Sunday, April 24, 2011 
(The first video didn't work for me and I gotta tell ya that I watched the second one first and almost missed the 3rd one...........  am so very glad I didn't miss the 3rd one........  ROFLMBO)

Denver Water Board Fluoride Action #2 We Are Change Colorado

Denver Water Board Fluoride Action #2 We Are Change Colorado
We Are Change Colorado Confronts Denver Water Board of Commissioners
on Fluoridation
April 20, 2011
Katie Bewersdorf
WACC Media
We Are Change Colorado (WACC) has launched a campaign to put a stop to
water fluoridation throughout the entire state. They are beginning
with Denver Water – serving one million customers, nearly one third of
the state’s population.
Citing research by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the
National Research Council (NRC), evidence for dental fluorosis’
increased effect on African-American children was brought before the
Board of Commissioners on March 9, 2011.
In light of the evidence, WACC hopes to gain steps forward in the
fight against the addition of fluoride to public drinking water.
Over twenty concerned citizens were present at the March meeting, and
made their objections known to the Board. Video of this presentation
can be viewed here:

Denver Water adds sodium silicofluoride, a complex molecule containing
fluorine, silicon, and sodium to its water. Unlike pharmaceutical
grade sodium fluoride, this product’s safety and effectiveness has not
been demonstrated as admitted by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Furthermore, an increase in cases of dental fluorosis
has led to an announcement of a decrease in the recommended fluoride
levels in public drinking water according to the the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the EPA. Last January, in a
surprising announcement, the recommended fluoridation level was
lowered from 1.2 ppm to 0.7 ppm. The HHS press release can be found
A more in-depth presentation was given to the Denver Water Board of
Commissioners at the public meeting on April 13, 2011. Thirty-five
concerned citizens from WACC were in attendance. The information
presented detailed the documented side effects of fluoride exposure,
including thyroid disease, kidney failure, I.Q. reduction, and bone
cancer. Also presented was the lack of scientific data on the safety
and efficacy of silicofluoride compounds, which differ from sodium
fluoride both in structure and function. The presentation also
covered the pending litigation involving water fluoridation, and the
medical ethics violations associated with it. Video of the April
presentation can be viewed here:

Colorado law defines practicing medicine as “holding out one’s
self…as being able to treat…or prevent any human disease” and
“administering any form of treatment.” Since fluoride compounds are
not added to the water to treat the pathogens within it (such as
chlorine), but to treat the individuals consuming it for the purposes
of preventing dental caries (a “human disease”), this would put
municipalities such as Denver Water in a position of practicing
medicine without a license. Furthermore, according to WACC, the lack
of informed consent, the inability to control the dose, and the
dangers presented by fluoride exposure to certain populations – such
as those with thyroid disease or dental fluorosis – merit the
immediate termination of water fluoridation. Dozens of cities in
America have stopped this outdated practice, and the trend seems to be
Public meetings at Denver Water are held the second Wednesday of every
month at 9:00AM at 1600 West 12th Avenue, Denver, CO. The next public
meeting is scheduled for May 11, 2011.
The Denver Water Board of Commissioners were appointed by the mayor of
Denver, formerly John Hickenlooper, who now serves as the Governor of
Colorado. The board members can be reached by email at

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