air strikes is a plan to put the Libyan government in a weak negotiating position. NATO is prepared to kill people, destroy army training camps and army checkpoints and other locations."
Earlier on Sunday, NATO officials said the alliance had agreed to take command of military operations in Libya. [nLDE72Q0ES]
Ibrahim acknowledged that rebel forces in the east were advancing westwards but declined to give any details on the retreat of government troops.
"The rebels are making their advances," he said.
"(Western nations) are starving the Libyan population, (they want) to put Libya on its knees, to beg for mercy.
"It's a very simple plan. We can see it happening in front of our eyes. They are not trying to protect civilians."
Ibrahim said three Libyan civilian sailors were killed in a coalition air strike on a fishing harbour in the city of Sirte on Saturday. (Writing by Maria Golovnina)
Violent Protests in England youtube I heard something about this yesterday on Good Morning America but couldn't find it till just now and I haven't been able to watch the youtube yet but am diligently looking for another puter to view it on... I wanted to get it to you all asap tho so hopefully it's a good one, maybe I'll find out if library has puter and get the bus and yadayadayadayada, hmmmmm (poor little me, eh?) ...cal
after posting above blog........ I got this in email
From: frameup@yahoogroups.com [mailto:frameup@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of RICHARD EASTMAN
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 7:59 PM
Subject: CIA Libyan Rebels Already Establish New Central Bank Of Libya to serve BANKSTERS (2) Leveraging Tsunamicide (3) Chernobyl meltdown our best guide of what to expect downwind of Fukushima
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 7:59 PM
Subject: CIA Libyan Rebels Already Establish New Central Bank Of Libya to serve BANKSTERS (2) Leveraging Tsunamicide (3) Chernobyl meltdown our best guide of what to expect downwind of Fukushima
(1) Wow, That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established New Central Bank Of Libya
(2) Power and Control: Leveraging the Japan Tsunami and Other Disasters
(3) Chernobyl our best guide of what to expect, at a minimum, downwind of Fukushima Meltdown -- straight facts
Wow, That Was Fast! Libyan Rebels Have Already Established New Central Bank Of Libya
By 21st Century Wire
The Economic Collapse
March 29, 2011
March 29, 2011
So it's Soros and not Islaam or Populism that is being imposed by NATO
Power and Control: The Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement - Leveraging the Japan Tsunami and Other Disasters
Nuclear Power Safety has become the Core Story in the Japan Tsunami Crisis The unfolding of the Earthquake > Tsunami nuclear crisis and how nuclear power has taken centre stage in the reporting. It begs the question as to; whether or not the tsunami was a natural occurrence or man made; with fingers pointing to the US HAARP program is the possibility that, amid the chaos, something other than the tsunami has caused the explosion. What that could have been is pure speculation at this point but opportunity was ripe, motive was present for the introduction of something else that can make things go boom. Potential Motives fit for the Spin Cycle Question is given this opportunity to have an epic fail of a Nuclear Power Disaster in Japan serves this agenda perfectly. * Anti-US (take them down a notch with the HAARP allegations) * Anti-Government (in Japan's competence to bring in a new regional/global one) * Get rid of Unpredictable Nuclear Arms Threats * Cripple a US proxy economic/military power centre in Japan. * Global Warming Activist 'evidence' * One World Global Village Assertion * Prop up anti-nuclear sentiment to railroad energy options. * Pure Fear Ratcheting We can explore the anti-nuclear angle in this thread but as with anything now-a-days there are a lot of dots to connect so I figured it best to take off the blinders first and put it into contextual debate and extend it from there. Tsunami Triggers: Playing the HAARP and Piping on about Climate Change Since there has been much talk I can't skip this point over, although I think it has been talked about thoroughly in this thread. A HAARP triggered event? Even though Japan has basically been a an extension of US empire with 50,000+ troops in place since the end of WWII? There are other ionospheric research facilities 17 by my last count. They are in prime earthquake territory as well. Still it remains a possibility since there really are no nations only factions that use corporate states as they would any other corporate entity to garner power and elicit control of people, land, political will and resources. HAARP has as about much allegiance to the US of A as the Federal Reserve Bank. As with the HAARPies, that point to man made weather manipulation every time there is a natural disaster, we have another manufactured group that has been barking that it is a direct cause of climate change. So there is also the play to the global warming crowd. Thorium Nuclear Reactors as a Safe and Sustainable form of Alternative Energy Nuclear power, particularity Thorium nuclear reactors, have heard hardly a peep in the alternative power considerations. A clear pattern has emerged in a concerted attempt to deny this energy option from 3 Mile Island to Chernobyl to Stuxnet to the current nuclear crisis in Japan. Meanwhile India has been building Thorium reactors for decades. Thorium Revolt: Mineral to replace uranium as nuclear power source? Russia Today -- An obscure metal that could energise our world... It's called thorium, it's eco-friendly, and there's lots of it. Many scientists say it could even replace uranium as a nuclear power source. But despite its potential, the metal is yet to gain a foothold in the market. RT's Laura Emmett explains why... In doing a bit of research on some thorium reactor plants that are already in production... INDIA has put a Nuclear Power Reactor based on thorium into use already since 1993/05/06 Nuclear Power Reactor Details - KAKRAPAR-1 Station Name KAKRAPAR Owner, Operator NUCLEAR POWER CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. Type PHWR Construction Started 1984/12/01 Status Operational Connected to Electricity Grid 1992/11/24 Net Capacity 202 MWe Commercial Operation 1993/05/06 Gross Capacity 220 MWe Long Term Shutdown N/A Shutdown N/A Source: http://www.iaea.org/cgi-bin/db.page.pl/pris.prdeta.htm?country=IN&site=KAKRAPAR&units=&refno=9&link=HOT&sort=&sortlong=Alphabetic They also have an identical station KAKRAPAR 2 in operation since 1995. India has started construction on KAKRAPAR 3 and 4 - 700 MWe pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs). The units are slated to start up in 2015 and 2016. Source: http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/NN-First_concrete_for_Kakrapar_3_and_4-2211107.html To put the power generation in context -- U.S. nuclear power plants have net summer capacities between about 500 and 1300 MWe. Canadian technology in Candu reactors are being used in production in China ... In mid-2009, AECL signed agreements with three Chinese entities to develop and demonstrate the use of thorium fuel in the Candu reactors at Qinshan in China. Another mid-2009 agreement, between Areva and Lightbridge Corporation, was for assessing the use of thorium fuel in Areva's EPR, drawing upon earlier research. Thorium can also be used in Generation IV and other advanced nuclear fuel cycle systems. * Thorium is much more abundant in nature than uranium. * Thorium can also be used as a nuclear fuel through breeding to fissile uranium-233. CANDU-type reactors – AECL is researching the thorium fuel cycle application to Enhanced Candu 6 and ACR-1000 reactors with 5% plutonium (reactor grade) plus thorium. In the closed fuel cycle, the driver fuel required for starting off is progressively replaced with recycled U-233, so that on reaching equilibrium 80% of the energy comes from thorium. Fissile drive fuel could be LEU, plutonium, or recycled uranium from LWR. AECL envisages fleets of CANDU reactors with near-self-sufficient equilibrium thorium (SSET) fuel cycles and a few fast breeder reactors to provide plutonium. AECL is also working closely with Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company (TQNPC), China North Nuclear Fuel Corporation and Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC) at Chengdu to develop and demonstrate the use of thorium fuel and to study the commercial and technical feasibility of its full-scale use in Candu units such as at Qinshan. In Canada (and the US) -- we have the homegrown expertise. Why the hold-up? AECL has more than 50 years experience with thorium-based fuels, including burn-up to 47 GWd/t. Some 25 tests were performed to 1987 in three research reactors and one pre-commercial reactor (NPD), with fuels ranging from ThO2 to that with 30% UO2, though most were with 1-3% UO2, the U being high-enriched. PROS and CONS Despite the thorium fuel cycle having a number of attractive features, development has always run into difficulties. The main attractive features are: * The possibility of utilising a very abundant resource which has hitherto been of so little interest that it has never been quantified properly. * The production of power with few long-lived transuranic elements in the waste. * Reduced radioactive wastes generally. The problems include: * The high cost of fuel fabrication, due partly to the high radioactivity of U-233 chemically separated from the irradiated thorium fuel. Separated U-233 is always contaminated with traces of U-232 (69 year half-life but whose daughter products such as thallium-208 are strong gamma emitters with very short half-lives). Although this confers proliferation resistance to the fuel cycle by making U-233 hard to handle and easy to detect, it results in increased costs. * The similar problems in recycling thorium itself due to highly radioactive Th-228 (an alpha emitter with two-year half life) present. * Some concern over weapons proliferation risk of U-233 (if it could be separated on its own), although many designs such as the Radkowsky Thorium Reactor address this concern. * The technical problems (not yet satisfactorily solved) in reprocessing solid fuels. However, with some designs, in particular the molten salt reactor (MSR), these problems are likely to largely disappear. Thorium-Plutonium Fuel vs mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) The thorium-plutonium fuel claims four advantages over the use of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel: increased proliferation resistance; compatibility with existing reactors – which will need minimal modification to be able to burn it; the fuel can be made in existing plants in Russia; and a lot more plutonium can be put into a single fuel assembly than with MOX fuel, so that three times as much can be disposed of as when using MOX. The used fuel amounts to about half the volume of MOX and is even less likely to allow recovery of weapons-useable material than used MOX fuel, since less fissile plutonium remains in it. With an estimated 150 tonnes of surplus weapons plutonium in Russia, the thorium-plutonium project would not necessarily cut across existing plans to make MOX fuel. Source: http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf62.html Concerns are warranted and justified in most cases but some thorium reactors seem within the realm of meeting all of our criteria for safety, non proliferation, feasibility and even nuclear dis-armament. Radkowsky Thorium Reactors look the best option at first glance if Pu can be acquired effectively We'll need to consider some more science before proceeding with Thorium reactor rollout en masse. Here's a starter paper on one of the many processes that are being researched and developed today .. http://cavendishscience.org/bks/nuc/thrupdat.htm In addressing health, powdered thorium metal is pyrophoric and will often ignite spontaneously in air. Natural thorium decays very slowly compared to many other radioactive materials, and the alpha radiation emitted cannot penetrate human skin meaning owning and handling small amounts of thorium, such as a gas mantle, is considered safe. Exposure to an aerosol of thorium can lead to increased risk of cancers of the lung, pancreas and blood, as lungs and other internal organs can be penetrated by alpha radiation. Exposure to thorium internally leads to increased risk of liver diseases. ~WIKI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium#Dangers_and_biological_roles Media Spin and the Global Disaster Hype Once the news hit one of the first stories was about the nuclear power plants even though everything appeared to be running relatively smoothly. It soon proved that Japan's nuclear power plants would be a focal point in this tragedy. The media hype has been making this out to be a global disaster by plotting fallout maps of the Fukushima explosion. (h/t to yeti) Also the initial tsunami wave mapping made it out to be a global crisis that was heavily exaggerated. 6 foot waves in Hawaii? Isn't that relatively normal for the surfing capital of the world? A couple of flipped boats on the US Coastline? It's tragic but fairly isolated and regional in nature no matter how the media is trying to spin it. I'm not pro-nuclear all around but there are some viable alternatives among the multitude of nuclear energy schemes that bear consideration. Thorium nuclear reactors (links to a couple of articles/comments from a ways back) being at the forefront of those I've looked into. Nuclear Energy to Nuclear Weapons Anti-nuclear is a bit all encompassing for me but in it's current state maybe thorium reactor should be addressed as well. Using wide swaths may consequentially ban viable and safe forms of energy. Thorium reactors look to be a promising alternative to the current make-up of nuclear energy technologies on the table. Transmission and storage issues also need to be addressed fully as we lose a lot of power due to transmission of energy. Market forces are being manipulated and are heavily subsidized and the marketing via science is creating a leveraged playing field for certain technologies and their implementation. Energy should be based on merit alone based on a balanced combination of efficiency (cost, output, labour, oversight, maintenance, installation ..), reliability, infrastructure requirements, distribution, and ecological / human health impact. On a military standpoint we have a lot of weaponry that needs to be curtailed and maybe spearhead an agreement on coming to a moratorium on some development so they can be further researched before proliferation. Russian magnetic technology is far ahead of western development (since Operation Paperclip and now in the 5th generation of development) and is reportedly being used in military applications that have yet to render their full application. This technology can also be used in power generation. There is also the issue of weather weaponry which is banned under UN treaty but there are suspicions that they are being used in operations. Cloud seeding technology is admittedly used in Vietnam and is currently used in Alberta to create snow in ski resorts. HAARP (and the ~17 other stations that we know of ) is speculation at this time but there is evidence that heating the ionosphere could be applied as a weather weapon. Directed at the ground RF could potentially trigger earthquakes. A comprehensive non-proliferation of weaponry strategy needs to be formulated but that should be separate from nuclear power generation. It's framed as a hop and a skip away from nuclear weaponry but from what I've come across it's more of a giant leap or at least a triple jump. More Facts Please.. Earthquake disaster testing on the affected Japanese nuclear power reactor facilities passed with flying colours but they were not tested for their threshold for withstanding tsunamis. I'm not saying it wasn't the tsunami but I'd like to present some thoughts on the unquestioning direct correlation between tsunami and the nuclear power station crisis in Japan. The way the Japanese nuclear explosion has been framed and fed to us seems to be common sense but a closer look may bring into question the causal effect. I'll continue on looking into this alternative retelling of the story until I'm satisfied. Best to do it before the cement has dried. That task falls on us and any tidbits ya'll can dig up and contribute would be valuable and appreciated in piecing this puzzle together. Condolences go out to the suffering Japanese and those whose lives were tragically cut short. Like most of us, I wish I could do more for them but we have battles of our own to apply ourselves more directly. There are no others, there is only us. http://fasttadpole.com/ |
Beware Alex Jones etc "Trusted" Media Puppets in the fake alt-media Alex Jones (video) and Natural News a.k.a. Truth Publishing International, LTD. (article with plenty of links to buy iodine supplements) are beaking off and falling right in line with mainstream media circus, but worse. They mention Chernobyl, Worse than a terrorist attack, lying government cover-ups, much worse than mainstream news is reporting and the dirty bomb. Alex starts of his video with "I'm not against Nuclear Power, I never have been" and then goes on to name a half dozen countries that he says lie about nuclear power facilities, which may very well be true - but only to a point. Jones is dripping with spin but I'm preaching to the choir on this one, well I hope I am. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger is even worse. He cites a secret unnamed insider contact from Tokyo. But he does shed a bit of light between the lines in quoting his source. "The spent fuel bundles should have been relocated away from the reactor core a long, long time ago. Given the earthquake realities of Japan, these reactor building were basically dirty bombs waiting to be set off by a [natural] disaster." So if this is true, shall we learn from these mistakes, was this by design waiting for this to happen, is it really as bad as they say it is in the dramatic description of fire and nuclear fallout? What is absent from the debate is the positives of certain implementations of Nuclear Power and proper storage and/or disposal of nuclear waste (space elevator, recycling nuclear waste ..) which would cost far less than any of the Green alternatives (and some fallacies) such as Carbon Capture and Storage, Clean Coal, Biomass, Geo-Engineering, The Smart Grid, Algae Fuel, Windmills Everywhere, Solar Farms (especially in Canadian Winters), Smart Grids, Electric Cars + Infrastructure and Carbon Dioxide Cap and Tax Swindles. Nuclear energy may not be solution; but in the absence of oil for various reasons -- real and imagined, geopolitical and corporately manufactured, green and 'green' it's one of the only ponies left in the shed to euthanize for the new energy cartels. With energy being set to form the backing for the new world currency, the stakes have never been higher. All the chips are on the table. I'm also a fan of geothermal but much of that momentum has been nixed because it's been said by some cherry picked science that it could cause earthquakes. It seems to be putting the sway on public by playing on their empathy during this tragedy. Will nuclear energy be on this decreed shortlist of alternative energy options any longer? Time will tell soon enough. One important point to consider would be that the government power already exists in the United States to shut down nuclear facilities anywhere near water that connects in any way shape or form citing the realm of potential for a hurricane or tsunami or a bloody asteroid for that matter with the recent formation of the National Ocean Council (NOC) which was done by yet another Barack Obama Executive Order on July 19, 2010. Don't think they will - well one oil eruption that mysteriously came and went "forced" an indefinite moratorium on one of the biggest oil reserves on the planet in the Gulf of Mexico. |
Chernobyl our best guide of what to expect, at a minimum, from Fukushima Meltdown -- straight facts
1) Radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl meltdown spread over 40% of Europe.
2) Nearly 5 million people still live with dangerous levels of radioactive contamination.
3) Most of the Chernobyl radionuclides (up to 57%) fell outside the former USSR and caused noticeable radioactive contamination over a large area of the world – practically the entire Northern hemisphere.
4) Levels of radioactive contamination in the first days and weeks after the catastrophe were thousands of times higher than those recorded 2 or 3 years later.
5) When the reactor exploded, it expelled not only gases and aerosols but also particles of U fuel melted together with other radionuclides – firm hot particles. When absorbed into the body (with water, food or inhaled air), such particles generate high doses of radiation even if an individual is in an area of low contamination.
6) Lastly, the impact of the 2400 tons (some authors estimate 6720 tons) of lead dumped from helicopters onto the reactor to quench the fire has not been adequately evaluated. A significant part of this lead was spewed out into the atmosphere as a result of its fusion, boiling and sublimation in the burning reactor.
7) In Wales, one of the regions most heavily contaminated by Chernobyl fallout, abnormally low birth weights (less than 1500 g) were noted in 1986 and 1987 (Busby, 1995).
8) Children from the contaminated areas of Belarus have digestive tract epithelium characteristic of senile changes (Nesterenko, 1996; ebeshko et al, 2006).
9) The biological age of inhabitants from the radioactive contaminated territories of Ukraine exceed their calendar ages by 7 to 9 years (Mezhzherin, 1996)
10) Adverse effects as a result of Chernobyl irradiation have been found in every group that has been studied. Brain damage has been found in individuals directly exposed...Premature cataracts; tooth and mouth abnormalities; and blood, lymphatic, heart, lung gastrointestinal, urologic, bone, and skin diseases afflict and impair people, young and old alike. Endocrine dysfunction, particularly thyroid disease, is far more common than might be expected, with some 1,000 cases of thyroid dysfunction for every case of thyroid cancer, a marked increase after the catastrophe. There are genetic damage and birth defects especially in children of liquidators and in children born in area with high levels of radioisotope contamination.
11) 5.1 Blood and lymphatic system diseases For both children and adults, diseases of the blood and the circulatory and lymphatic systems are among the most widespread consequences of the Chernobyl radioactive contamination.
12) The incidence of diseases of the blood and blood forming organs was 3.8 fold higher among evacuees 9 years after the catastrophe.
13) Diseases of the blood and circulatory system for people living in the contaminated territories (Ukraine) increased 11 to 15 fold for the first 12 years after the catastrophe (1988-1999) Prysyazhnyuk et al 2002).
14) Incidence of hemorrhages in newborns in the contaminated Chechersky District of Gomel Province (Belarus) is more than double than before the catastrophe (Kulakov et al, 1997).
15) In the observation period 1992-1997, there was a 22.1% increase in the incidence of fatal cardiovascular disease liquidators compared to 2.5% in the general population
(Belarus) (Pflugbeil et al, 2006).
16) Changes in genetic structures in both reproductive and somatic cells determine and define the occurrence of many diseases. Ionizing radiation causes damage to hereditary structures. The huge collective dose from the Chernobyl catastrophe (127-150 million persons/rad) has resulted in damage that will span several generations, causing changes in genetic structures and various types of mutations: genomic mutations (change in the number of chromosomes), chromosomal mutations (damage to the structure of chromosomes - translocations, deletions, insertions and inversions), and small (point) mutations.
17) In 1991 in Norway, a 10-fold increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations was found in 56 adults compared to controls (Brogger et al, 1996, Schmitz Feuerhake, 2006).
18) In 1987 in Austria, among 17 adults examined there was a 4-6 fold increase in the number of chromosomal aberrations.
19) There was a doubling of Down syndrome in Lothian, Scotland one of the territories contaminated by Chernobyl (Ramsey et al, 1991).
20) In Norway, cataracts in newborns occurred twice as often
1 year after the catastrophe (Irgens et al, 1991).
21) Incidence of neural tube defects in Turkey increased between 2- and 5-fold after the catastrophe (Hoffman, 2001; Schmitz-Feuerhake, 2006).
22) The most recent forecast by international agencies predicted there would be between 9000 and 28,000 fatal cancers between 1986 and 2056, obviously underestimating the risk factors and the collective doses. On the basis of I-131 and Cs 137 radioisotope doses to which populations were exposed and a comparison of cancer mortality in the heavily and less contaminated territories and pre- and post-Chernobyl cancer levels, a more realistic figure is 212,000 to 245,000 in Europe and 19,000 in the rest of the world.
23) More than 1000 cancer deaths in Norland Province, Sweden, between 1986 and 1999 have been attributed to the Chernobyl fallout (Abdelrahman, 2007).
24) After 20 years the incidence of thyroid cancer among individuals under 18 years of age at the time of the catastrophe increased more than 200-fold (National Belarussian Report, 2006).
25) In the Marne-Ardennes provinces (France) cancer incidence increased 360% in women and 500% in men between 1975 and 2005 (Cherie-Challine et al, 2006).
26) From 1985-1989 to 1990-1992 in Connecticut, USA, rates of thyroid cancer for all age groups increased by 23% (from 3.46 to 4.29 per 100,000, after 10 previous years without change (Reid and Mangano, 1995).
27) In Greece, infants born between 1.7.86 and 31.12.87, exposed to Chernobyl fallout in utero, had 2.6 times the incidence of leukemia compared to children born between 1.1.80 and 31.12.85 and between 1.1.88 and 31.12.90. (Petridou et al, 2004)
28) Changes in the sex ratio and the stillbirth odds ratio for gender were significant for Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Latvia and Sweden (Scherb and Wiegelt, 2000).
29) Great Britain. Ten months after the catastrophe, a significant increase in perinatal mortality was found in the two most contaminated areas of the country (Bentham, 1991).
30) Sweden. Infant mortality increased immediately after the catastrophe and increased significantly in 1989-1992 (Korblein, 2008).
First Japan suffered an earthquake, then a tsunami, then nuclear meltdowns and radiation.
Experts advised the Japanese people not to panic.
Experts advised people that the food was safe to eat, and that radiation had not entered their food supply.
This past week, the world learned that Japanese food and water were tainted with radioactive iodine.
Food is now routinely tested in Japan. The first food to show signs of radiation was cow's milk. This makes sense, as cows are eating 50-80 pounds of feed each and every day. Radiation is concentrated in their bodies like sponges soaking up water. In a cow, the water is filtered and excreted and the concentrated toxins are consumed by milk drinkers. Twenty-one pounds of milk are required to produce one pound of butter.
Eating butter further concentrates toxins; in this case, radioactivity.
Armed with the knowledge that milk is the perfect barometer to test for the presence of radiation, it would make sense to test for levels of radiation in America's milk as plumes from Japan are carried by the jet stream over California, Kansas, and then onto New York.
Here is where today's stupid human trick kicks in.
It would make perfect sense to test milk from California Happy Cows, just in case...Sadly, this is news that the United States Department of Agriculture just does not want to know.
As of March 22, 2011, California milk is not being tested for radiation on a daily basis. As a matter of policy, California's Department of Public Health routinely tests California milk for radiation once every month. One would assume (love that word) that with jet steams being what they are, and with Japan's tragedy having the potential to radiate to Americans, it would be a logical human conclusion to want to test milk.
The spokesperson for California's Department of Public Health, Mike Sicilia, had this stupid human trick comment:
"This is typical routine testing and has been done for many years."
Routine once-per-month testing will continue, because the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sees no reason for caution. California's Department of Public Health reLIES upon FDA's lead.

Protesters clash in London over cuts
- NEW: Police arrest 214 people for a variety of offenses throughout the day
- NEW: A total of 84 people are reported injured, including 31 police officers
- A police commander says the main march went well
- He says about 500 "criminals" are responsible for the trouble
Police arrested 214 people for criminal damage, public order offenses, aggravated trespass and violent disorder after several businesses were vandalized, police said.
Thirty-one police officers were hurt during the protests, with one being treated in the hospital, they added. Police said another 53 people were injured, at least 15 of which were taken to the hospital.
The Trades Union Congress (TUC), which organized the demonstration, said nearly half a million people were taking part, far exceeding their original estimate of 100,000 participants. London's Metropolitan Police would not give an estimate of the number of participants.
"Banker's greed or people's needs -- Cut bonuses not benefits" read one placard at the protest. "Strike together to bring down the government" read another.
The march was largely peaceful apart from isolated skirmishes between protesters and police, authorities said.
"The main TUC march has been going well. We have had more than a quarter of a million people with hardly any problems," Police Commander Bob Broadhurst said.
"Unfortunately we have had a group of approximately 500 criminals committing some disorder ... and scaring the public who are trying to shop. That has been concerning but we are on top of it."
He said some of the protesters threw paint at a clothing store on Oxford Street and at the police. Protesters also threw light bulbs filled with ammonia at officers after they intervened to stop paint and bottles being thrown at store windows, police said earlier.
Protesters also damaged branches of the HSBC and Santander banks and overturned trash cans. Protesters then made their way to Piccadilly Circus and the nearby Ritz Hotel, where they swarmed the famous entrance arcade.
They smashed a nearby Starbucks Coffee window and spray-painted anarchy symbols on the front. Police lined up at the sandwich shop next door to stop further damage.
Police also set up a so-called "containment" area Saturday night in Trafalgar Square, where police said officers were coming under "sustained attack." Protesters were later being allowed to leave the square in small groups.
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