(Dedicated to my soul mate, you know who you are. ...cal)
I'd Choose You Again
http://www.wearechange.org/?p=7433 video
Michael Ignatieff, leader of the Liberal party of Canada gets confronted about the Bilderberg group, the North American Union, and Fluoride. At a stop in Hamilton Ontario.
Ignatieff's Rise
Edward S. Herman noted in 2006 that "Michael Ignatieff is a skilled trimmer, who has adjusted his principles and thoughts to the demands of the U.S. and Canadian power elite, and advanced accordingly—from academia to preferred commentator on human rights and other political issues in the U.S. mainstream media, and on to becoming a member of the Canadian parliament." He also adds that "One would have thought it might be problematical for a professor of human rights to vigorously support two wars (Kosovo, Iraq) carried out in violation of the UN Charter and hence “supreme crimes” in the view of the judges at Nuremberg." (Herman ranks Ignatieff among what he refers to as The New Humanitarians) [1]In December 2005, a profile on Ignatieff noted that earlier that year he had written in an article in the British newspaper the Observer that in the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq that "The Bush Administration has managed the nearly impossible: to turn democracy into a disreputable slogan."
"Ignatieff, meanwhile, has helped turn human rights into a ‘disreputable slogan’, posing as their standard-bearer while condoning imperialism and equivocating on torture," New Internationalist wrote. "His politics amount to a slippery slope, with nuanced arguments at the top and the horror chambers of Abu Ghraib below. Ignatieff, born and raised in Canada, has an impressive CV. The Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University, he has also been a professor at Oxford, a prize-winning author of fiction and non-fiction, a prolific print journalist and a BBC broadcaster – a well-established pop intellectual."[5]
The Lesser Evil approach
Ignatieff has argued that Western democracies may have to resort to "lesser evils" like indefinite detention of suspects, coercive interrogations,[33] assassinations, and pre-emptive wars in order to combat the greater evil of terrorism.[34] He states that as a result, societies should strengthen their democratic institutions to keep these necessary evils from becoming as offensive to freedom and democracy as the threats they are meant to prevent.[35] The 'Lesser Evil' approach has been criticized by some prominent human rights advocates, like Conor Gearty, for incorporating a problematic form of moral language that can be used to legitimize forms of torture.[36] But other human rights advocates, like Human Rights Watch's Kenneth Roth, have defended Ignatieff, saying his work "cannot fairly be equated with support for torture or 'torture lite'."[37] In the context of this "lesser evil" analysis, Ignatieff has discussed whether or not liberal democracies should employ coercive interrogation and torture. Ignatieff has adamantly maintained that he supports a complete ban on torture.[38] His definition of torture, according to his 2004 Op-ed in The New York Times, does not include "forms of sleep deprivation that do not result in lasting harm to mental or physical health, together with disinformation and disorientation (like keeping prisoners in hoods)."[39]http://www.palinstravels.co.uk/book-765

For travel information I relied heavily on the excellent Rough Guides and the Lonely Planet series, and the Insight Guides and Martin Walker's Independent Traveller's Guide to the Soviet Union were invaluable.
Michael Palin for President
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf1y9s73Nos (Michael Palin from Monty Python)
"Highly inappropriate" Adscam figure joins Michael Ignatieff's campaign
For all of his flaws, the selection of Stephane Dion as leader of the Liberal Party represented a step away from the corruption that was rife in Jean Chretien's government. Dion had other unfortunate Liberal traits -- elitism, arrogance, socialism in his veins -- but he was not a thief like so many others who inhabited the Liberal Party in Quebec, several of whom have since been sentenced to jail terms for their roles in Adscam, the scandal that saw $250 million in public money siphoned off by Liberal-connected crooks.
Which is why it's so surprising to learn that Michael Ignatieff, the leading contender to succeed Dion, has allowed Warren Kinsella to join his campaign team.
The sponsorship scandal, "AdScam", "Sponsorship" or Sponsorgate, is a scandal that came as a result of a Canadian federal government "sponsorship program" in the province of Quebec and involving the Liberal Party of Canada, which was in power from 1993 to 2006. The program was originally established as an effort to raise awareness of the Government of Canada's contributions to Quebec industries and other activities in order to counter the actions of the Parti Québécois government of the province that worked to promote Quebec independence.
The program ran from 1996 until 2004, when broad corruption was discovered in its operations and the program was discontinued. Illicit and even illegal activities within the administration of the program were revealed, involving misuse and misdirection of public funds intended for government advertising in Quebec. Such misdirections included sponsorship money awarded to ad firms in return for little or no work, which firms maintained Liberal organizers or fundraisers on their payrolls or donated back part of the money to the Liberal Party. The resulting investigations and scandal affected the Liberal Party of Canada and the then-government of Prime Minister Paul Martin. It was an ongoing affair for years, but rose to national prominence in early 2004 after the program was examined by Sheila Fraser, the federal auditor general. Her revelations led to the government establishing the Gomery Commission to conduct a public inquiry and file a report on the matter. The official title of this inquiry was the Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities. In the end the Commission concluded that $2 million was awarded in contracts without a proper bidding process, $250 thousand was added to one contract price for no additional work, and $1.5 million was awarded for work that was never done, of which $1 million had to be repaid. The total cost of the Commission was $14 million.[1]
In the national spotlight, the scandal became a significant factor in the lead-up to the 2006 federal election where after more than twelve years in power the Liberals were defeated by the Conservatives, who formed a minority government that was sworn in February 2006.
Stephane Dion mocks Stephen Harper's weight
Get your own Warren doll! No kid should be without one!

Warren Kinsella’s Touch of Death
The “Lying Jackal,” as many bloggers have come to call him, and not someone known to support the troops, demonstrates his morbid narcissism:
His giant ego is unable to appreciate that he’s actually a plague upon House Liberal. Every candidate he threw his support behind in the Toronto mayoralty race quickly lost support and withdrew.
In his commentary about Peter Kent in his new Environment Minister portfolio, Kinsella is quick to invoke the environmental genius of such luminaries as Al Gore, David Suzuki, and Ban Ki-Moon. Let’s see, a huckster, a hypocrite and the leader of an organization too busy passing anti-Israeli resolutions to get much of anything else done.
Yes Warren, you sure know how to pick ‘em.
He takes great joy in using his cursed existence, but I think he fails to realize he’s only poison to his own kind, but that didn’t stop him from taking this final parting shot:
“Whenever I go against my nature and I try to say something nice about a Conservative, things go awry — for them.”Kinsella takes responsibility for Fantino’s close win in Vaughn when in fact it was the work of Conservatives Against Fantino who can more likely take the credit. Well, that and Fantino’s inability to uphold the law when he was playing politician instead of being a cop. Sometimes you just can’t wash off the stink, even if the PM can’t smell it and douses the affair in perfume. Lipstick on a pig comes to mind.
His giant ego is unable to appreciate that he’s actually a plague upon House Liberal. Every candidate he threw his support behind in the Toronto mayoralty race quickly lost support and withdrew.
In his commentary about Peter Kent in his new Environment Minister portfolio, Kinsella is quick to invoke the environmental genius of such luminaries as Al Gore, David Suzuki, and Ban Ki-Moon. Let’s see, a huckster, a hypocrite and the leader of an organization too busy passing anti-Israeli resolutions to get much of anything else done.
Yes Warren, you sure know how to pick ‘em.
He takes great joy in using his cursed existence, but I think he fails to realize he’s only poison to his own kind, but that didn’t stop him from taking this final parting shot:
“Happens every time: If you’re a Tory, and if that Liberal jerk Kinsella says something nice about you, you’re done like dinner. You’re toast.”I guess when you have so much bad mojo, you might as well try to use it to your advantage. Problem is though, when Kinsella takes a piss he usually can’t tell what direction the wind is blowin’.
Income Trust Scandal: CARP backs off accusing Warren Kinsella
Bill Doskoch, CTV.ca News Staff
Date: Thu. Apr. 22 2004 9:50 AM ET
Despite being at the centre of one of Canada's biggest political scandals ever, Charles (Chuck) Guite isn't that well-known a figure.
Nor is Guite an easy figure to get to know, even second-hand: Ran Quail, the now-retired deputy minister of public works and Guite's former supervisor, said, "no, no thank you" when asked by CTV.ca if he had a few minutes to talk about him.
One thing that is clear is he's known to have a fiesty streak. Guite went after a CTV cameraman while on vacation in Arizona this winter, throwing the TV camera to the ground when approached for an interview.
In his 2002 secret testimony about the sponsorship scandal, he used some rather aggressive language that belied his air force loadmaster background, talking about being "at war" with Canada's "enemies" -- the separatists.
Chuck Guité reads a document during a break in his last day of testimony before the Gomery Commission Wednesday May 4, 2005 in Montreal. (CP PHOTO/Paul Chiasson)
Gomery Inquiry 2004 testimonyCBC News Online | Updated February 4, 2005Week of Dec. 13, 2004:
Robert Scully, producer of a television series about hockey legend Maurice Richard, testifies that four advertising agencies that charged Ottawa more than $350,000 did no work for the series. He tells the inquiry that "I nearly fell off my chair," when he heard how much the ad firms were getting.
Week of Nov. 22, 2004:
Justice Gomery rules that key witness Chuck Guité cannot be asked questions about his testimony at last year's parliamentary inquiry, despite what some lawyers say are glaring contradictions.
Guité testifies that the Prime Minister's Office accepted free VIP passes worth thousands of dollars to the Montreal Grand Prix, an event the government sponsored. Guité says this proves his superiors were making important decisions about the program.
Ran Quail, former deputy minister of public works, testifies that he was happy to let Alfonso Gagliano or Jean Pelletier, then Jean Chrétien's chief of staff, chose which sponsorship projects to fund. Quail's testimony backs up Guité's claims that senior Liberal officials had the final say on which ad companies received sponsorship money.
Justice Gomery criticizes Quail for having promoted Guité in 1996 despite an audit of the sponsorship program that revealed numerous problems, including backdated contracts, evidence of favouritism and lack of proper documents.
"All the red flags were there," Gomery says.
Quail says Guité promised he would follow the rules and make necessary changes.
"I operated on the basis of really believing what people said," Quail testifies.
Robert Scully, producer of a television series about hockey legend Maurice Richard, testifies that four advertising agencies that charged Ottawa more than $350,000 did no work for the series. He tells the inquiry that "I nearly fell off my chair," when he heard how much the ad firms were getting.
Week of Nov. 22, 2004:
Justice Gomery rules that key witness Chuck Guité cannot be asked questions about his testimony at last year's parliamentary inquiry, despite what some lawyers say are glaring contradictions.
Guité testifies that the Prime Minister's Office accepted free VIP passes worth thousands of dollars to the Montreal Grand Prix, an event the government sponsored. Guité says this proves his superiors were making important decisions about the program.
Ran Quail, former deputy minister of public works, testifies that he was happy to let Alfonso Gagliano or Jean Pelletier, then Jean Chrétien's chief of staff, chose which sponsorship projects to fund. Quail's testimony backs up Guité's claims that senior Liberal officials had the final say on which ad companies received sponsorship money.
Justice Gomery criticizes Quail for having promoted Guité in 1996 despite an audit of the sponsorship program that revealed numerous problems, including backdated contracts, evidence of favouritism and lack of proper documents.
"All the red flags were there," Gomery says.
Quail says Guité promised he would follow the rules and make necessary changes.
"I operated on the basis of really believing what people said," Quail testifies.
On May 27, 2004, Gagliano filed a more than $4.5-million lawsuit against Prime Minister Paul Martin and the government. The suit accuses them of deliberately attacking Gagliano's reputation and alleges that he was illegally and unjustly fired. He is asking for compensation for wrongful dismissal, damage to his reputation and lost income.[2]Justice John Gomery's initial report on the sponsorship scandal places much of the blame on Gagliano, making him the highest ranking Liberal to be charged with deliberate dishonesty, rather than negligence. Following the initial report, Paul Martin expelled him from the Liberal Party for life.
On November 17, 2004, an article in the New York Daily News alleged that Gagliano was associated with the Bonanno organized crime family. In the article, former capo Frank Lino, now an informer for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, is quoted as saying Gagliano was introduced to him during a meeting with other mob members in Montreal. Gagliano has strongly denied the allegations. It is not the first time Gagliano's name has been linked to organized crime. In 1994, La Presse reported that Gagliano was the bookkeeper for Agostino Cuntrera, cousin of cocaine baron Alfonso Caruana, who was involved in a gangland slaying of Paul Violi in Montreal in 1978. Cuntrera was subsequently convicted of murder.[3] Gagliano denies any links to the Mafia.[4] Gagliano now resides with his family on a vineyard in Dunham, Quebec and winters in Florida since 2006, and no further charges have been brought against him. (CanWest News Service, October 2006, 2007)
Cocaine trafficker
Meanwhile, Caruana organised a network that smuggled eleven metric tonnes of cocaine to Italy from 1991-94. Caruana brought together the cocaine producers of the Colombian Cartels with the Italian distributors, six 'Ndrangheta families from Calabria. At the time the Cuntrera-Caruana family was labeled as "the fly-wheel of the drug trade and the indispensable link between suppliers and distributors."[1]
The investigation, code-named Operation Cartagine, started when the police seized 5497 kilos of cocaine (a European record at the time) in March 1994 in Turin. A year later the Turin Prosecutors Office presented the indictment. The operation neutralized the most important supply-line of narcotics to Europe, investigators claimed.
He was sentenced in absentia on July 30, 1997 by the Palermo court of appeal to 21 years and 10 months for Mafia association, conspiracy to traffic narcotics and aggravated importing, possession and sale of large quantities of narcotics for his involvement in heroin trafficking in the 1980s. At the same time he was prosecuted in Turin for cocaine trafficking in the 1990s.[1]
The Palermo court concluded that the network was "a further indication of the high criminal capability" of Caruana who had "escaped every judicial initiative during the last decades and succeeded in reaching the top of the international drug trade, adjusting his criminal contacts and showing such skill that he is to be considered as one of the most important exponents in this sector." In July 1998, he was arrested in Woodbridge, Ontario in an international police action called Project Omerta for trafficking cocaine from Colombia to Canada.[1][3]
Amazing Grace Forester Sisters
I Fell In Love Again Last Night
Forester Sisters
I fell in love again last night
You keep doing everything just right
You've got me wrapped around your fingers
And every morning our love still lingers
I fell in love again last night
When you kissed me the way you've always done
Like the first time you were with me
And my heart just came undone
Lying here this morning
boy I know you're still the o-n-e
I fell in love again last night
You keep doing everything just right
You're the reason my heart keeps beating
And every morning it keeps repeating I fell in love again last night
We were talking about some future plans
And how far we've come together
Since the night it all began
Then you reached out to touch me and guess what happened th-en
I fell in love again last night
In love again last night
I fell in love again last night
Chains Fleetwood Mac
Rick Nelson Take These Chains From My Heart and Set Me Free
Garden Party story
Thank You Lord Ricky Nelson
Amazing Grace Elvis
Daddy Please don't Cry Lisa and Elvis
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