Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Communism vs capitalism debate is a battle between two extreme socioeconomic theories. They are theories that represent two inherently opposite ways of thinking. One is extremely individualistic (Capitalism), while the other one (Communism) believes in putting the society before self. The communism vs capitalism clash polarized the world during the cold war. This article explores all dimensions of communism vs capitalism debate and explores the two ideologies while comparing their points of difference.

Communism vs Capitalism Comparison
Here is a straight comparison between communism and capitalism, which discusses the pros and cons of both the ideologies.

Communism vs Capitalism: Ownership of Means of Production

The primary point of difference between capitalism and communism is regarding the ownership of 'means of production' or resources in general. Communism shuns private/individual ownership of land or any vital resources. Instead, all the 'means of production' like land and other resources should be owned by the state. By state here, I mean the whole community of people. All land and resources which enable the production of goods and services will be owned by one and all. Everything will be shared! All decisions about production will be made by the whole community by democratic means. There will be equal wages for all. All the decisions taken will be according to what is good for all.

On the other hand, capitalism believes in private ownership of land and means of production. Every man will have to earn his worth. The major share of the profits earned from a business will go to the person who owns the means of production, while the workers who are responsible for running the business will get a small share. Every man will get his wages according to his merit and according to the thinking of the man who owns the means of production. Naturally the people who own the means of production, the capitalists, call the shots when it comes to decision making!

This is the major bone of contention between the two ideologies, ownership of means of production! Both are extreme ideas. While communism can kill the idea of individual enterprise, which has led to most of the technological innovations we see today, capitalism has the seeds of exploitation, where too much wealth and therefore power, is concentrated in the hands of a few people.

Communism vs Capitalism: Individual Freedom

As I said before, communism and capitalism are two extreme points of view, which have contrasting views about individual freedom. Communism asks one to put the society before the individual, while capitalism puts individual freedom, before society.

So, the polarity between two ideologies is 'Individualism vs Social welfare'. Capitalism gives more importance to individual aspirations and appeals to the inherent selfish nature, which is inherent in all human beings. This inherent selfishness, is a result of the instinct of self preservation.

Communism appeals to our more saintly side, wherein we think about others before ourselves. It is a noble thought, which goes against the inherent selfish nature of people, though it is appealing to their generous natures.

Both again are two extreme points of view, which have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the greatest advances in human history have happened due to individual creativity and enterprise, which were self serving, though they ultimately benefited the society. Communism can kill that individual creative streak, by making a person do what he is told. In short, it has the danger of killing creativity and original thinking.

Capitalism, on the other hand, feeding selfish desires can create capitalist autocrats who can have control of life and death over thousands of people, leading to exploitation. Read more on, 'Pros and Cons of capitalism'.

Communism vs Capitalism: Society

Communism advocates a classless, egalitarian society, where all men and women are placed on the same footing. There will be no differences of class, race, religion or even nationality! This way, there will be nothing to fight for. This is nice as an idea, but trying to implement this idea is tough and asking people to give up all the things that make them different, is unfair! Every person is special and different in his own way.

Capitalism promotes class distinction. In fact creates the major class distinction of haves and have-nots, the rich and the poor. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer under pure capitalism. The rich class controls the means of production and wields power, thereby imposing their own class distinction and whims on the society.

Communism vs Capitalism: Anatomy of Power

Communism appeals to the higher ideal of altruism, while capitalism promotes selfishness. Let us consider what will happen to power distribution in both these ideologies! Capitalism naturally concentrates wealth and therefore, power in the hands of the people who own the means of production. So, it creates the rich elite who control wealth, resources and power. So, naturally they decide the distribution of power.

In communism, ideally, if all of mankind was of saintly nature, altruistic and selfless, the distribution of power would be equal. All decisions would be made by democratic means and there would be no unjust rules favoring a few!

However, that is not the case here, people are inherently selfish and the nature of power is such that it corrupts minds and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We have the example of how communism can concentrate absolute power over a whole nation, in the hands of a single man, in Stalinist Russia! So, both the ideologies can fail and create an unjust society!

Ultimately what we need, is a balanced approach, which is a combination of good points in both the ideologies. A mixed economy where the state has control over all the vital resources of a nation, provides welfare for the needy, while also promoting free entrepreneurship! Communism being an extreme form of socialism, you can read more on:
Hope, this article has illuminated you about the basic points of difference in the communism vs capitalism ideologies. May be, you can use it to make communism vs capitalism lesson plans, communism vs capitalism chart or communism vs capitalism venn diagram. This will help you understand the subject better.\

Communism vs Nazism

Communism and Nazism are two different political ideologies. They oppose each
other and one can come across numerous differences between the two. Some people
now a days do not see much difference between the two. But this not true and the
two are distinct in all aspects. The communists have a different thinking of
politics and economy than the Nazis.

Communism is a socio economic ideology that aims at a classless, egalitarian,
and a stateless society. The ideology is based on a common ownership and it is
the community that controls the resources or the means of production. Nazism or
National Socialism is a totalitarian ideology that was practised by the Nazi
Party or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Nazism became so popular under Adolf Hitler. Communist ideology can be
attributed to Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels.

Communism stands for a free society where all are equal and every one can
participate in the decision making process. It stands for a class less society
and has no barriers of any religion, caste or state. A fascist political system,
Nazism stands for socialist policies but also ensures that a wealthy class stays
at the helm of power.

While Nazism believes in extreme nationalism, ethnic divisions and a firm
government, communism does not have such prepositions and it focuses on
equality. While communism is focussed on a classless society, Nazism is focussed
on a racist society. In German Nazis considered Aryan race to be superior to all

While Communism is on the far left, Nazism is considered to be far right.
Communism can be said to be having foundations in some strong political
ideology. On the other hand, Nazism is not based on any strong political
ideology but only based on racial divide.


1.Communism is a socio economic ideology that aims at a classless, egalitarian,
and a stateless society. Nazism or National Socialism is a totalitarian ideology
that was practised by the Nazi Party or the National Socialist German Workers’

2.Nazism became so popular under Adolf Hitler. Communist ideology can be
attributed to Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels.

3.Communism stands for a free society where all are equal and every one can
participate in the decision making process. Nazism stands for socialist policies
but also ensures that a wealthy class stays at the helm of power.

4. While Communism is on the far left, Nazism is considered to be far right.\


Communism vs Fascism

Though some people may term communism and fascism as the two sides of the same
coin, they are different in their ideology and other aspects. Communism is a
socio economic system that stands for a class less, state less and an
egalitarian society. Fascism is an ideology that tries to bring together radical
and authoritarian nationalism.

Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945 and the term has become an epithet
for all bad things. Fascism originally referred to the Fascists under Benito
Mussolini. Communism became popular after the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in
1917. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is considered to
be the bible of communism. The authoritative document of Fascism is "The
Doctrine of Fascism.

Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. No one is rich or
poor in a communist system. In Communism, it is the community that holds the
production and the major resources. On the other hand, Fascism pertains to state
and it considers state on top of everything. In fascism the state is all
embracing. For the fascists, no human values exist outside the state. Fascism
believes that everything is within the State and nothing is above the State or
outside the State or against the State. Fascism believes in nationalism
(includes economic nationalism), corporatism (includes economic planning),
militarism and totalitarianism (dictatorship and social interventionism).

The Communists think globally where as the Fascists think only in a national

In communism, the state is the custodian of everything and it is the state that
owns everything. On the other hand, in Fascism, the state has control over
everything. In simple words, Communism means state ownership and fascism means
state control.

Fascism is derived from Italian fascio meaning bundle. Communism comes from
French communisme, meaning common.


1.Communism is a socio economic system that stands for a class less, state less
and an egalitarian society. Fascism is an ideology that tries to bring together
radical and authoritarian nationalism.

2.Fascism became popular between 1919 and 1945. Communism became popular after
the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1917.

3.The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels is considered to be
the bible of communism. The authoritative document of Fascism is "The Doctrine
of Fascism.

4. Communism stands for a stateless society where all are equal. Fascism
pertains to state and it considers state on top of everything\

Fascism vs Nazism

Nazism is considered to be one form of fascism. Though both Nazism and fascism
reject the ideologies of liberalism, Marxism and democracy, these two are
different in many aspects. It is hard to make a perfect differentiation between
the two.

Nazism and Fascism have their origin in the 20th century. While fascism was in
vogue between 1919 and 1945, Nazism became popular from 1933 to 1945.

Fascism is a term that was originally referred to the fascists of Italy under
Mussolini. Nazism on the other hand, referred as National Socialism, is in an
ideological concept of the Nazi Party or the National Socialist German
Workers’ Party of Adolf Hitler.

Fascism believes in the “corporatism” of all elements in society to form an
“Organic State”. They were not racial and had no strong opinion of any race.
For Fascists, the state was the most important element. The Doctrine of Fascism,
which is the authoritative document of the fascism, emphasis on nationalism,
corporatism, totalitarianism and militarism. According to this Doctrine the
State is all embracing and no human or spiritual value exists beyond it.

But Nazism emphasised on racism. While fascism considered state as important,
Nazism considered “Aryanism” as more important. The Nazism doctrine believed
in the superiority of the Aryan race.

While fascism was based on certain political ideology, Nazism was blindly based
on racial hatred.

Nazism considered class based society as enemy and stood for unifying the racial
element. But fascism wanted to preserve the class system. The fascists almost
accepted the concept of social mobility, while Nazism was against it.

Nazism considered state as a means for the advancement of the master race. But
fascism considered state to be a form of nationalism. Fascists considered
nationalism as something related to national culture as opposed to other

Coming to the etymology, fascist comes from fascio, an Italiam word, meaning a
union of bundle. Nazi comes from the first two syllables of
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which is the German language
name of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.


1.Fascism is a term that was originally referred to the fascists of Italy under
Mussolini. Nazism on the other hand, referred as National Socialism, is in an
ideological concept of the Nazi Party.

2.For Fascists, the state was the most important element. But Nazism emphasised
on racism.

3.While fascism considered state as important, Nazism considered “Aryanism”
as more important.
Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that
his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only
justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may
dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its
own tribal, collective good. ~ Ayn Rand

Fascism is capitalism in decay. ~ Vladimir Lenin

Are socialism and fascism different from each other? I would say that they have
some differences and also some similarities. I cannot take a judgment on this.
So let's have a brief discussion on this topic on socialism vs fascism.

Socialism and Fascism

Socialism is defined as a set of various theories or systems of the ownership
and operation of the means of production and distribution by society or
community rather than by private individuals, with all members of society
sharing in the work and products. It means that everyone works for the greater
good. Also read on what is socialism?

Fascism is described as a system of government characterized by rigid one party
dictatorship, a forcible suppression of opposition, all private economic
enterprises should be under government control, aggressive nationalism, racism
and militarism.

Difference Between Fascism and Socialism

•Fascism is an extremist ideology. It believes in a super patriotic and
dictatorial single party state. People who believe in fascism are known as
•Fascists believe in a concept that states a nation or people can only prosper
if they are constantly fighting with other nations or its own people. The weak
are killed and the strong live ahead.
•Fascist governments are dictatorial. There is no right for free speech and
opposition against the government is a strict no no.
•Nowadays, people have made fascism an adjective, which they use to label
governments which they don't like to see.
•Some of the popular fascist countries have been Germany under the rule of Adolf
Hitler, Italy under Benito Mussolini, Spain under Fransisco Franco, Argentina
under Peron, Chile under Pinochet and Japan under Tojo.
•Socialism is not an ideology. It advocates theories of an economical and
liberal society, where public workers directly own their properties and
factories. A socialist society is a free society which gives equal access to
resources through the method of equality and brotherhood.
•Socialism sounds nice, but a large number of people feel it's impractical.
Human nature abolishes a practical implementation of socialism, every time it
gets a chance. People have strongly objected the theory of socialism.
•Rational people often call it impractical, one of the main objectives of
socialism is to solve the inequalities between people, but let's be honest, we
won't allow it.
•Some popular socialist countries are the USSR, Communist China, Sweden,
England, Cuba and North Korea. Socialism is also a concept that is followed in
some countries like Africa, as well as some in south east Asia. Recently
Venezuela has also become a socialist country under the leadership of its
president Hugo Chavez.
Socialism vs fascism, these two political ideas differ from each other greatly.
The best way to describe socialism vs fascism is that they are two opposite
sides of the same power coin – one is on the left side and other is on the right
side. Read more on:
•Communism vs Socialism
•Difference between Socialism and Communism
This article on socialism vs fascism can be a matter of debate. In today's
world, a mixture of both can be used and applied to see a successful and stable
Chávez's version of Bolivarianism, although drawing heavily from Simón Bolívar's ideals, was also influenced by the writings of Marxist historian Federico Brito Figueroa. Chávez was also thoroughly steeped in the South American tradition of socialism and communism early in his life, such as that practiced by Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Salvador Allende. Other key influences on Chávez's political philosophy include Ezequiel Zamora and Simón Rodríguez. Although Chávez himself refers to his ideology as Bolivarianismo ("Bolivarianism"), Chávez's supporters and opponents in Venezuela refer to themselves as being either for or against "chavismo"[citation needed]. Chávez supporters refer to themselves as "chavistas."[citation needed]
Later in his life, Chávez would acknowledge the role that democratic socialism (a form of socialism that emphasizes grassroots democratic participation in neighbourhood committees that are apart from the constitutional democratic institutions) plays in Bolivarianism. For example, on 30 January 2005 at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Chávez declared his support for democratic socialism as integral to Bolivarianism, proclaiming that humanity must embrace "a new type of socialism, a humanist one, which puts humans, and not machines or the state, ahead of everything."[1] He later reiterated this sentiment in a 26 February speech at the 4th Summit on Social Debt held in Caracas.

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