All righty then, I listened to the above interview and was jazzed. UNTIL, I went out and tried to find something on the California 'NO' drivers license thingy. I went to sleep for the night after trying exhaustively to find anything on it to 'NO' avail. (I've never used to 'no avail' before in my life so ain't I special?) ...anyways I was disappointed about NOT being able to find anything till I slept on it and realized that the STATES are probably not going to be any help at all in getting the word out, in fact, they will probably try to keep it secret so as to make US look stupid. hmmmmm
I looked at liscense thingys on California and I looked at the DMV (remember in Arizona it's called MVD)
I could find nothing and I was nervous thinking maybe this whole Tim Turner thing is a scam. OMG!!! that made me sad.
BUT, I am not going to give up and I'll tell you why.......... I don't know if yaw'll remember back in the day after 9/11 that people found an EO that Jeb Bush had signed putting in Marshall Law on 9/7/2001 and I lo and behold, I found it. hmmmmmm, don't get ahead of yourselves here, k, it gets messy here.
I went out to other states to find out if there had been similar EOs put in place and damned if I couldn't even find a place where EOs (Executive Orders) were on other state sites. OMG, I was frustrated as I skipped from state to state and couldn't find anything.
I'm not saying that as we go along in this endeavor that everything should be uniform in all the states but in the beginning shouldn't we at least make some sense out of the fact that there are 50 states and if we are gonna get thru this, we might as well make it easy on ourselves and be able to direct each other how to find stuffs here on the net. (Maybe uniformity is a good idea, ey?) I ain't trying to tell anybody what to do but the State governments are not gonna make things easy on us as the folks we deal with within the State government will be out of jobs as soon as we get firmly in place............. my2cents.
We are starting this whole thing on a wing and a prayer but we will succeed if we realize that Tim Turner will need 'Stand By Me' every step of the way in this......... and 'Won't Back Down' too would be a good way to go me thinks.
Executive Summary – Restore America Plan has set up an interim government. The de jeur grand juries have had to approve by a 2/3 vote the candidates for the interim government. This would include a President, Vice President, Secretary of State, and heads of various departments like Department of Education, Homeland Security, FBI, etc. There are also two senators for each state and 10 house of representative members for each state. There is also to be a new Governor for each State. Restore America Plan has completed phase one and a lawful interim government is in place. It appears highly probable that military support is securely in place. When I saw I heard Tim say this and that it is coming from internet radio shows and phone in talk shows.
Tim Turner – Tim was the inventor of the secured party creditor approach to fight illegitimate creditors in the de facto court system. Tim gave seminars and followed up with phone conferences. The idea was to help the people stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure by fighting back in the de facto courts. The problem is the banks are using the credit of the borrower to gain profits and punish the creditors after using their own credit. This is a long legal story, not appropriate here. Tim is in the office for six months only. We applaud and welcome him to the office. Go Tim Go. Tim is a God fearing man who thumps the Bible and loves God and the constitution. Tim fasts and prays. You will get so much more truth, justice and the American way from Tim Turner than any of these other imposter presidents in recent history. Tim is not a guy to be feared. Do not be afraid of Restore America Plan, they are your friends. They are actually doing the work for you of getting rid of the crooks in office. There will be checks and balances to prevent a runaway criminal government from happening again. Tim never ever asked anyone for a single dime. Tim wants freedom for you and risked his life for you to be free.
The Military – It appears the military is onboard with Tim and Restore America Plan. Yeah. Apparently there was an attempt to kill Tim about two months ago. A mercenary hit team of six was hired apparently by the de facto government to assassinate Tim.
I am gonna do another blog on 'PensionGate' but for right now wanna give you all the above and my opinion.
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Robbie (in my dreams) Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers I Won't Back Down BoB Marley reunited with his son (Stephen) in Redemption He's a Rebel Bitter Sweet 'Dirty Laundry' Excerpt: Bitter Sweet 'Dirty Laundry' (lyrics) John Lennon And The Plastic Ono Band - Power To The People Putin's rockin' rollin' on a Harley |
Fuckin Perfect (Pink)
“Pretty please” is a phrase used, as the Oxford English Dictionary notes,”in emphatically polite or imploring request[s].” “Pretty please with sugar on top” is Extra Strength Pretty Please, deployed by children and desperate adults in an appeal for cooperation when all other entreaties have failed.
There's fuckers everywhere.
It's them who make me sneer.
I got no money so I went begging,
they told me to go away.
'cause lazy dogs like me should all be gased, was all they said.
But once when I was out looking for a job, they eyed me mockingly.
I was not the one they were out for the guy excused.
Sent home again.
In the streets you meet them everyday.
[ From: ]
You need your own defense.
But people still are worrying
why I sneer, they'll never understand.
At school and work they pulled you down with fucked up politics.
The same bunch constitutes out government, i hope they'll pay.
Stand By Me (John Lennon w/lyrics) personal fave
Woman John Lennon w/lyrics in Spanish & English
Respect Aretha Franklin
IBM and the Holocaust
A Bit of Our Story
by Cal
My heart was an open book, many pages ripped and frayed;
And then God sent me you, my blessed cyber aid.
You asked for my assistance back in the days of old,
To write a special storyline about our programs of gold.
I wrote and talked and helped you out in the days before the NOW,
Those days of long ago are like a dream to me somehow.
We had our problems that's for sure before that fateful day.
I feared for you when you learned, she'd have to go away.
You were back then, what you are today, a humane and loving man
But you didn't know, the same as I, what God had in his plan.
You told me once a while ago that I made you want to brush.
It touched my heart when I heard those words and my face began to
You tell me now when we communicate I am a spirit that you love.
I feel the same, my cyber love, you're my angel from above.
Being your partner has given me a vision of the unknown,
And through your loving ways my faith in God has grown.
I have a balance in my life that I never had before.
It goes deep inside of me and reaches to my core.
I've held you close in times of need and whispered of my love.
How strange that one so far away brings hope from up above.
You always have inside your heart that place where I belong.
I have the same inside of me where your spirit is safe and strong.
So now I've done it once again, I've told a bit of our story
It's my gift to us .... You and me in all our blessed glory.
No one there.
This time she must accept it and move forward alone.
She knew it, she had set her boundaries long ago.
She understood when she put the wedding ring on her finger that it
was different this time.
Her committment was to God and altho she needed at times to talk on
the human plane, she never fathomed ever being close to a man again.
The pain worsened when she realized even her best friend didn't
understand. The movement away from him was inevitible. It didn't
set her free, it only reinforced the walls she had built and
reinforced what she's known all along. NO ONE ever truly will know
Neediness is all in all simply an ear on occasion but he knows that
not as she now realizes he never really understood. (Once again, the
male ego?)
She left the physical movement when she realized that all men, in
their testosterone state would never understand.
She saw it when she walked into her friend's home and the other woman
walked out of the bedroom door. It didn't work the way that friend
had anticipated, it only angered her that he thought of her that way.
The games were about to begin and her friend's insecurities were
nothing she could deal with. It was apparent at the meeting when the
other woman broke in and tried to change the subject. It was
apparent the cat games would ensue if it stayed the same. The other
two didn't understand the friendship and she wasn't about to explain
it. She settled in with the book and rememberd the night HE had
patted her ass. She knew it was not the same for her.
It was over. Never again, would the male female subject be an issue
for her. She would move in with her daughter. She would isolate and
become more active in the ways she understood. The human element was
not a part of the picture.
She knew there was a place in California that she would be welcomed
with open arms but she needed to teach her offspring first.
No rent passes hands, there is enough unconditional love between
mother and child that all else melts into a seamless bond.
Does it seem that the dam has been broken?
Does it seem that the well has run dry?
Does it seem that God has spoken?
Is it thru his heart that we cry?
Is it time to cure the masses?
Is it time for the dark to become light?
Do we begin with the classes?
Do we start from the WTC site?
Have we learned from our past?
......and pursue it to last?
PEACE, love, harmony for the
World's children is on the march.
He walked past me and out the door
I heard his foot steps on the floor.
I didn't know from where he came
He looked different, he was not the same.
His confidence showed from head to toe
He was an actor after a successful show.
There was a blush upon his face
His stride was different, there was no race.
He knew his part and the music score
He was himself now down to the core.
He amazed me with his mere touch
It was confidant and oh so much.
An after thought...... or a shared cigarette....... (Altho I don't
Living in the here and now
I want you here with me somehow.
I know it won't happen, it can never be
But my love struggles to have you join with me.
I support the things we do
and often times I live through you.
I cherish the love that we share
It's the support we show and the way that we care.
When I feel the urge to meet with you
I weigh it out and know it's true.
An unrequited love is all we know
And living with it has made us grow.
We've been through thick and thin you and I
I've seen you laugh and you've seen me cry.
We have so much between us in the things we do
It grows each day and each night it does too.
Internet time is how we live
We're together in the things we've learned to give.
We are ONE, you and I
It'll be that way even after we die.
We're one together and one apart
We share the love of a united heart.
We've seen the war and we work toward good
I wouldn't give it up even if I could.
You see it too and you know your part
You give it your all and it's from your heart.
You are my lover and my friend
We'll be together till the very end.
My love for you knows no bounds
It grows deeper as my heart beat pounds.
You are my friend........ I am so blessed
Now get your ass here and get undressed.......... HA!!!
Sometimes, I realize that you and I cannot be.
It's on the other side of heaven that was made for you and me.
I want you in my human life and touching me physically
But I know it may not come easily.
I hasten to love you as much as I can
If I lose you I'll have my memories and I'll understand.
But the thought is something that makes me cry
Without you in my life, my spirit would wither and die.
You are there in my heart and always touching my soul
But I always knew a time might come that you'd have to go.
It hasn't been easy this love that we've had
There are days when I feel so very very sad.
It isn't something I've known how to do.
But I knew from the start that it was pure and true.
You pop in on occasion to check on me
And you often surprise me and fill me with glee.
I see you appear and sometimes not
But I always know my best interest you've got.
You think there are times that I'm not aware
But inside of my heart I know you are there.
You worry some times that I know too much
But you know it is right and it's more than a touch.
It's your spirit and mine encircling love
When we question our US, it's sent from above.
I remember I told you that we were meant to be
You as an eagle and me a wild horse running free.
I know you can tell that it's a our special place
By the way that we are together in this world's hurried race.
I feel you surround me and I know you are there
When I dream of our union and you're touching my hair.
You are my guy even when you are not
You're my lover of PEACE and the center I've got.
If ever you doubt look into my eyes.....
You'll see your image and you'll know it's not lies.
The union we have is such a sweet place to be
It's always been there and it's just you and me.
But together we've been to the top of the hill
We've touched on a miracle and we feel it still.
You know there are times when I cannot touch base
You are the same and it's something we face.
You have your work and your things that you do
I do the same but it's better because of you.
You fill me up and I love it, I do
I hope it goes back the same to you.
When you're in doubt you may go for a while
But I hope you come back and share that special smile.
If it happens that you cannot come to me
I'll let US go and I'll set you free.
For I know in my heart that your spirit is free
I feel it often and it's the part reflected in me.
Follow your dreams and let me watch as you grow
Sometimes I'll race with you and sometimes I'll go slow.
The best of it all is what we share
The love of the PEOPLE and the way that we care.
YOU Are my height of ecstacy and my depth of feeling...
You are my floor and sometimes my open ceiling........
We'll fly above when the time is right
Till then my sweet internet lover, you are my shining knight.
Today I greeted my own grief
It was all consuming without relief.
It woke me up with a start
It made me whimper and clutch my heart.
The hurt inside was hard to bear
But if I had it not I would not care.
The others out there don't understand
The horrors brought upon our land.
The careless thoughts and lack of love
The needless killings and the great white dove.
The plot thickens as the terrors grow
The world shudders as the fires glow.
The moonlight flickers as it did before
But God's tears fall on the earth's torched floor.
When will it stop, where will it end
Will the ones now awake tire of the trend.
Will I sit idly by as the corruption grows
Or raise up like an ocean in it's ebbs and flows?
Do I wonder where it all will stop
Or do I concede and blow my top?
Am I a brainless coward that has no rights
Or do I hit the streets and begin the fights?
They know they are cornered and on my last nerve
And God has spoken and it's Him I serve.
They serve Him too in their evil quest
Till it's said and done there'll be no rest.
The world is alive with the friends of the beast
It'll be that way till the final feast.
The forces are warring as the thunder rolls
The lightening is crackling taking it's own frightening tolls.
The night is aglow with the great white light
But the darkness is coming in the wrath of His might.
In all of this will I lose my mind?
It's a constant horror and it isn't kind.
You are me veiled in moonlight
You are me in the heat of day.
You are me when I have no cover
You are me when I kneel to pray.
You are me when I am learning
You are me when I cannot lie.
You are me when I have a yearning
You are me gazing at the sky.
I am you when I see the sunset
I am you when I need to cry.
I am you when I feel the sun's heat
I am you when when my loved one dies.
I am you when they bring the saddness
I am you when they shoot the guns.
You are me in my grief and sorrow
I am you in our shared tomorrow.
Was it you at the meeting,
Was it you in that car?
Was it you that I saw
In the reflection of the jar?
Was it you that I dreamed of
Was it you that I missed?
Was it you that I cried for
Was it you that I kissed?
Were you there in the movie
Were you out by the tree?
Were you inside my heartache
Are you ever to be?
It's the end of the eighth month
Where are you?
In my dream one night God
appeared.He seemed puzzled.
He spoke to me in a gentle
voice and asked me why I
didn't have faith in HIM.
I'm sure I looked shocked.
My expression must have
been complete awe.
I looked at him and smiled
and shared that I thought
HE knew every thought I had.
He grinned and admitted that
HE had a lot on His plate and
didn't always know everything
running thru the minds of the
billions of people on earth.
I laughed and looked HIM
straight in the eye. (BTW,
HE has wonderfully caring eyes
and indeed the old saying that
the eyes are the mirrors of the
soul IS TWUE. I've gazed into
similar eyes when I've gazed into
my children's and g'kids
and this
time I knew that they did indeed
get their eyes from their FATHER.
Anyways, back on topic here. I
still have a hard time believing
that HE didn't realize my faith.
(I'm still pretty sure HE knows
all and was just testing me earlier.)
I teared up a bit and trembled as I shared with
SIR, I have never doubted, I
have always had complete and
total faith in YOU. It was me
that I didn't trust, it was me
that I questioned.I always knew
that YOU were there.I always
knew that YOU loved me especially
after YOU sent me my first born.
I always knew that I would one
day do YOUR work when YOU were
ready to give my stuffs over to me,
when I had learned that I could
trust me to know YOU well enough
to do YOUR stuffs.I had to learn
first how to trust YOUR faith in me.
Everybody listen to me
Hear the message that I bring
It's time for us to come together
It's time to live what we believe
We are God's people
And He's calling us to march
Let's love each other
And show this world His heart
We need a love revolution
It's so easy to see
Love is the only solution
Time has come for us to prove
Just what the pow'r of love can do
We need a love revolution
It's a call to every nation
And everyone who wears His name
Time to join this fight for freedom
Time for us to make a change
We are God's people
And He's calling us to march
Let's come together
And show this world His heart
We need a love revolution
It's so easy to see
Love is the only solution
Time has come for us to prove
Just what the pow'r of love can do
We need a love revolution
The battle lines are drawn
You know we're in war
So brothers and sisters
What are you waiting for?
We need a love revolution
It's so easy to see
Love is the only solution
Time has come for us to prove
Just what the pow'r of love can do
We need a love revolution
ranger116@... wrote:
"LOOSE CHANGE" ON THE VIEW THURSDAY ! Tell NonBelievers to Watch++++Tape it and give copies to Non Believers !
Date: Wednesday, 23-May-2007 12:12:28
Date: Wednesday, 23-May-2007 12:12:28
Greetings, |
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