Club 33 Wikipedia
Club 33 is a private club located in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland. Officially maintained as a secret feature of the theme park, the entrance of the club is located next to the Blue Bayou Restaurant at "33 Royal Street" with the entrance recognizable by an ornate address plate with the number 33 engraved on it.[1] When riding Pirates of the Caribbean, just as the ride departs, the Blue Bayou restaurant is visible, but the balconies above it are actually a part of Club 33.
Disneyland Update - Secrets of Club 33 youtube
Keith Olberman on Skull and Bones (Does Keith say that Skull and Bones is anti-mason?) youtube
3. What is the Trilateral Commission?
Launched in 1973, the European Union, North America (the United States and Canada), and Japan — the three main democratic industrialized areas of the world — form the three sides of the Trilateral Commission. The Commission’s members are about 330 distinguished citizens, with a variety of leadership responsibilities in business, politics (except for government positions), academia, and the media.
Asharis believe that a full understanding of the true and singular nature of God falls beyond the scope of human comprehension. In this sense, while humans and the world they inhabit are a part of reality, the Ultimate Reality is only God. This is not to say that Asharis believe in a blind faith with no understanding of what they worship. Rather, by putting the nature of God above the human realm of understandings, Ashari thinking underscores the absolute otherness of the Divine (God) from the mundane reality of human life.
(The many faces of Freemasonry ...cal)
Kettering Foundation wikipedia
The Kettering Foundation is an American non-partisan research foundation founded in 1927 by Charles F. Kettering. The foundation publishes books and periodicals, employs research fellows, and organizes (through the National Issues Forums) public forums on policy in order to answer the question: "what does it take for democracy to work as it should?" [1] It is based in Dayton, Ohio.
The Kettering Foundation has played an active part in public policy, through for instance active support of the Dartmouth Conferences,[2]
Shortly after his session with the paint manufacturers, as Kettering related during an antitrust suit against the Du Pont Company, he happened to be in New York browsing Manhattan's Fifth Avenue. There, in a jewelry store window, he spotted a wooden pin tray finished with a lacquer he'd never seen before. He bought the tray, tracked the maker of the lacquer to a backyard shed somewhere in New jersey and bought some lacquer, too. Working with Du Pont, he homogenized the lacquer with existing paints, producing a liquid, thin enough to spray, that dried-glossy and weather-resistant-in minutes.
The paint people stayed skeptical. Kettering later liked to tell the story of how he then invited one doubter to lunch, talked paint and then walked the man to the GM parking lot, where the guest confessed that he couldn't find his car. Kettering pointed to a vehicle and asked: "Isn't that yours?" "It looks like mine," the paint man replied, "but my car isn't that color." Said Kettering: "It is now."
The story typifies the resourcefulness Kettering brought to the solving of industrial problems. Those solutions are many-at his death in 1958, he was responsible for more major inventions than any American except Edison.
My daddy looked up to Audie Murphy and wanted to be like him. Back in the day when I was first on the internet I did a lot of researching Audie Murphy and if I remember correctly, he was doing research on some of the things we do in today's world when he suddenly died in a plane accident. (I think he had a friend in the LA police department he was working with.) The PR surrounding AM was incredible even after I was born.
Audie Murphy freemasonry
http://www.templechryses.org/godhand.html I have been feeling lately that there is a huge transistion about to happen and the following explains this almost to a tee how I've felt. I'm tired of the physical earthly existance and feel that I have exhaused my work here. (Go figure, ey?) ...cal
n the knowledge found below, I have Capitalized all words that pertain to a Son or Daughter of God's Living Divine Realm Realty and Activity. In addition, I have united all words that proceed with Divine, as in Divine Life, as it represents One Unified Ideal.
Created out of God the Mother, the human Spirit is a sentient self-willed Spirit and one's true state of being. The depth of the Spirit is truly that which is mysterious, but, in itself vast and wonderful. To know thy spirit awards you life, True Life, as it progresses, life after life, in a great journey to find All Knowing and Understanding of Creation--to return Home to Paradise as an Individualized Being of Pure Light.
Our Divine Spirit, as extended Members of the Family of God, can enter into a simple guided Visualization and climb stone steps upward to a White Cloud, the Realm of the Divine or Kingdom. The DivineRealm is Designed by the Individual Personality of God the Mother and Her Earth Assigned Celestial Daughter or Chryseis Daughter as well as the Individual Personality of God the Father and His Earth Assigned Celestial Son or Christ Son. The DivineRealm is Designed to Progress the Son or Daughter's of God from material memory to that of the Countenances of the Family of God.
Presented below is only one of many Divine Interventions by God the Father and Mother for Their Sons and Daughters of God. The story in itself is a profound example of God your Father and Mother's Living Support and Loving Intervention that awaits man. And, in all of my Divine Realm Experiences, I have never found or been pressed to direct my DivineStudents into any special supplications, fasting, or cleansing, but They are, in all circumstances, to be Honored, Respected, and Loved.
Our story begins at one of my DivineLife lectures, where a mother of a physically and mentally disabled seventeen-year-old son asked me if I could help her son reach the Family of God to see if They would help him. I saw no reason why not from past experiences, and I agreed to talk to him the following day to see if he truly was interested. We met with his mother the following day, where I discussed the reality of his Spirit, as his true state of being. Also, and for some reason, his Spirit could not or did not know how to work with his physical body. Also, I shared my guided imagery awareness that would allow him to experience a Living Reality with the Christ Son. He stated that even talking about Visiting Him excited him inside.
With the discussion over and with his acceptance, we entered into a DivineSession. I placed him in an inner visual state of consciousness, where I initiated the union of the soul-mind with his Spirit for inner visualization. I guided his Spiritual-Soul into his first scenario, the Garden of his Soul--a Country Scenario designed by his Spirit. And from the Garden of the Soul, I guided him into past life memories, but found no recall that indicated he was in the earth's civilization developmental program. This life appeared to be his first earth-human experience.
We then reentered into the Garden of the Soul scenario, where I requested stone stairs to form in front of him that ascended upward to a White Cloud--the Kingdom of the Lord or DivineRealm. He Climbed the Stairs to the Cloud, where I guided him down a Path to the River of DivineLife that Flowed from the Celestial Realm down over the Rock of God and to the Edge of the Cloud.
I guided him to bathe in the Falls of God the Father and Mother's Celestial Energy for Rejuvenated, followed by guiding him out of the Falls to the Side of the River, where I asked him, "What does your Spiritual-Body look like now?" He stated with an expression of amazement, "I am a Ball of Light." His Countenance was unusual, since most human Divine Spiritual-Souls reflect their current physical body configuration. I surmised he was from God's Holy Corps of Light Beings, who had long ago graduated from human body symbiosis, but by now time had weakened his Spirit's memory and current ability to rule over and act through the human physical body and brain structure.
I felt I needed to seek the Christ Son's help and proceeded to guide him down a Path to a DivineHill of Light. I stated that the Christ Son Awaited him at the Top of the Hill. The young man stated, "I am floating up the Hill . . . "Yes, I see Him . . . I know Him . . . He Hugs me . . . O the Love . . . He Loves me." After their initial greetings, both enjoyed an exchange that he relayed out loud to both myself and his mom, who was sitting near by. In general, he now remembered that he had answered a call to help the Planet Earth, as an Idealist. But, did not know that he had weakened some of the memory that allowed him to support and act through the human physical body and brain for self-expression.
I then asked out loud, if Christ could help him? Christ stated back to the young man and he relayed to us that "Christ is saying It is beyond His Ability to help me and that we must seek the Father's help . . . He asked me if I desire to do that? . . . I just said I did . . . Jesus has placed His Arm around me and we are flying upward . . . The stars are streaming past us real fast . . . We are now flying against a Bright Out Flowing Stream of Light . . . Oh, there is a Great Hand Reaching Out of the Light and Picking us up . . . I am standing in the Palm of a Big Hand . . . O, Its God . . . He is looking down at us . . . I hear a Great Deep Voice . . . He just said, "Yes Son?" . . . He called me 'my Son'! . . . I just told Him I cannot serve Earth because I cannot work through the human body . . . God just asked me, if I wanted to do these things? . . . I said, 'Yes' . . . God is saying to me that He will add memory to my Spiritual Body . . . He said to be still and be not afraid."
"Oh, oh, His Big Finger is Pointing at me . . . Light Energy like Lightening is coming from the Tip of His Finger into me". The young man laughed and appeared to be filled with Joy. There is silence for a few seconds, and then he states, "God is constructing my legs and feet." He laughed and said, "I am a ball with two legs and feet." The young man stated at times that the Energy was very strong, but there was no pain, only joy and a feeling of Peace . . . He continues, "Now I have a body . . . Wow, now I have arms and hands, but no head. Boy is this Bright . . . Now I have a head, . . . God just said to me, 'This will feel very strange, just hold on' . . . It is like hundreds of bolts of lightening going off in my head . . . He is done . . . Wow, do I feel different."
"I am dancing around in God's Palm and Christ is standing near by just smiling at me . . . I had better stop, Christ is putting out His Hand and taking mine, I look up and am Thanking God . . . God just said, 'I am pleased with your Visit - come back soon my Son.'"
"We are moving very fast . . . God has placed us back on the Hill." Christ and the young man converse for a few seconds . . . He states, "Christ is walking away . . . . Wow, I am running down the Hill to the Edge of the Cloud." He then opened His eyes and exclaimed how wonderful his body felt, how he sees differently, how he can move his face muscles better, and he exclaimed, "I can even talk better."
In the following two weeks, the muscles in his entire body developed as they responded to his spiritual instructions, as did his ability to form sentences, reason, and form complex ideas for self-expression.
The next day I moved on to the next town and state, where I set up a lecture, but, I did not get back to him for another year. During that year he exploded with new abilities. I again made contact 15 years later only to find that he was now a Ph.D. He said he still has a slight limp, but he keeps it as a reminder of what was. He is still returning to the Christ Son and His Father for Conversations. He states he attends DivineRealm Temples in order to better his ability to integrate advance data in line with earth's level of human psycho understanding.
Club 33 is a private club located in the heart of the New Orleans Square section of Disneyland. Officially maintained as a secret feature of the theme park, the entrance of the club is located next to the Blue Bayou Restaurant at "33 Royal Street" with the entrance recognizable by an ornate address plate with the number 33 engraved on it.[1] When riding Pirates of the Caribbean, just as the ride departs, the Blue Bayou restaurant is visible, but the balconies above it are actually a part of Club 33.
Disneyland Update - Secrets of Club 33 youtube
Keith Olberman on Skull and Bones (Does Keith say that Skull and Bones is anti-mason?) youtube
3. What is the Trilateral Commission?
Asharis believe that a full understanding of the true and singular nature of God falls beyond the scope of human comprehension. In this sense, while humans and the world they inhabit are a part of reality, the Ultimate Reality is only God. This is not to say that Asharis believe in a blind faith with no understanding of what they worship. Rather, by putting the nature of God above the human realm of understandings, Ashari thinking underscores the absolute otherness of the Divine (God) from the mundane reality of human life.
(The many faces of Freemasonry ...cal)
The Knights Templar exists as an independent organization or forms part of the York Rite. Though the independent and York Rite versions share many similarities there are key differences which are described below.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kettering_Foundation
Kettering Foundation wikipedia
The Kettering Foundation is an American non-partisan research foundation founded in 1927 by Charles F. Kettering. The foundation publishes books and periodicals, employs research fellows, and organizes (through the National Issues Forums) public forums on policy in order to answer the question: "what does it take for democracy to work as it should?" [1] It is based in Dayton, Ohio.
The Kettering Foundation has played an active part in public policy, through for instance active support of the Dartmouth Conferences,[2]
Shortly after his session with the paint manufacturers, as Kettering related during an antitrust suit against the Du Pont Company, he happened to be in New York browsing Manhattan's Fifth Avenue. There, in a jewelry store window, he spotted a wooden pin tray finished with a lacquer he'd never seen before. He bought the tray, tracked the maker of the lacquer to a backyard shed somewhere in New jersey and bought some lacquer, too. Working with Du Pont, he homogenized the lacquer with existing paints, producing a liquid, thin enough to spray, that dried-glossy and weather-resistant-in minutes.
The paint people stayed skeptical. Kettering later liked to tell the story of how he then invited one doubter to lunch, talked paint and then walked the man to the GM parking lot, where the guest confessed that he couldn't find his car. Kettering pointed to a vehicle and asked: "Isn't that yours?" "It looks like mine," the paint man replied, "but my car isn't that color." Said Kettering: "It is now."
The story typifies the resourcefulness Kettering brought to the solving of industrial problems. Those solutions are many-at his death in 1958, he was responsible for more major inventions than any American except Edison.
My daddy looked up to Audie Murphy and wanted to be like him. Back in the day when I was first on the internet I did a lot of researching Audie Murphy and if I remember correctly, he was doing research on some of the things we do in today's world when he suddenly died in a plane accident. (I think he had a friend in the LA police department he was working with.) The PR surrounding AM was incredible even after I was born.
Audie Murphy freemasonry
Mrs. Murphy Receives Audie's Honorary 33rd Degree Cap Shortly after Audie Murphy's death, the Long Beach California Scottish Rite Bodies of the Masonic Order honored Brother Audie Murphy by naming the 111th Scottish Rites Graduating Class the "Audie Murphy Memorial Class." The class, which graduated on Saturday, November 19, 1971, had 124 members from forth-five California cities and towns. One of the highlights of "graduation day" for the members of the Memorial Class was a special showing of the film TO HELL AND BACK. The film took the place of the 31st degree and was shown to give the candidates a much better understanding of the character and background of the distinguished Mason and late member of the Long Beach Bodies.
A Song for our Fathers youtube http://www.americans-working-together.com/post_traumatic_stress_disorder_ptsd/id15.html
Most decorated combat soldier of World War II.
Audie Murphy sufferred from what is now known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)and was plagued by insomnia and depression. During the mid-60's he became dependent for a time on doctor prescribed sleeping pills called Placidyl. When he recognized that he had become addicted to this prescription drug, he locked himself in a motel room, stopped taking the sleeping pills and went
through withdrawal symptoms for a week. Always an advocate for the needs of veterans, he broke the taboo about discussing war related mental problems after this experience. In a effort to draw attention to the problems of returning Korean and Vietnam War veterans, Audie Murphy spoke-out candidly about his personal problems with PTSD, then known as "Battle Fatigue". He publicly called for United States government to give more consideration and study to the emotional impact war has on veterans and to
extend health care benefits to address PTSD and other mental health problems of returning war vets. (Full article below.)
The Ballad of Audie Murphy - Most decorated WWII US soldier!
through withdrawal symptoms for a week. Always an advocate for the needs of veterans, he broke the taboo about discussing war related mental problems after this experience. In a effort to draw attention to the problems of returning Korean and Vietnam War veterans, Audie Murphy spoke-out candidly about his personal problems with PTSD, then known as "Battle Fatigue". He publicly called for United States government to give more consideration and study to the emotional impact war has on veterans and to
extend health care benefits to address PTSD and other mental health problems of returning war vets. (Full article below.)
The Ballad of Audie Murphy - Most decorated WWII US soldier!
http://www.templechryses.org/godhand.html I have been feeling lately that there is a huge transistion about to happen and the following explains this almost to a tee how I've felt. I'm tired of the physical earthly existance and feel that I have exhaused my work here. (Go figure, ey?) ...cal
Healing In The Hand of God

Healing: A mentally and physically disabled young man

Created out of God the Mother, the human Spirit is a sentient self-willed Spirit and one's true state of being. The depth of the Spirit is truly that which is mysterious, but, in itself vast and wonderful. To know thy spirit awards you life, True Life, as it progresses, life after life, in a great journey to find All Knowing and Understanding of Creation--to return Home to Paradise as an Individualized Being of Pure Light.
Our Divine Spirit, as extended Members of the Family of God, can enter into a simple guided Visualization and climb stone steps upward to a White Cloud, the Realm of the Divine or Kingdom. The DivineRealm is Designed by the Individual Personality of God the Mother and Her Earth Assigned Celestial Daughter or Chryseis Daughter as well as the Individual Personality of God the Father and His Earth Assigned Celestial Son or Christ Son. The DivineRealm is Designed to Progress the Son or Daughter's of God from material memory to that of the Countenances of the Family of God.
Presented below is only one of many Divine Interventions by God the Father and Mother for Their Sons and Daughters of God. The story in itself is a profound example of God your Father and Mother's Living Support and Loving Intervention that awaits man. And, in all of my Divine Realm Experiences, I have never found or been pressed to direct my DivineStudents into any special supplications, fasting, or cleansing, but They are, in all circumstances, to be Honored, Respected, and Loved.
Our story begins at one of my DivineLife lectures, where a mother of a physically and mentally disabled seventeen-year-old son asked me if I could help her son reach the Family of God to see if They would help him. I saw no reason why not from past experiences, and I agreed to talk to him the following day to see if he truly was interested. We met with his mother the following day, where I discussed the reality of his Spirit, as his true state of being. Also, and for some reason, his Spirit could not or did not know how to work with his physical body. Also, I shared my guided imagery awareness that would allow him to experience a Living Reality with the Christ Son. He stated that even talking about Visiting Him excited him inside.
With the discussion over and with his acceptance, we entered into a DivineSession. I placed him in an inner visual state of consciousness, where I initiated the union of the soul-mind with his Spirit for inner visualization. I guided his Spiritual-Soul into his first scenario, the Garden of his Soul--a Country Scenario designed by his Spirit. And from the Garden of the Soul, I guided him into past life memories, but found no recall that indicated he was in the earth's civilization developmental program. This life appeared to be his first earth-human experience.
We then reentered into the Garden of the Soul scenario, where I requested stone stairs to form in front of him that ascended upward to a White Cloud--the Kingdom of the Lord or DivineRealm. He Climbed the Stairs to the Cloud, where I guided him down a Path to the River of DivineLife that Flowed from the Celestial Realm down over the Rock of God and to the Edge of the Cloud.
I guided him to bathe in the Falls of God the Father and Mother's Celestial Energy for Rejuvenated, followed by guiding him out of the Falls to the Side of the River, where I asked him, "What does your Spiritual-Body look like now?" He stated with an expression of amazement, "I am a Ball of Light." His Countenance was unusual, since most human Divine Spiritual-Souls reflect their current physical body configuration. I surmised he was from God's Holy Corps of Light Beings, who had long ago graduated from human body symbiosis, but by now time had weakened his Spirit's memory and current ability to rule over and act through the human physical body and brain structure.
I felt I needed to seek the Christ Son's help and proceeded to guide him down a Path to a DivineHill of Light. I stated that the Christ Son Awaited him at the Top of the Hill. The young man stated, "I am floating up the Hill . . . "Yes, I see Him . . . I know Him . . . He Hugs me . . . O the Love . . . He Loves me." After their initial greetings, both enjoyed an exchange that he relayed out loud to both myself and his mom, who was sitting near by. In general, he now remembered that he had answered a call to help the Planet Earth, as an Idealist. But, did not know that he had weakened some of the memory that allowed him to support and act through the human physical body and brain for self-expression.
I then asked out loud, if Christ could help him? Christ stated back to the young man and he relayed to us that "Christ is saying It is beyond His Ability to help me and that we must seek the Father's help . . . He asked me if I desire to do that? . . . I just said I did . . . Jesus has placed His Arm around me and we are flying upward . . . The stars are streaming past us real fast . . . We are now flying against a Bright Out Flowing Stream of Light . . . Oh, there is a Great Hand Reaching Out of the Light and Picking us up . . . I am standing in the Palm of a Big Hand . . . O, Its God . . . He is looking down at us . . . I hear a Great Deep Voice . . . He just said, "Yes Son?" . . . He called me 'my Son'! . . . I just told Him I cannot serve Earth because I cannot work through the human body . . . God just asked me, if I wanted to do these things? . . . I said, 'Yes' . . . God is saying to me that He will add memory to my Spiritual Body . . . He said to be still and be not afraid."
"Oh, oh, His Big Finger is Pointing at me . . . Light Energy like Lightening is coming from the Tip of His Finger into me". The young man laughed and appeared to be filled with Joy. There is silence for a few seconds, and then he states, "God is constructing my legs and feet." He laughed and said, "I am a ball with two legs and feet." The young man stated at times that the Energy was very strong, but there was no pain, only joy and a feeling of Peace . . . He continues, "Now I have a body . . . Wow, now I have arms and hands, but no head. Boy is this Bright . . . Now I have a head, . . . God just said to me, 'This will feel very strange, just hold on' . . . It is like hundreds of bolts of lightening going off in my head . . . He is done . . . Wow, do I feel different."
"I am dancing around in God's Palm and Christ is standing near by just smiling at me . . . I had better stop, Christ is putting out His Hand and taking mine, I look up and am Thanking God . . . God just said, 'I am pleased with your Visit - come back soon my Son.'"
"We are moving very fast . . . God has placed us back on the Hill." Christ and the young man converse for a few seconds . . . He states, "Christ is walking away . . . . Wow, I am running down the Hill to the Edge of the Cloud." He then opened His eyes and exclaimed how wonderful his body felt, how he sees differently, how he can move his face muscles better, and he exclaimed, "I can even talk better."
In the following two weeks, the muscles in his entire body developed as they responded to his spiritual instructions, as did his ability to form sentences, reason, and form complex ideas for self-expression.
The next day I moved on to the next town and state, where I set up a lecture, but, I did not get back to him for another year. During that year he exploded with new abilities. I again made contact 15 years later only to find that he was now a Ph.D. He said he still has a slight limp, but he keeps it as a reminder of what was. He is still returning to the Christ Son and His Father for Conversations. He states he attends DivineRealm Temples in order to better his ability to integrate advance data in line with earth's level of human psycho understanding.
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