Saturday, February 26, 2011
What Would Happen If the Federal Government Took Over Walmart, Exxon and General Motors?
Big Government Always Wants to Get Bigger. the Way it Thinks it Can Never Be Too Big. Big Corporations Have Been Vilified for Years by Government and Now There is Talk of Nationalization
 Lex Loeb, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Nov 10, 2008 "Contribute content like this. Start Here."
.More: Federal Government Big Government Government Control Nationalization .A friend of mine got life long government services provided free of charge because an official misdiagnosed her as mentally ill as a child. The people who get the full cradle to grave service program from big government

 either go to jail or become a ward of the state. Not everyone on life long welfare is going to recommend it as a life style change for others. Once the misdiagnosis was recorded on a procedural form it became permanent. The evidence is that if anything made my friend crazy it was not being mentally it but becoming mentally ill after the government treated her that way for most of her life. Any time any government official comes near her she gets paranoid. No one else makes her paranoid. The strange thing is that as a disabled person government people do often beat the crap out of her. She does what the government officials tell her to do and one day she gets a certified letter in the mail tell her that she and a care giver have a warrant by mail for their arrest for welfare fraud. I saw the warrant for arrest and read it twice. It came from Multnomah County. I could not believe it! I told my friend not to go down to the county court house and turn her self in in her wheel chair but rather to call an attorney first but she got totally paranoid screaming, "they are going to kill me , they are going to kill me." She went down town , in spite of what I told her, and was summarily arrested and put in Multnomah county jail. Then I get the call from the jail house for me to come down and talk to her thought the prison visitors window. I am telling her. Why did you go down and get arrested? "They were going to kill me."
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Walmart and China

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